Chapter sixteen

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I meet up with Kyle and Cole at the café down the street

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I meet up with Kyle and Cole at the café down the street. I haven't been this worried for a long time. I mean, what if my hypothesis is right? What if he tells me that he's got feelings for Joey? She did say that we should listen to him and not judge him, but I'm not sure I'll be able to contain myself if he confesses his feelings for my girlfriend. He's like a brother to me, but man, that's bro code. You don't catch feelings for your friend's girlfriend, and you most certainly don't confess them to her.

After a while of simply sitting at a table, sipping on our coffees, I ask in the most insensitive way, "Is there anything you want to tell us?"

Kyle nods, an unsure look in his eyes. "I know I said a lot of things last night and I want you to know that I didn't mean them. Especially what I said about Joey. She made us all better, she brought light in our world, she didn't only do good on you, Xander, she did on me too. She made me realize who I wanted to be and now, I'm ready to assume, but before I can, there's something you both need to know."

There goes nothing. He's going to tell me that he has feeling for my girl, I'm going to remain calm, take a deep breath and remind him that she's with me and always will be. I hope.

"First of all, it wasn't entirely your fault that we didn't hang out much anymore. I needed to think, to really be sure of what has been going on in my head. So, I'll admit it, I've kind of been avoiding you guys for a while. Second, big revelation. I really hope Joey is right about this. I... Hum... I'm gay."

I think my jaw drops to the floor, hitting the table on its way down. I look over to Cole for a second, then look back at Kyle and he's just sitting there, waiting for a reaction.

"Damn, I thought you were in love with Joey," I laugh, letting a sigh of relief escape my body. "I don't care whether you love girls or boys, Kyle, I just want you to be happy," I add more seriously.

"Yeah, bro," Cole says. "You're still the same Kyle. You still suck at basketball."

The three of us burst out laughing. Though, it's a fact. He couldn't play even if it could save his life. That's how bad he is at it.

"Come on," I get up from my seat, offering him a hand and bringing him in for a quick masculine handshake, mixed up with a hug. "So... you got eyes on someone?"

I don't know why I ask. Maybe it's the fact that my best friend actually likes men, and I am one. Maybe it's just out of curiosity, because I don't want to be kept aside from his life. Maybe it's because the situation is a bit awkward. I really don't know.

"Well... since you asked, yes. I've been seeing someone for a few weeks. We met at karaoke night."

Kyle tells us everything about this mysterious guy he's been seeing recently and from what I heard, he's a nice guy, which I'm happy to hear. I want what's best for Kyle, he deserves to be happy and cared for, whether it's by a girl or a boy. I don't give a shit about that kind of details. When we get back to my apartment where Joey and Kayla are hanging out, we join them to watch a movie. It feels like everything is back to normal. We're all laughing, happy at the same time, enjoying each other's presence. During the second movie, Joey falls asleep on my lap, my fingers running through her hair tenderly and I can't keep my eyes off of her, I don't care that it's one of my favorite movie playing on the screen, she's my all-time favorite sight. Nothing compares to her, to the effect she has on me, to the happiness she brings in my life.

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