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Poor Peter.

When Bucky died, y/n immediately looked for someone to blame, and that someone was Peter. He was the one that handed Bucky the gauntlet, and he was the one that was supposed to protect him, therefore he was the one to blame.

Of course, it wasn't actually his fault. He had no idea what was about to happen, and he was caught off guard as much as Bucky was. But y/n was blinded by overwhelming grief and shock, so that was what she believed at the time.

Peter was the first person to run over and comfort her, and she screamed at him. She berated him with a lingering venom in each word, and then blasted him across the battlefield without another thought. It was bitter and ruthless. Words came out of her mouth that a so-called best friend should never say.

At Tony's funeral, she completely ignored Peter - well, she ignored everyone. She knew that if she opened her mouth or actually reattached herself into the world, she'd break down. But Peter was different. He tried to talk to y/n at the end of the funeral, but y/n shoved straight past him. Obviously still blaming him for everything that had happened.

Y/n felt terrible about it now. The poor kid had been through enough. He'd been blamed for Bucky's death and lost Tony on the same day, and whilst y/n never saw eye-to-eye with Tony, she knew that Peter was close to him. She just hoped that the kid didn't hate her.

Wanda let out a sad sigh at the mention of Peter, chewing down on her bottom lip as she thought of what to say. "He knows. But he still blames himself for it." She murmured honestly. She knew better than to lie to y/n. "You know what he's like. If a mission goes wrong, he's the first to beat himself up."

Y/n frowned, squeezing her eyes shut out of guilt. Wanda was right, Peter was very critical of himself. God, this must've destroyed him. She felt terrible. What type of person would blame a child for something as serious as that?

Y/n had to apologise, and that was another reason why she needed to let go of Westview. She just hoped that Peter wouldn't push her away, but she'd understand if he did. She said some really hurtful things to him that day.


The pair sat in silence for a long time, which was usually dangerous when it came to grief, what Wanda knew y/n needed it. She needed time. Time to come to terms with saying goodbye. Time without Wanda pressing on about her needing to let go.

Wanda decided to just stare out of the church windows as she waited for y/n to speak up again, watching as people and cars whizzed past. She'd never say it out loud because it wasn't appropriate, but what y/n had done was pretty impressive. The woman was only mimicking her, yet she was able to unlock another level of power that Wanda didn't even know existed. Hell, if she did, she would've brought Vision back in a heartbeat. But she didn't. She didn't because she had y/n.

Y/n was there for her when Vision died, even if it was only for a short time before the dusting occurred. She was there to protect the pair from Thanos so that they could say goodbye. She put her life on the line just so Wanda could do it on her terms. Now it was Wanda's time to return the favour.

However, a certain figure walking past one of the church windows quickly caught Wanda's attention. Her eyes widening as she sat up a little straighter, glancing down at the broken woman on her lap before she looked back up at the window. "Hey, Bucky's coming." She rushed out, still trying to keep her tone of voice calm despite the urgency of the situation. She knew that y/n wouldn't want Bucky to see her like this. "Go clean yourself up in the bathroom, okay? I'll stall."


Bucky let out a nervous breath as he walked toward the church. It was the last place he expected y/n to be, but according to Agnes, she'd walked that way 'in a huff' earlier. Of course, that never meant anything good. He'd expected that Wanda was going to be another 'Geraldine situation', especially since she seemed so shocked at her arrival last night, but, Bucky was determined to stay oblivious.

He had to stay smiling, he had to pretend that everything was perfectly fine. Y/n deserved a happy goodbye, and he was going to give that to her no matter what.

Bucky forced a warm smile onto his face, holding a bouquet of flowers with one hand whilst the other reached out to push the door open. He couldn't help but feel a little scared of what he was going to see inside of the church. Usually y/n never broke character, but if Agnes saw her 'in a huff' then Wanda was definitely in trouble. Or at least that was what he thought until the church door opened.

Wanda was stood on the other side of the door, looking as if she was about to open it herself. "Oh!" She exclaimed with an awkward laugh. She'd used her magic to teleport her bags and her coat to the church, and was currently stood with everything in her hands. "I was just about to leave! George told me that my car was fixed, so Darlene and I decided to meet in here so that we could have a bit more privacy whilst saying goodbye. You know what it's like, we've known each other for years." Wanda grinned, bustling past Bucky with all of her bags. God, it was crazy how easily she'd slipped back into character.

"Darlene's just in the bathroom, but I'm sure she'll be out soon! So sorry that we never really got to catch up, but I'm desperate to get home!" Wanda laughed, her smile bright - acting as if she'd gone through an emotional whirlwind with y/n inside of that church. "It was lovely meeting you, Fred! I hope we can meet up again soon!" She exclaimed as she hurried down the path. However, as Wanda glanced back to wave goodbye, the look in both of their eyes was bittersweet.

It was a knowing glance.

They both knew what was about to happen.

"Bye, Wanda."

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