┊zhongli -2

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your breath hitched, at least you said it. right?

your eyes slowly peeled off the counter, gathering the courage to look at him. his back was still to you, but his hand was on the edge of the sink, clenched in a fist. you felt a little threatened, did he hate it that much? the back of his head was tilted over with his other hand on the nape of his neck.

a sigh left your mouth, you stood up from the stool you'd been sitting on and put your cup down. "thank you for the tea. forget i said anything." he didn't say a thing. not even a "wait" or "come back" nothing but stern silence

and with that you swiftly left the building, your jaw clenched. due to your temporary residence you didn't have anywhere to go, and honestly right now you could care less. you closed the front gate outside of zhonglis house, not bothering to cast back a look. if you did you'd end up caving into your own desires and would return to him.

you walked along the slowly darkening paths of liyue feeling miserable. crowds were up ahead with familiar acquaintances you'd met a few times, the embarrassment of not wanting them to see you like this lead you to vanish towards an alleyway. at least you were alone.

slowly, you fell to your knees. you felt you were being dramatic, but were you really one to care when you'd embarrassed yourself in front of him? silent, anguished cries left you. it was pathetic and you knew it. to be sobbing in a miscellaneous alley near dusk, you'd really downgraded hadn't you.

you weren't usually sensitive to matters like these, but you just couldn't help it, the feeling of guilt, unease and shame were overbearing.

after a while of pondering, weeping and agitation, you decided to get up. it was dark now and the city lights were on. the February air was cold, sweeping around your shoulders. you shivered, somehow you'd have to go back to that house, if you wanted to survive the night without freezing to death that is. maybe that isn't so bad? whatever.

you looked all around liyue for spare rooms or a shed in someone's back garden to stay in, which was welcomed with defeat. your spirits were low now, lower than before. you were at the last building you could seek for refuge. nervously, you knocked.

the owner opened the door, it was a very pretty lady smiling at you. you were blinded by her beauty for 3 seconds before coming to your senses. "h-hi there!! i was just wondering if you perhaps had a spare room? i'll pay! or a shed or something like that i don't know it's just that well i-" " it's you- i mean of course! you can come in" she stepped back from the door, signalling for you to come in.

you were shocked at first, her kindness was radiant. "-thank you!" you finally said, smiling.

she took care of you for the rest of the night. you were put in the upstairs bedroom which held a view of the ocean and a few houses, residents were turning off their lights preparing for their day to end. you curiously looked around the room while the woman was gone. it was strange, she seemed so familiar yet you couldn't put a finger on it.

she knocked on the door, "can i come in?" you spun around and sat on the bed, "yes!" she entered with a tray and a basket, setting them down on the desk near the door. "i brought you some supper, i hope you'll like it but if not that's fine! -also a change of clothes in case you get too cold." she beamed at you again. this woman is truly striking you thought.

"thank you so very much. my money is in my bag so just name a price and i'll give you anything -well er within reason" you smiled awkwardly. it's not like you had a lot of money, you really didn't.

"don't worry about it, i don't need any money for this, so truly! don't worry about yourself" she is the kindest person in teyvat, you thought. "oh by the way- i'm sorry what's your name?" you asked.

she paused, "well, do i seem familiar?" " a little" you replied. she giggled, "correct! you've heard of me before." you were confused " i'm sorry- i really don't remem-" "ganyu, that's my name" she grinned.

"zhongli probably told you about me, i'm sure. honestly, the only thing he ever talked about was you! every little thing. even when he hadn't seen you for a while he would still tell us about something you did, i can't believe i'm finally meeting you"

your cheeks grew hot. your eyes made contact with ganyus then lost it again, "why is it that you aren't at his house right now? might i ask." "well um" "if you don't want to tell me it's alright"

"no i do! it's just, embarrassing." you filled her in on what had happened earlier, including talking about how much you liked him, and also hated him right now.

"wow that's, quite a day you've had." you sighed "yeah." "wait, so you asked him to go but  left in the end without an answer?" "well.. to be fair he didn't answer me! so!" you were stubborn, ganyu chuckled.

"go to the festival tomorrow, he'll find you there." you looked up at her, " how do you know? what if i don't want to see him?" "i just.. know. good night!" "wait!-"

she was gone sooner than she had arrived. you brought your plate over from the desk to your bed and laid your head on the pillow. there were so many thoughts in your head right now, and you didn't have the energy to sort them.

tomorrow was the thing that consistently popped up

𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐁𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄 -𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬-Where stories live. Discover now