Chapter 2 [Work]

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-You woke up bright and early, you wanted to make a good first impression by coming to work on time. Getting up from your bed you made your way toward the bathroom, locking the door behind you, you began to brush your (H/L), (H/C) hair, styling it in (H/S). Once you were done with that you began to wash your face and teeth. Putting some light makeup that matched your (S/C) skin, you looked at yourself in the mirror, satisfied with how you look you unlocked the bathroom and walked towards the kitchen.

Once you came into the kitchen, you made yourself some nice breakfast to give you energy for the work today. Sitting down at the table you began eating the food while turning on the TV. Honestly, you didn't really care what was broadcasting you just wanted some background sounds so the place wouldn't feel so quiet and empty.
What did catch your attention was the article about missing children. Quickly turning the volume up you began to listen closely.

"Many incidents have been reported about children mysteriously going missing, it's been said that many if not all of the missing children had last been seen around, or inside the "Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex" tho police quickly crossed it out with having nothing to do with the missing cases, due to the security footage showing no suspicious acts going on inside the mall.
Sadly none of them had been found, but if you do happen to have any information about any of the missing cases we do ask you to report it to the police."

With that, they started to show images of the missing children alongside some of their physical traits, and the clothing they have been wearing on the day they have gone missing. You just knew that that mall has something to do with the missing cases! It's clear as a day, that's why this article made you want to know the truth even more! But it also broke your heart that those young children are most likely dead by now, you didn't wanna believe it but you just knew that that was the case. Sighing you got up, put the dishes in the sink and walked over to the front door, quickly putting on your shoes you opened the door and stepped out of the house, stopping for a second to breathe in the fresh morning air you walked over to (Y/B)'s car, he let you borrow it for work until you got yourself one.

Hopping in the car, you made sure to adjust the car seat just perfectly for your height, after finishing with that you finally turned the car on driving to the Pizzaplex

[Time Skip]

Opening the glass doors you entered the giant mall, looking around only a few people were walking around, who'd you assume were the other workers and S.T.A.F.F. bots. Wanting to see how the bots work you approached one of them, only for it to start waving a map in front of your face "Hi, please take a map" it said abruptly making you jump slightly. Taking the map you turned around just to be faced with Vanessa walking over to you. "(Y/N) I see you came early," she said shaking your hand, "Oh I did! You know I wanted to make a good first impression," you said nervously rubbing the back of your neck with your free hand.

"Well, I'm sure boss is going to appreciate you coming early, now you should go to his office to check-in and so he could give your uniform." She said while releasing your hand, you nodded and thanked her before walking to the owner's office. Lightly knocking on the door, it took a few seconds before you heard a "Come in!" from the inside of the office, opening the door you saw the owner sitting in his chair reading, what looked like the newspapers. "Ah (Y/N)! you're early" he said not looking up from the papers he was reading.

"I am. I didn't want to be late for the first day of my new job" you nodded as he just hummed. "You're responsible, I like that. Well, all I need you to do is put on this uniform" he said opening a drawer in his desk before handing you a neatly folded uniform, quickly thanking him you exited his office and headed towards the toilet. Going into a free stall you locked the door and changed into the white uniform. Stepping out of the stall you looked at yourself in the mirror, the uniform was just in your size, smiling at yourself in the mirror you thought "I can do this! It's just some easy job as a security guard! But I need to focus on learning more about this place." Excitedly opening the toilet doors you walked over to the main desk where Vanessa seemed to be working on the computer.

You stood behind her watching as she did some check-up's on the mall, clearing your throat you spoke up "Hey, I'm back I got the uniform" this seemed to make Vanessa jump a little, turning around and seeing it was you she claimed down. "Oh good, here let me just-" she said as she began roaming around the desk drawer before she picked up a small silver badge and handed it to you. As you took the silver badge you saw it had your name written on it, thanking Vanessa you quickly put the badge on. "Okay (Y/N) all I need you to do is to help me bring the new supplies that were delivered this morning," she said as she stood up. You did what she told you to and followed her.

As Vanessa unlocked the storage room you stepped inside and admired how big the room is, tho your admiring was cut short by Vanessa's voice "Over here, this packages right there" she said pointing to a pile of boxes stacked one on top of each other. Walking over, you took one of the boxes as Vanessa did the same "So where do we put them? " you asked walking out of the storage room, "We need to put them in the main party room" she said walking over to a party table and placing the box down, you doing the same. After repeating that a few times and making small talk in between it was time to unpack the supplies.

Opening the box you took out the paper plates that had pictures of the main four on them. Deciding to break the silence you began to talk "Sooo.. Did you ever work a job before this one or is this your first one? " you asked awkwardly, placing the paper plates on the table. It took her a few seconds to respond, she didn't seem like a talkative person "No I worked before... It was also for Fazbear Entertainment." she said quickly. Curious you asked "Oh really? May I ask where exactly you worked at?.." stopping with unpacking, it looked like she was thinking of a response "I worked at the gaming section... To be exact I worked as a game beta tester," she said continuing with unpacking. "Oh! That's cool! I would assume you tested the "Help Wanted"? " you said while opening another box, you remembered that game, you still have it in your bedroom sitting on the shelf. Once you said the name of the game, Vanessa visibly stiffened, she mumbled something under her breath that you couldn't quite make out. "Vanessa? Is everything okay? " you asked watching as she nervously fidget with her hands. After a few seconds she snapped back into reality "O-oh, Uhm... ye-yeah I tested that game" she said moving on to the next box. You didn't say anything about her spacing out, it was just probably her not being good with socializing. And after a few more boxes and some more small talk you were done with the unpacking.

[Time Skip]

It's been a few hours since the whole unpacking incident, now Vanessa and you are running around getting the animatronics ready for their performance. "Do you see Freddy? He's needed in less than 10 minutes! " Vanessa said nervously looking around, "Don't worry Vanessa, I'm sure he's some whereeee.. there!" you shouted pointing to the main mascot who was surrounded by a bunch of young children, seeing that she visibly relaxed as you went along with Vanessa to get Freddy away from the crowd of children. "Okay now kids, Freddy has to go! But be sure that you can watch him perform in just 10 minutes! " you said crouching down to their level, while Vanessa took Freddy backstage. The crowd of children was filled with "awh's" "But! Remember that you can always pay and have a private meet and greet with Freddy once he is done with his performance!" and with that children started jumping around before they set off running towards the giant main stage.

As the show started you saw Vanessa standing in the backstage, approaching her, you tapped her shoulder "Oh (Y/N) I have to thank you for helping me a few minutes ago" she said as she turned around "Oh no problem! I'm happy to help" you nodded.

"Hey, do you think we could, maybe you know... exchange phone numbers? I mean only if you want to! We can just use it for work-related stuff! " you said awkwardly waving your hands. Vanessa hesitated for a moment but eventually sighed and gave you her phone number, you doing the same.

You were very excited to make a new friend, sure it will probably take some time for Vanessa to fully open up to you, but you didn't really care you were willing to wait, understanding that she most likely has a hard time speaking to people and making friends.

Hey, Chapter 2 is done! I'm very excited about how the story is going! I can't wait to write more! If you want to feel free to comment on what you think about the story so far!
Word count: 1698
Lots of love! And have an amazing day/night/whatever is the time for you!

-Author 💗

゚+*:;;:* ŞŦŘλ₦GEŘ*:;;:*+゚ /Vanessa(Vanny) x Reader/Where stories live. Discover now