[A/N] and some updates!

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Hey there! Wow a whole chapter for [A/N]? That's because I'm here to ask you guys a question! I have been thinking about making another story! I have quite a few ideas for a Michael Afton x Reader! So if you'd like to see that interact with this chapter! Vote/Comment, what ever you want!

I also wanna give a little updated so now when ever we're talking about the owner (of the mall) he will be mostly called by 'Sir ****/Mr. ****' since we don't know anything about him.

And I just want to once again say such a MASSIVE THANK YOU FOR 800+ READERS AND 50+ VOTES! That is just so amazing! I love you all and appreciate you so much! I love writing this book and it makes me so happy that you guys also enjoy it 💗💗💗💗!

-And that's about it! Thank you for reading this short [A/N]! Lots of love and hope you have amazing day/night/whatever is the time for you💗

゚+*:;;:* ŞŦŘλ₦GEŘ*:;;:*+゚ /Vanessa(Vanny) x Reader/Where stories live. Discover now