Chapter 1

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      Moving to Columbia
{Y/Ns POV}
I wake up from small taps on my shoulder, "y/n...y/n?" my dad quietly whispers to me "huh?" I asked him while rubbing my eyes "the plane just landed, let's go." he smiles as we stand up and make our way off the plane and go get our luggage.

"Here's mine," my dad t
Says to himself as he picks up his suitcase "I- I can't find mine" I stuttered while I look around "I'm sure we will find it." my dad reassured me and we keep the search for it. After half an hour we still couldn't find it and we lose hope my dad sighed "typical airports, losing our luggage, but I'm sure we can get you more clothes." and we walk out of the airport.

We walk out of the airport and there our taxi is waiting for us, we hop in and drive off to our new house.

"Sorry but the road ends here, there's a huge hill blocking it off." our taxi driver explained "it's alright! We can just walk in!" my dad comforted him, he pays and we start walking "Woah these hills are very steep," I said trying not to lose my balance when getting to the other side we see the village it was small but very colourful and there was a lot of flowers, I bend down and pick one of the pink flowers "these flowers are so pretty," I say as I've always loved nature "oh my! Yes they are" my dad grinned and we keep walking into the village

My dad grabs a piece of paper that has the address on it out of his pocket "ah okay this way darling" he says while we walk start looking for our house "there's our house right there!" My dad smiles and points to the house, I run over and open the door with the key the inside was a bit plain but I loved decorating so that was not a problem "let's go have a look at the bedrooms" my dad says walking up the stairs as I follow, the rooms were kinda small "what room would you like y/n?" My dad asks "the rooms are about the same size but can I have this room?" I ask while I walk into the room that has a nice view of the trees and flower fields "oh course you can" my dad smiles as he walks into his room and we start decorating.

A few hours later the house was done it was so cute and cosy in my room my bed was in the corner next to the window with a little bedside table and a wardrobe on the other wall and my dad walks in to see what I've done "considering you had to decorate with the stuff that was already in here it looks so cute and I love how you set it up" he says, I smile "thanks! Why don't we go see your room" I ask my dad nods and we walk into his room.

My dad's room was decorated with a bed in the middle of the wall with a bedside table next to it and the wardrobe near the window that looked over the village "I love what you did with it" I say smiling and we walk downstairs.

"can I go outside and meet some people?" I ask "yea sure!" My dad reply's "I'll start making lunch so come back at maybe 1?" "Yeah sure" I say as I wave and walk out.

The village was busy and there were so many people, I try making some friends but I don't meet anyone I want to be friends with when I see a girl running around with little kids "oh! She seems nice helping kids out." I whisper to myself while walking over to her "hello!" I say waving "I just moved here and was wondering if you could show me around" "your British?" She asks "and of course, I'll show you around!" "Thank you! And I lived in the UK for 4 years so that's why I might sound British" I replied and we start walking around "so what's your name?" I ask "Mirabel!" She says "what's yours?" "Y/n," I say and we start chatting.

<Time skip half an hour>

Turns out I and Mirabel get on great when someone bumps into Mirabel "Camilo! Watch where you're going I'm trying to show y/n around!" She let out "Y/n?" Camilo asks and Mirabel points to me "ooh, are you new around here?" He asks me "yeah I am actually" I reply smiling "your British? cool" Camilo smiles Mirabel looks at me waiting for me to reply but I don't then looks at Camilo "she is not British she just lived there for 4 years" "she remembered that?" I thought "ah okay! Well, want me to help show you around?" Camilo asks "sure why not" I reply smiling as we start walking again.

<Time skip to half an hour>

"And this is where we live," Mirabel says when Camilo shapeshifts into someone walking by "what the-," I say very confused Camilo gasps "you didn't tell her?" "I forgot," Mirabel explains "tell me what?" I ask still very confused "so our family aka the Madrigal family all have gifts except Mirabel and Antonio but he gets his gift tonight hopefully, but everyone else has a gift!" He says I was so confused when Mirabel cuts in "I'll tell you! Pepa, my tía Aka Camilo's mom controls the weather with her mood, and my mom Julieta can heal you with a meal, Bruno our tío" Camilo cuts in "we don't talk about Bruno!" "Oh yea," Mirabel says while she continues "well us yeah they say Bruno could see the future, then Isabella my sister controls like nature, Luisa, my other sister is super strong, Dolores, Camilo's sister can hear everything as she can probably hear us talking right now and Camilo can shapeshift" that was a lot to take in "i- okay," I say while I try to comprehend what I've just been told "hey, you should come to Antonio's ceremony!" Camilo says "sure I would love to!" I reply smiling and hear some bells play "what's that?" I ask "oh that's the bells it must be 1 now," Mirabel announces "wait 1, I better go but it was nice meeting you!" I smile "yeah! Cya tonight" Camilo says while I run to my house.

I walk in the door and smell some delicious "mm that smells so good what did you make?" I ask while walking into the kitchen "I made bacon, sausage and  eggs" he says "yum" I whisper sitting down at the table "turns out that there are people with magic powers here!" I said while my dad gives me lunch "powers??" My dad asks sounding very interested "yeah! There's like a whole magic family and I think I'm friends with 2 of them!" I say while cutting my bacon "oh! And we have been invited to Antonio's ceremony to see what his powers will be!" I explained very excitedly "that sounds like fun!" my dad says "you should go to the market and buy a nice dress to wear" "good idea!" I grinned and finished my lunch.

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