[A/N] & Bonus Chapter

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WOWOOWOW it's me! I can't believe that we're almost at 3k readers?! What! That's amazing! Thank you all so much!

I can't even begin how much all of this means to me <:) it really does! I love you and appreciate you!

Thank you for enjoying my books!

Now! To go onto the main part of this [A/N]! I wanna talk to you guys about a little upload schedule!

And to tell you that I am making another book! Shocking I know.
Anyhow I'm not gonna tell you what it's about or anything! I want it to be a surprise. So the book and it's first chapter should be up once this [A/N] and the bonus chapter are!

Now onto the upload schedule!

Here's how it's gonna go

-Stranger (Vanessa/Vanny x Reader)
is going to be uploaded every Friday

-My Dearest (Michael Afton x Reader)
is going to be uploaded every Saturday

-And the newest book (??? x Reader)
is going to be uploaded every Sunday

Now- (obviously) I didn't update the this book in Friday and I can't update the other books today nor tomorrow- that's due to school work! Obviously the first chapter of the newest book will be uploaded now-
So I'm very  sorry about that-. That's why I'm leaving you with this bonus chapters! And I will probably have to break the upload schedule just this once just so I can give you all new chapters! But that's only this time!

So yeah- now that I have told you everything you need to know about the upload schedule and the new book we can go over to the bonus chapter!

(SO SORRY. but this is me a day after writing this chapter. And we are already at 3k! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I love you a lot so dearly! 💗 Now enjoy the chapter!)

(Me AGAIN- I'm so sorry- but I'm finishing writing this on Valentines Day! So I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Valentines Day and that you have an amazing day with you valentine/s! That is if you have one/them an if you celebrate Valentines Day at all! Also see this bonus chapter as my Valentines gift for all of you! Now please enjoy the rest of the "chapter"! )

(Me AGAIN AGAIN. I'm so incredibly sorry- but I'm here to say this is my- LATE Valentine's Day gift for all of you- I couldn't upload this on the Valentine's Day- I'm so incredibly sorry! But I really hope you enjoy this- again I'm so sorry)

(Just a quick thing, this bonus chapter ISN'T 'canon' to the original storyline we're going for in this book!  Now without me annoying you anymore. Here's the bonus chapter)
To say you were panicking was not even close. You were supposed to meet with Vanessa in less the  2 hours-. It was her birthday and you didn't have any gift for her.

Debating on just banging your head against the wall you knew that you needed to think of a plan. Fast.

The only idea you had was to just get out and walk around the town. Who knows maybe you'll get an idea for a perfect gift.

Quickly jumping out of the bed you rushed downstairs and took you jacket.
Throwing it on you shouted a quick "I'm heading out" towards (Y/B) and (Y/NN) and got out of house.

Walking down the streets with your hands in your pockets you enjoyed the silence that filed the air.
Sadly the calming walk didn't help with your problem.

You still haven't thought of any gift you could buy for Vanessa.
It was her birthday, you couldn't just show up with nothing.

As you mindlessly walked you may or may not have hit your head against a metal pole.

"Ouch- gosh darn it-.." You rubbed your bruised head and prayed that nobody was around to see that. As you scaned your area a little gift shop caught your attention.

It was a small building with pretty decoration around it. Hey maybe you were lucky to hit that metal pole.

Decideding this gift shop was your best and only option you made your way towards it.

Opening the wodden doors you steped inside. Immediately you were hit with warmth and the smell of an old perfume?

Looking around you were greeted by a worm smile of the cashier.
She was an older lady, who wore a light green uniform and a badge that had
"Mrs. ####" written on it.

You gave a small wave and began walking around the shop.
Going to the plushie section you remembered that Vanessa told you she collected plush toys. And plus come on, these plushies were adorable.

Humming quietly as you looked through the pile of plush animals you thought of which would be the best to give Vanessa.

This gift needed to be perfect, nothing not a single thing could be out of the place.

That's when a little bunny plush caught your attention. It had chubby round head, big dough eyes and long ears.
It was coloured in white and green paint, granted you would say it was a weird combination if it wasn't on this adorable bunny plush.

Instantly grabbing it you thought why not grab a flower while you're here. So you did just that.

Carefully grabbing a bouquet of roses you made sure they were perfectly made and that the petals stayed straight.

Walking over to the counter you handed the cashier your items and waited for her to scan and wrap them.

"So who's the lucky person?" the elderly woman smiled softly and began wrapping the gifts you bought.

You nervously smiled and began fidgeting with your hands.
"Ahh, just uh.. friends birthday party.."
you chuckled quietly and looked away.

"Oh well I'm sure your friend will love the gifts you bought them" the woman finished with wrapping the gifts and placed them in a lovely decorated bag.

Taking the bag in your hands you quickly waved at the cashier and walked out of the store.

[Time Skip]

Hurrying inside the small restaurant you stopped at the entrance.
Scanning your area you finally spotted her.

She sat in the back of the restaurant at the a small table for two.
You smiled and made your way over to her

Tapping her on the shoulder she quickly turned around to face you.
She honestly looked stunning. Stopping yourself from staring you smiled brightly and handed her the gift.

"Happy birthday Vanessa! I got you a little something- it isn't a lot but heh.."
you handed her the bag and watched as she smiled softly at you.

"You really didn't need to- you being here was just enough for me.. "
she tilted her head as you awkwardly chuckled and fidgeted with your hands. You felt flattered she thought that, but didn't say anything.

You watched as she carefully unpacked your gift. She sat the bouquet down and stopped once she took the plushie.
She stared at it for what seemed like forever. You became nervous, what if she didn't like the gift, what is she hates it-

That was until you felt her grab your shoulders and pull you in for a hug.
She wrapped her hands around your torso and placed her chin onto your shoulder.

Surprised you just froze for a solid second. But once you snapped back into reality you quickly hugged her back.

"I love it. Thank you." was all she said as she continued hugging you.

WOWWWW! I really hope you enjoyed this bonus chapter! It's nothing special but hey I hope you liked it!.
Word Count: 1279
Lots of love! Have an amazing day/night/whatever it's time for you!

-Author 💗

゚+*:;;:* ŞŦŘλ₦GEŘ*:;;:*+゚ /Vanessa(Vanny) x Reader/Where stories live. Discover now