Chapter 7 [The White Rabbit Lady]

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Shift today was quite boring if you were being honest. Just a few birthday parties to look over and a few technical issues to fix. Boring. But hey, you can't complain now.

As you lazily used support of your elbow while tapping your fingers on the table, you watched as over 30 kids run around screaming, trying to catch their friends.

Typical day for the mall. The animatronic sat on the small stage, performing one of their songs that by know has find it's way in your brain. You memorized the song so well due to listening to it so often.

As you hummed along with the song, out of the corner of your eye, you could see a small group of 3 kids approaching you. Two girls and one boy. One of the girls with light brown hair made into two pig tails, tugged on your sleeve, trying to get your attention.

You smiled softly down at her and patted her head. "What's up sweetie?" you asked as she hugged the small Monty plushie in her hands.

"My friends and I wanted to ask you something ma'am.." she lowered her head as her friends began fidgeting with their hands.

You raised an eyebrow and carefully listened to what they were saying. "Yes? Come on, you can tell me" you reassured them as you gave them another small grin.

The girl who didn't seem a day older then maybe five years old? Spoke up again.

"Well, it's been going around our kindergarten.. that there's a white rabbit lady running around the mall"

What?.. a white rabbit lady? you never heard of this rumor.. you heard about all of the others but this? Never in your life.

"And we just wanted to know if that true! Because they say that the rabbit lady takes bad kids and never gives them back to their parents.."

The three kids seemed genuinely scared as one of them, the one boy of the friend group, sniffled and hugged his Roxy plush closer.

"We aren't bad.. but we're still scared-.. "
Who on earth would scare this poor children like this. Messed up people..

You frowned and patted the girls head once again. "No, no honey don't worry.. There's no white rabbit lady running around the mall. You're completely safe, nothing will happen to you, I swear to my life"

You looked at all three children as they seemed to calm down by your words, they shuffled closer to you and one by one they all hugged your legs.

Seeing the poor kids so relieved by your words, broke your heart. Who knows for how long they have been scared of the 'white rabbit lady'. You shouldn't be surprised, people are messed up and find it 'funny' and 'entertaining' to scare little kids with such stupid rumors, but still you somehow get surprised by those people every time.

"Come on now. Why don't you three go back to the birthday party and play with rest of your friends.." you softly smiled as the three kids grinned and grabbed each other's hands.

"Bye miss security guard!", "Bye-Bye ma'am!", " Thank you miss (H/C) security guard!" and with that the three of them ran back to the main stage, presumably enjoying the rest of the show.

"White rabbit lady.. what nonsense.. how can someone be that cruel to make such a dumb rumor to scare the kids.. Tch.."
You thought to yourself as you slowly zone out..

[Time Skip]

It's couple of hours later. You were sitting next to Vanessa in the daycare lobby. Some paperwork needed to be done, plus there was a birthday party going on. So you two had to do two things at once, and to be honest. It was really hard at the beginning.

But once you got hang of it, it became much more easier. The thoughts about the white rabbit lady couldn't leave your mind.. It would always randomly pop out ever since the kids told you about it a few hours earlier.

Humming quiely as you tapped the table with your fingers, you did your best to focus on the birthday party happening at the play area.

The screams of the children and the voice of the daycare attended, the Sun animatronic you met yesterday while bringing (Y/NN) in the daycare.

Which by the way, you learned something about the Sun animatronic, there's also a Moon version? From your understanding the Moon version is supposed to put children to sleep.

Honestly a clever idea, you needed to admit that. Maybe the company isn't that dumb after all.
It seems you got lost in your thoughts as the next thing you know Vanessa placed her hand onto your shoulder.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) is everything alright? You zoned out again. You seem to do that quite often huh?" you heard her chuckle a little.

Looking back at her you smiled thinly.
"Yeah, yeah- I'm sorry Vanessa- I just.. Uh you know?" you lowered your head and kept quiet for a few seconds.

"Is there something bothering you?.." she asked and rubbed your shoulder a little.

There was that feeling.. you felt- flatterd.. embarrassed almost? but also comfortable..

you caught yourself staring at her, clearing your throat you looked away for a moment. Should you tell her about what the kids told you?.. maybe-

I mean what can happen, it can't hurt to tell her. You sighed and quietly played with a pencil that set on the table.
"Well uh.. It's nothing really it's just been stuck in my mind y'know?

So uh.. a few hours ago, a little group of kids told about a rumor that has been going around-.. about a white rabbit lady running around the mall- what messed up person would make such a rumor to scare the kids.."

You shook your head and looked up at Vanessa. She seemed frozen in place. She didn't say anything but just blankly stared at you, getting worried you lightly shook her shoulders.

"Vanessa- Vanessa.. Is everything alright?" she finally snapped out her thoughts and hummed lightly. "Yeah, yeah in fine- I'm fine- sorry.. I just- uh.. Remembered something.. But yeah, ho-how messed up.. yeah"

there was awkward silence for a few moments. None of you said a word, you just awkwardly shuffled in your seat.

Thankfully the silence was broken due to Vanessa's phone ringing, picking up she excused herself. "Sorry (Y/N) I'll be back, I need to take this phone call." with that she walked away to get privacy while she answered the call. While you sat there.. Thinking about the white rabbit lady..

WOWOW chapter 7 is done! I just wanna say a quick THANK YOU FOR 3.30k+ READERS! THAT'S AMAZING! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! OH MY! also in this chapter you're finding out about a "rumor" of a mysterious white rabbit lady ohhhhhhhh I really hope you enjoyed the chapter! It was really fun to write! I hope you all really liked it!
Word Count: 1170
Lots of love and have an amazing day/night/whatever it's time for you!

-Author 💗

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