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Less than half an hour to cook a perfect dinner.

It was pure chaos. Pots and pans clanged together, food sizzled, water bubbled, wooden spoons and whisked zoomed about the room at a dangerous speed, and ingredients had been spilt everywhere. Y/n had no idea what she was cooking, nor did she have any control over what was going on, she just had to trust her magic. Bucky needed her to make something, and that was her only priority.

The poor guy had been forced to entertain the Harts. Humiliating sing-a-longs, random facts about the shoe store, anything. Small talk wasn't Bucky's strong point. Y/n was usually the one to do all the rambling, not him. She could talk for hours about the most random things that fascinated her, and everybody would hang on to every single word. It was one of the things he adored so much about her. But, Bucky wasn't as good at storytelling as his wife was. He was very confident when it was just him and y/n, but other people - especially his boss - caused him to put a guard up.

The super soldier had a complexion comparable to a tomato as he sat in the armchair opposite to where the Harts were sat. It was the most uncomfortable situation he'd had in a long time. He could feel his boss' annoyed glare getting stronger and stronger by the minute, practically burning holes through his skin. All he wanted was to make a good impression. The store visit had gone so well, but this evening just kept getting messier and messier.

Mrs Hart was completely oblivious. She was having an amazing time listening to all of Bucky's stories, and she adored the little sing-a-longs. It was definitely the most entertaining visit she'd had in a long time. Usually, her husband's employees would mainly focus on impressing him - fancy dinners, sophisticated music, and boring talks about business. So Mrs Hart was really enjoying the down-to-earth approach that the couple had decided to take.

Mr Hart definitely didn't have the same views as his wife. He was sick of waiting, and he wasn't amused by any of Bucky's attempts at stalling. He expected something far more sophisticated, but instead they were sat on the couch doing sing-a-longs whilst they waited for dinner to be ready. Mr Hart was a very impatient man, and he was disappointed in Bucky. He'd been so impressed at the store, everything was organised and slick, yet at home it was a complete mess. It was almost as if the couple had forgotten that they were visiting tonight.

"I'm done with waiting. This night has been a mess!" Mr Hart huffed, completely interrupting another one of Bucky's stories. He stood up from the couch, an angry look in his eyes as he scanned around for the door. His wife grabbed his hand in a desperate attempt for him to sit back down, but he was having none of it. "First, we enter your house and the lights aren't even on. There were rose petals all across the floor, and your wife was wearing something far from respectable!" He scolded, throwing his arms up into the air. "And then you sit us down, and you make us listen to you drone on and on about the store, like you have nothing else going on in your life! Look, I'm starting to think that you're not-"

"Dinner is served." Y/n suddenly chimed in from across the room, saving Bucky from the upsetting situation. She had changed to something more... suited for the night, and was busy untying the apron from around her waist.

The table had been set, and a beautiful steak dinner was on display. It was obvious to her husband that she'd used her powers to speed the process up, but to the Harts it just seemed like a grand meal. Still steaming hot, and the vegetables beside it looked perfect.

Mrs Hart gasped in delight at the sight of the meal, it looked amazing. "Oh, wow!" She exclaimed, standing up from the couch. "See, Arthur? I told you we wouldn't have to wait much longer." She hummed, slapping his arm in a scolding manner as she strolled toward the table. "Come on, I'm starving."

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