Chapter 4 [The Haunted History ]

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Again quick (A/N) before the chapter starts, thank you so so much for almost 300 reads?! That's so incredible thank you guys for reading and voting means the world to me! Sorry if the chapter is coming out a little late- but yeah! Can't wait for more chapters to come out, and enjoy this one!
Also a quick heads up! Since in this chapter there will be a part where you go and walk around the museum that is in the mall. Some of the things that you find in the museum (throughout this story) aren't confirmed to actually be in the game/aren't actually in the game! I just wrote them in here to make the story more interesting!
Now please enjoy this chapter!

- "BEEP, BEEP" was the sound you woke up to, you would rather wake up to a nice song by the birds but, oh well beggars can't be choosers. Sitting up you rubbed your eyes, trying to stay awake. Looking towards the clock that sat on the bedside table it read "5:15AM" okay, just enough time to get ready.

Hopping out of your bed, you took your uniform that sat on the nearby chair and quietly walked into the bathroom.
Doing your typical routine, you put on the uniform and attached the badge for the finishing touch.

Walking into the kitchen you made yourself some quick and easy breakfast.
Sitting down at the table you thought of last night. "It was nice talking to her... At least I didn't make a fool out of myself- I hope so... " sighing you took another bite of your food. You honestly saw Vanessa as a friend, tho you don't know what she thought about you, you hopped she thought of you as a friend as well, but you never know. Taking your phone, you took a look at the time. "5:50" yeah you should be heading out, taking the phone and putting it in your pocket you walked out of the front door.

[Quick Time Skip]

Walking inside the mall, it was just like yesterday morning, with just a few employees and S.T.A.F.F. bots roaming around. You decide to look for Vanessa since she told you, she'd be here before you. Walking towards the front desk you saw the familiar blonde woman sitting at the desk, scribbling something on a piece of paper.

"Good morning Vanessa" you greeted her with a smile. She turned her head to look at you "Oh, good morning (Y/N). How are you doing?" she asked you, putting her pen down. "I'm doing good, thank you for asking. What about you? How are you feeling?" you asked as you set your bag down. "I'm okay, yeah." she hummed, as you chucked "Did you have enough sleep last night? You seem a bit sleepy". With that, she took the pen back into her hand and avoided eye contact.

"Oh, yeah, yeah I'm alright" she fidgets with the pen while still avoiding your gaze, you raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. You sat in the chair beside her "So what do we have to do today?" you asked, spinning the chair a little. "Just to watch over some birthday parties. Nothing much", you nodded at waited for the shift to begin

[Time Skip]

You were sitting at one of the party tables in the back, watching the kids run around and play with each other. Sighing you turn your head to face Vanessa "Hey, what time it is?" you asked, desperately wanting it to be the time for the lunch break, no you weren't going to use the time for eating, but exploring around the mall, try and find anything about the pizzerias back in the '80s. Okay well, you will eat if you get hungry on your little "adventure".

You were snapped back from your thoughts when you heard Vanessa answer " Uhh it's 9:30" she said looking at her wristwatch. Good only 5 minutes until it's lunch break. "Okay thanks" you smiled at her, and she gave you a thin one in return, deciding to make small talk to kill the time you cleared your throat before speaking up. "So, what shifts do you do? Only day ones or?" you asked, placing your hand on your cheek. Vanessa hummed before answering "It depends. I mean I can work the day or night shift, sometimes I do a double shift." she shrugged. "You don't get tired?" you asked raising an eyebrow, "No, not really, you get used to it," she said still not looking up at you. "Yeah I guess so, but don't overwork yourself okay?" you smiled and patted her shoulder, she gave you a lazy smile in return. And just like that the lunch break started, you gave Vanessa a quick wave before you headed over to the museum.

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