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** Outside of Westview, just after Geraldine was 'politely removed' by y/n. **

"So, what do we know about y/n y/l/n?" The director of S.W.O.R.D asked.

The entirety of Westview had been surrounded by impromptu military bases. There were scientists, negotiators, soldiers, everything. Nobody knew what to do, nor did they know how to approach a situation like this, which was understandable. It wasn't every day that a super-powered person takes a whole town hostage and forces them to star in a sitcom.

S.W.O.R.D were the first to uncover what was happening in Westview, but it didn't take long for them to realise that they were out of their depth. So, they called out for help from the Avengers - or at least the people they could contact, which ended up only being Bruce, and Bruce decided to call Wanda. However, upon Wanda's request, S.W.O.R.D were only there to aid in the recovery of the hostages. The Avengers would assume responsibility for y/n.

S.W.O.R.D agents, scientists, and other observers were all gathered in one room, all patiently waiting for Bruce to start the debrief. There were several screens across the front of the room, ready for Bruce to pull up any images and information needed to aid with the explanation.

Wanda was stood near the back of the room, close enough to be able to see the screens and Bruce, but far enough to not be involved in speaking. She didn't want to speak on the topic and scrutinize y/n like everyone else was, it wasn't fair on her. So, she simply lurked in the back. Bruce had told Wanda that she could skip the meeting, but she refused. Somebody had to stick up for y/n if people started lying.

Bruce cleared his throat, setting his mug of coffee down on the table in the centre of the room as he scanned the small crowd of people. Trying to figure out what was going on in Westview had caused him to suffer several sleepless nights, and it was obvious. But, there was nobody else better equipped (and alive) for the job. He was used to running meetings, he was debriefing the teams on missions, but this still made him anxious.

"Y/n is a mimic. In short terms, it's 'monkey see, monkey do'. Or at least that's how Tony explained it." Bruce said with a heavy breath, tapping away at his tablet so he could upload some images to the screens. "She can perfectly copy other people's powers, and store them. As you can see here with these images." He explained, nodding to the screen as numerous images popped up of y/n using webs to swing around the city, using her fire powers, and creating illusions of herself. "That's why, despite not being the Scarlet Witch, she is able to replicate Wanda's powers to such a large extent." Bruce informed, nodding toward Wanda, who simply seemed to nod in response.

The director of S.W.O.R.D tilted his head to the side as he looked at the images on the screen, crossing his arms over his chest. "So, what's her connection to Barnes?" He asked, causing many people in the room to roll their eyes. Y/n and Bucky's relationship had always been very popular on social media. Before Steve and his team were framed as war criminals, the pair couldn't go anywhere without being pictured or videoed. It wasn't a shock that the director wasn't aware, he practically lived under a rock, but it was funny to hear the collective sigh.

A small smile played at Bruce lips as he heard the sigh, but as soon as he met the director's stone-cold glare, he realised the man was being serious. Bruce swallowed hard, removing the current images from the screen as he started to speak. "Y/n and Bucky met during their time in Hydra. They were typically paired together due to their ranged skill sets, and were able to carry out hundreds of assassinations across the world." He explained, pulling up a few files and images - they were mostly about Bucky, especially since y/n was kept under wraps, but that didn't matter.

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