Chapter 5 [Night shift]

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It's me AGAIN, I'm so sorry that I'm interrupting the story again, but I need to say a MASSIVE Thank you for 800+ reads! That is truly incredible! Thank you all so much!💗 Now continuing with the story!

[Time skip]

Your shift was almost over as you began gathering your belongings. At that moment you saw Vanessa coming over.
"(Y/N) hey, just here to say goodbye before you go, I'm working the night shift tonight," she said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

You slowly put your jacket on as you smiled at her, "That's very sweet of you Vanessa! I appreciate it". She awkwardly smiled back, as she was about to respond to you she was cut off by another voice.

"(Y/N) there you are! I was looking for ya!" you turned around to see the owner walking towards Vanessa and you.

"Hello sir" you greeted him, you honestly hoped he wasn't here to tell you had to do something. You just wanted to go home and relax.

"I'm glad you haven't left yet! I need you to do the night shift, the security guard that was supposed to do it called in sick, and before you say anything I'll pay you to double."

Double pay? I mean would that be worth another 6 hours of work? You thought for a while, before answering him.

"Of course sir I can do the night shift" Come on double pay and you get to spend a little bit more time with Vanessa.

"Amazing! Then I'll leave you and Vanessa to close the mall, have a good night ladies"

With that, he left without another word leaving only you and Vanessa in the mall. Well if you didn't count hundreds of S.T.A.F.F. bots.

"Well... Guess we're spending some more time together." she shrugged while you chuckled, "Looks like we are" quickly taking your phone, you send a message to (Y/B) explain that you'll not be coming home that night, he responded with an "Okay" and "Be careful".

Putting your phone away you were met with Vanessa putting her hand on your shoulder. "Come on, let's go to the security office and I'll tell you what we have to do." you nodded and followed right behind her.

As you two entered the office you began putting your stuff down and taking off your jacket., "Okay so, we need to, make sure nobody is in the mall beside you and me, and we need to make sure all of the animatronics are on the lockdown mode." Vanessa said as she took two flashlights out of the desk drawer and handed one of them to you.

Thanking her you turned the flashlight on, "Okay if you're ready we can get to work" she said as she began walking towards the office doors.

You nodded and followed right behind her. As you two were walking towards the green rooms, where the animatronic's were, you started having small talk about random things, like work, family, music, food, and whatever fell on your mind.

Walking towards the first room, Vanessa took out something that seemed like a workers ID card, and after a few seconds, the big metal doors opened. Stepping inside you were met with a seeming shutdown Glamrock Freddy. While Vanessa checked everything out, you looked around the room. A few posters, a big mirror, plushies everywhere, a nice small couch and a bowling ball? Huh.. A little bit weird but oh well.

Once she was done checking everything out Vanessa turned around. "Okay, everything seems to be good, let's check the other rooms" you gave a small nod before following her

[Time Skip]

By 15 minutes you two were done with checking up with the animatronic's. Thankful nothing was out of the ordinary and everything was just as it should be.

Right now you were sitting next to Vanessa in the office, watching the cameras, it's been a comfortable silence, for the most part, you were lost in your thoughts tho. You kept thinking about what you found out, and it just seemed to be stuck in your brain. Tapping your fingers on the table you quietly hummed to yourself. That's when it hit you, you could just lie to Vanessa and say you're going to the toilet, while you go and snoop around the owner's office. Who knows you'll probably find something, it's worth a shot. Getting up from your chair you got Vanessa's attention as she raised an eyebrow at you. "I'm just going to the toilet, I'll be back soon." she just nodded and continued watching the cameras.

Getting out you hurried towards the owner's office. Once you got there you began carefully opening the door, to your shock, the doors were unlocked, either the owner was lazy and couldn't bother himself to lock the doors, or he trusted his employees WAY too much.

Stepping inside, you carefully closed the door. "Okay, now let's see what's hiding in here" walking over to the desk, you began opening the drawers trying to find something useful. As you
dug through drawers you slowly began losing your hope, until you saw something. Grabbing it quickly you were about to read it-

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) are you here?" Vanessa's voice was heard from outside the office.
Silently cursing yourself, you stuffed the paper in your back pocket and ran outside the office.

As you run around, slightly nervous that you might be caught you ran into something, well someone. Falling backwards you held your head, groaning slightly "Oh (Y/N)- I'm sorry here let me help you.." Vanessa said as she extended her hand out, letting out a sigh of relief you gladly took her hand getting back on your feet with ease. "Oh Vanessa, heh thank you" you chuckled before you noticed that you two were still holding hands, quickly taking your hands back you both chuckled awkwardly before Vanessa cleared her throat.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I scared you. You took quite a while so I decided to look for you." That was actually kinda sweet of her, you smiled before beginning to talk. "I'm sorry if I took a while it was kinda hard to find the bathroom" you awkwardly rubbed the back of your neck, Vanessa mumbled a small "It's okay" before you two went back to the security office.

[Time Skip]

It's been a few hours since the 'office incident' and you were back sitting in the same chair, while the same comfortable silence filled the air. Wanting to pass the time, you began making a small talk "Soo, Vanessa did you ever maybe thought about the rumours going around? Y'know the one about the Fazbear Entertainment?" you asked, spinning in the chair slightly.

This seemed to catch her attention as she sat up straight and blankly looked at the security camera. It took her a few seconds before she spoke up "No-no, I don't. I honestly think it's dumb to make up some awful lies about a company. It makes no sense." she said as she crossed her arms still just looking at the camera. You stayed silent, it was obvious that she didn't wanna talk about this for some reason, so you just changed the conversation.

Rest of the time went by smoothly, just two of you talking and occasionally cracking jokes. It was nice, you really enjoyed Vanessa's company, so much that you almost forgot about the papers sitting in your back pocket.

[Time Skip]

Currently you were in (Y/B) 's car driving back home, all you wanted to do is to just jump in your bed and fall asleep, but you had some work to do before you could do that. Pulling in the driveway, you parked the car in the garage and quickly went to your room. By now everyone was out of the house, well everyone expect you, (Y/NN) is at school, (Y/B) at work as well as (Y/GN). Closing your room's door, you dropped all for the papers on to the bed. "Time to uncover more secrets"

Dun, dun dunnnn, a cliffhanger?! Nah not really, but don't worry in the next chapter, you'll learn more! And I wanna just apologize for not updating sooner! I'm truly sorry! Tho I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! And again I wanna say thank you so much for 800+ reads! That is amazing! I can't believe we are so close to 1k readers! I really love and appreciate you guys so much!
Word count: 1426
Lots of love! And have an amazing day/night/whatever it's time for you!

-Author 💗

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