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"Welcome to our-"

Bucky suddenly cut himself off, stood in the doorway with Mr and Mrs Hart stood behind him, both peeking into the house with similar confused looks. His mouth hung open in complete disbelief at the sight before him, not able to process a single second.

The house was completely dim, the only source of light being the several candles scattered about the place. Romantic music echoed across the room, resonating from the radio in the kitchen. It was a truly beautiful atmosphere, especially with the rose petals that created a path toward the bedroom, but it was also obvious that Bucky and y/n didn't have the same plan in mind.

"You two head in, I'll try and find the light switch." Bucky rushed out, trying his hardest to find an excuse for what y/n had set up. "My wife is very handy with flowers, you see. Wherever I look, I can always see a petal somewhere on the ground!" He joked with a nervous laugh as the couple begun to walk into the house. Mrs Hart laughed along, but the husband did not, and that just made the poor super solider even more on edge. He desperately searched for the light switch, using both his vibranium hand and his normal hand to feel across the wall.

That was when y/n crept out of the kitchen, a mischievous smirk on her face. But, the problem was, she couldn't see properly in the dark, nor was she aware that the Harts were visiting. She just decided to walk toward the first figure that she saw, guessing it was Bucky because she wasn't really expecting any other visitors. Y/n tiptoed behind the figure, gently setting her hands over their eyes. "Guess who..." She cooed in a sensual tone, resting her chin on the person's shoulder.

And that was when the lights suddenly flickered on, bathing the room in a bright light.

Y/n gasped as the lights turned on, making direct eye contact with Bucky from across the room. She quickly ripped her hands away from the unknown man's eyes, turning a bright shade of red. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, desperately covering herself up with her robe. She didn't know what to do. It was supposed to be their anniversary night. Not a random visit. She didn't have anything prepared. "I-"

Bucky's mouth hung open once again, but this time at the sight of y/n. She was wearing something very... sensual, and if it wasn't for the fact that they currently had guests, Bucky would've been more than happy to go through with y/n's 'plans' for the night. He swallowed hard, quickly regaining his composure as he hurried toward his wife.

The super soldier wrapped an arm around y/n, holding her close as if to act as a human shield for his wife, wanting to protect her from any further embarrassment with what she was wearing. "This is the lovely wife I've been telling you about!" Bucky exclaimed with another nervous laugh, rubbing y/n's side slightly. "Darlene, meet my boss, Mr Hart, and his beautiful wife, Mrs Hart."

Y/n practically clung to Bucky's side, grateful that he was covering her up a little more. She forced a warm smile onto her face, quickly reaching a hand out to shake Mr Hart's hand. "Lovely to meet you both!" She exclaimed, trying her hardest to figure out a way to wriggle out of the awkward situation. "So sorry about the odd greeting! It's something that Fred and I do all the time, I forget that nobody else is used to it!"

Mrs Hart laughed happily, completely oblivious to the nervous laughter emitting from the other happy couple. She held onto her husband's hand, squeezing it in an attempt to make him liven up. "Oh, that's fine! I think unique greetings are quite sweet, don't you, dear?" Mrs Hart cooed, turning toward her husband, but she only seemed to get an unimpressed hum as a response.

Y/n continued to smile and laugh along, slowly peeling herself away from Bucky. She kept a tight grip on her robe, desperate to not expose herself even more than she already had as she made her way toward the kitchen door. "Could I see you in the kitchen for a moment, Fred?" She cooed with raised eyebrows.

Bucky didn't have a choice, and he knew that. The pair needed to talk. They needed to figure out how they'd gotten so confused over the plans for tonight, and Bucky wanted a closer look at what y/n was wearing. "Of course you can!" He exclaimed with fake enthusiasm, watching as y/n disappeared into the kitchen. The super soldier turned to face the Harts as he started to head toward the kitchen, a happy grin on his face. "Go and get settled, we'll be just a moment!"

As soon as that kitchen door closed, y/n and Bucky's facades dropped. Both in complete and utter shock with one another.

"What's going on? I thought we were on the same page!" Y/n whisper-yelled, her eyes wide with surprise. She couldn't believe she'd just embarrassed herself out there. That definitely wasn't the typical 'Darlene' image that everyone else in the town saw. "Oh my god, I-" Y/n rambled, resting her hands on her forehead as she began to pace around the room.

Bucky didn't know what to say. He was just as surprised as y/n was. "What're you wearing?" He whispered-yelled back, unable to tear his eyes from the sight of y/n. It definitely wasn't something to wear for a dinner with his boss. Now, that didn't mean Bucky didn't appreciate it. He couldn't lift his jaw off of the floor when he first switched the lights on, but they didn't have time to do any of the things that his mind was begging him to do.

"It's our anniversary!" Y/n exclaimed in an exasperated tone, pointing toward the calendar. "That's what the heart meant! That's why I dressed up like this, and why there are candles, and rose petals, and-" She took a sharp breath, overwhelmed at the fact that she'd just exposed herself in front of Bucky's boss. The one that could take their store away at any moment. "I'm so stupid."

Bucky shook his head, resting his hands on y/n's hips so he could pull her closer. "Hey, don't talk like that. We both forgot." He said in a reassuring tone, knowing that he had to calm her down before objects begun to float around the room. "My boss' name is Arthur Hart, and he's out there with his wife, Mrs Hart. That's why there's a heart on the calendar." He hummed, trying to defuse the situation. "So whilst I appreciate your plans for tonight-" He cut himself off, looking y/n up and down once more, causing his wife to slap his shoulder. "And I promise you, I do-"

"But you need a home cooked meal for four." Y/n sighed, finishing Bucky's sentence. It was nice to see her husband appreciate her so much, but there were definitely other things they needed to focus on. She moved away from Bucky's hold, glancing around for ideas of what she could cook in a short amount of time. "I'm guessing they don't want two chocolate-covered strawberries split between us?"

"No, I don't think they do." Bucky chuckled, a fond smile starting to reappear on his once-stressed face. Everything was under control.

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