Chapter 8 [Jealousy?.. ]

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Key words for the chapter!:

(Y/N)- your name
(Y/NN)- Your niece's name
(H/S)- Your hair style
(S/C)- Your skin color
(H/L)- Your hair length
(H/C)- Your hair color


After a few minutes, Vanessa came back, her fingers wrapped around the phone, holding it in an iron grip. She smiled thinly at you and set back into the chair.

"Sorry-, I had to take the phone call. It was just my friend Luis. You know? The one I told you about not so long ago?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.
You hummed quietly and tried your best to remember Vanessa telling you about him.

You quickly remembered the night the two of you were texting back and forth.
"Oh yea.. Luis, yea her other friend.."
You nodded your head as Vanessa stretched her arms and leaned back into the chair.

"Yeah, he was my ex-co-worker actually, remember about the job I worked before? Yeah I met him there. He's a nice guy, but he can get a little bit annoying at time. He's been asking me if I would like to go out to dinner with him one time.

He's really a sweetheart but I have been rejecting him the whole time."
She said while picking out the dirt from under her fingernails, not bothering to look up at you.

You on the other hand? You felt mix of emotions. There were so many thoughts and feeling running through your head that you couldn't even keep up with all of them. It hurt to just even try and collect your thoughts.

There was somebody trying to ask Vanessa out to dinner? Some people at this situation would probably slap you across the face and shake your shoulders, while telling you that you were over reacting and that it was probably just Luis being friendly.

But you knew better, you weren't an idiot. You were 100% positive that Luis liked Vanessa.. You couldn't blame him tho, she was truly gorgeous, she had such lovely sunflower blonde hair that was always made into a neat low pony tail, and her forest green eyes.. That you caught yourself staring at a few times.. And-

Wait- What on earth were you doing? "" Stop yourself (Y/N) you're being all weird-" shaking the thoughts aside, you just couldn't help but keep thinking about the Luis guy and the whole situation.

Yea sure he seemed sweet and all but just thinking about him asking Vanessa out made a rain cloud hover above your head. Why tho-? Were you just dumb and not catching up on something? But that's when a bit of anger hit you.

Stupid Luis- and his stupid little dinner dates.. Why does he need to ask Vanessa out. Sure she never agress to them but.. Why? What's the point?..

You desperately fought yourself against rolling your eyes. Scoffing slightly as you fixed your hair that was made into a neatly done (H/S) that really suited your (H/C) hair, and made your facial features stick out- that was at least what (Y/NN) said as she begged you to make your hair this morning.. She was really a sweetheart.

Well you wished Vanessa told you what (Y/NN) did this morning...
"No- (Y/N) get a grip on reality- stop this.. You're being weird again, stop it " thinking that you quickly slapped your hand and let out a quiet cry of pain, whilst shaking your hand, desperately trying to make the stinging pain go away.

Then confusion hit you. Why were you beating yourself up over this so much? Literally and figuratively. Holding your hand you just couldn't understand why did you care so much if someone wanted to ask Vanessa out?..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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