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Back at home, y/n was completely and utterly crashed out on the couch. She was exhausted, and her becoming sick seemed to be the only thing to help her realise it. Having a break from her busy life was nice. Really nice.

Darlene was what Bucky liked to call a 'busybody'. She always had things to do. Whether it be something as simple as visiting a friend when they're sick, to being the head of the committee. There was always something happening in the town, and everyone seemed to run to Darlene or Fred for help. It was sweet, it really was, especially when the pair tried so hard to fit in, but God, it was draining.

Y/n hadn't realised how much she needed a break until her head hit the couch cushion that morning. After that, she'd been fast asleep. Peacefully sprawled out across the couch, her cheek smushed against the cushion as the thick blanket slowly slid off of her body. No responsibilities. No stresses. Just silence. Just peace.

Objects were still floating and flinging their way across the house, but not enough to destroy anything. It was enough for a person to think the house was possessed, but that was a normal ordeal in the Barnes household. Her powers had decided to 'play nice' for once, simply clearing away any messes in the kitchen and folding laundry. It was a complete contrast to what her powers had been up to that morning. Books that had been tossed at Bucky's head were now casually settling themselves back on the bookshelves. Y/n definitely wasn't going to complain.

However, a loud knock at the door suddenly ripped y/n out of dreamland.

She jolted awake with a gasp, eyes barely open as she forced herself to sit up. Her head was still pounding, and sitting up so fast certainly didn't help, but she didn't have any choice. That person was a persistent knocker. They just kept going and going. "Just a minute!" Y/n yelled, her voice hoarse and crackly. She let out a heavy sigh as she stood up from the couch, running a hand over her face to try and wake herself up. Y/n clicked her fingers, causing her outfit to change into something comfortable - well, anything that wasn't her pyjamas was acceptable.

God, she'd been having such a good dream. Who'd be knocking at the door at this time of day? The town probably knew she was sick, so they definitely wouldn't disturb her, right?

Y/n stopped at the front door, not opening it just yet. She had to get into character. Big smile, good posture, perfect house. She always liked to joke with Bucky that acting like Darlene made her look like the little girl in the 'Princess Best' advertisements - all she needed was a yellow dress, then they'd be identical.

She took a deep breath, wiping her stuffy nose with the back of her hand - graceful. Darlene would've used a tissue, but y/n didn't have time for that. The person at the door hadn't stopped knocking. God, it sounded like they were going to knock the door down if they kept going. Y/n kept a forced smiled painted across her face, slowly turning the handle and opening the front door.


Right, y/n had forgotten that she'd invited Geraldine over for a little get-to-know chat.

Geraldine had her typical sunny grin on her face, a hopeful look in her eyes. She had a large flask tucked under one of her arms, both hands clasped together in excitement. "Darlene! I hope it's still okay that I'm here! I heard you were sick, so I decided to make some soup for us to share whilst we chat." She hummed, taking the flask out from under her arm and shaking it a little as if y/n hadn't already noticed it. "Here, I'll get it all poured out. Go sit yourself back down!" She exclaimed, walking straight into the house before y/n could say a word.

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