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'It's Been a Long, Long Time' played quietly on the radio situated above the sink, just loud enough to be heard over the sizzling of pancakes in the frying pan. It was a spacious kitchen for just two people, but it was quickly made obvious why that had been the case.

Almost every single cupboard was open, and so was the refrigerator door. A mixture of ingredients, plates, glasses, cutlery, and even a feather duster flew around the room. Nobody to hold them, just a simple free float, almost as if they'd been possessed by a ghost.

The feather duster flitted from corner to corner, clearing any sort of cobweb that could tarnish the idea of them having a picture-perfect house. Plates, glasses, and cutlery graciously set themselves on the table, quickly followed by a bottle of maple syrup, whipped cream, and fruit. Napkins laid themselves out beside the plates, and a carton of orange juice poured itself into the two glasses on the table. A spatula casually flipped the pancakes when needed, and a bowl full of pancake mix prepared itself for a fresh pour.

To a normal person, it was a terrifying chaos, but to the inhabitants of the house, it was just a normal day.

Y/n stood in the centre of the kitchen, a magazine flipping from page to page in front of her. She had a focused look on her face, obviously trying to find a specific piece of information. Her wrists flicked about in the open air, controlling the levitating chaos around her as she kept most of her attention on the magazine. An apron had been fastened around her waist, protecting her dress from any sort of mess, but there wasn't any point to it. Y/n wasn't physically cooking. Hell, if it were her, the house would've burnt down a long time ago.

"Good morning, Doll!" A voice suddenly chimed, but y/n seemed too focused on her magazine to notice.

Bucky burst through the kitchen door, a newspaper in hand and a bright smile plastered across his face. He was all dressed up in a nice-looking suit, his tie being the only thing that hadn't been fastened. He could never figure it out, and his vibranium arm just seemed to make things tougher. The super soldier didn't even seem to take notice of the various items floating around the room, it was something that he'd grown used to when it came to his wife.

He hummed along to the song playing on the radio, beginning to make his way toward the counter so he could set the newspaper down. However, just before he could, he was greeted by the feather duster. It hovered in front of him for a few seconds, and then started dusting Bucky's face as if he were a cobweb-filled corner.

The super soldier could've sworn he heard an audience's laughter as he scrunched his face up and pulled the feather duster away, but he decided not to think too much about it. Maybe it was just the radio playing up. Yeah, that had to be it.

He let out a sigh, setting the newspaper and the feather duster on the counter. "Y'know, if you think that this suit doesn't look good on me, you can always tell me. The feather duster calling me a cobweb isn't really boosting my confidence." Bucky teased, leaning against the counter with raised eyebrows.

Y/n whipped around at the sound of Bucky's voice, her eyes wide with surprise. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't even hear you come in!" She exclaimed, a small smile playing at her lips as the feather duster begun to lift up and try to dust Bucky's face again. She flicked her wrist, sending the feather duster on a mission to clean the rest of the house. "You look great in that suit, and you know it."

Bucky rolled his eyes, a bashful smile appearing on his face at the sweet compliment. Y/n was right, he did look good in the suit, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. His boss was visiting the store today, and he wanted to make sure that everything was perfect. The boss was known for being ruthless, and Bucky couldn't risk losing the store. He loved it far too much.

You see, Bucky was a shoemaker. He had a small shop just on the corner of Westview's town square, and it was perfect. Y/n and Bucky had decorated it together, and she almost always came to visit with a packed lunch for them to share. It wasn't much, but it was what Bucky adored, and there was no way he was going to let his boss take it away from him.

"I guessed that you couldn't hear me, you seemed pretty interested in that magazine of yours." He teased, watching as y/n smoothed his jacket down and begun to work on his tie. It was nice that he didn't even have to ask for help, y/n always knew what to do, and he always knew what to do when it came to her. "What were you looking for? Looking at 'tips for single ladies' isn't usually what you look at." Bucky hummed curiously, a fond smile playing at his lips as he watched y/n flick her wrists and snap the magazine shut.

Y/n smiled, glancing up at Bucky for a split second before she focused her attention back onto his tie. "I was trying to find tips on how to properly clean a vibranium arm! Do you remember when you got maple syrup stuck in a few of the crevices? You couldn't bend your arm for three days." She laughed, finally finishing the tie as she began to smooth it down. "I can't seem to find any information on it, though. That's the fifth magazine I've flipped through."

Bucky let out a quiet chuckle at the memory of getting maple syrup stuck in his vibranium arm. It was such an embarrassing few days. He almost had to close up shop, but luckily y/n was able to lend a hand. "Well, we are an unusual couple." He hummed, pressing a quick kiss to y/n's lips before he made his way over to the table. Bucky wasn't surprised that she couldn't find any information on cleaning a vibranium arm, it wasn't a very common thing, but he wasn't going to tease y/n for that. It was sweet that she was so determined.

"I wouldn't doubt that for a second. Now eat! You've got a big day ahead of you." Y/n grinned, using her magic to set a plate full of pancakes down in front of her husband. She sat down opposite Bucky, setting herself up with her own plate of pancakes. "Y'know who isn't an unusual couple?" Y/n asked, sticking her tongue to focus as she poured maple syrup onto her pancakes. "Fred and Darlene!"

Fred and Darlene, the fake names that they used. A perfect couple, and the stars of the town.

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