Chapter 6

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          The funeral
{Y/ns POV}
Camilo hugs me as I cry digging my head into his chest "this can't be real" I cry but Camilo doesn't say anything then "if you want I can try to organise a funeral for him?" Camilo says while rubbing my back "I guess that would be nice" I say then we start walking to Camilo's house.

While we are walking to Camilo's house I try to calm myself "hey it's okay" Camilo says holding my hand and we keep walking.

When we get to Camilo's house he shouts for his Abuela "Abuela?? Angela?" then we see Alma walk outside "yes querido?" his Abuela says and Camilo explains to her what happened while I try not to cry "oh I'm so sorry y/n, of course, I will arrange that!" Alma says and hugs me "thanks," I say hugging her back and we start planning it.

<Time skip an hour>

We finish setting up his grave and got Isabella to put some pretty flowers on it and I couldn't help but cry but nobody said anything, they understood what I was going through and they all comforted me the whole day especially Camilo, I liked him a lot and then I had the memories from when we were dancing in the rain that was so fun then I remembered that we kissed, I smile "I'm glad to see your smiling" Camilo says "what are you thinking about?" "Oh, nothing" I chuckle "just memories" "come on you should tell me what is making you smile!" Camilo says and then he smiles oh how I loved his smile "it's nothing!" I smile and walk away from family trying not to burst out with laughter because of the look on Camilo's adorable face.

<Time skip an hour>

I and Camilo were just walking around when I remembered "I completely forgot but we need clothes for the funeral!" I say "oh my God let's go get some!" Camilo grabs my hand and drags me to the market.

When we are looking around Camilo sees some nice black clothes so we go check them out, Camilo gets his stuff and waits for me to get mine and I decide on a pretty Black outfit (I'm gonna let you imagine what you wanna wear) and I buy it "we should go try them on" Camilo smiles "yes! Let's do it now" I reply and we run to his house, I didn't go to my own house anymore it was too sad I just basically lived at Camilo's but he didn't mind cos I was my best friend? Boyfriend? I didn't know but we were pretty close so he didn't care.

We get to Camilo's house to run into his room and try on our outfits "you look so good!" I smile while looking at Camilo "same with you! You look amazing" Camilo replies and winks at me, I get instant butterfly's and Camilo just laughs "anyway, I don't wanna ruin my outfit too I'm gonna get changed," I say "same with me" Camilo smiles and we get changed after we got changed we decided to watch a movie for a little while "what movie should we watch?" Camilo asks "I don't mind" I smile "I also find mind so you can choose," Camilo says handing me the remote ", no no it's okay you choose," I say giving back the remote and it goes on for about 5 mins when Dolores walks in "if you guys don't mind what you watch then just put something on," Dolores says and walks out "damn is Dolores always like that?" I ask "no-no she isn't it's just if you heard everything and two people kept saying no you choose! No u choose! It would kinda get annoying" Camilo said "yeah I guess" I smile "so you can choose" Camilo face palms and I laugh "I'm never watching tv with you ever again," he says jokingly "fine then I'll choose!" I say in a pretend moody voice and grab the remote and put Peppa pig on "Uhm remind me, how old are you?" Camilo laughs "Nah Peppa pig is the best tv show" I chuckle and we watch it.

<Time skip 2 hours>

"Damn this tv show is bomb" Camilo laughs "see I told you!" a smile "Y/n! Camilo! It's time for the funeral!" we hear Alma shout we both gasp and quickly get changed and run downstairs "are you ready?" Camilo whispers to me "I guess" I smile and we walk out to where his grave is.

So many people came I didn't know so many people cared and I start to cry when I see his photo, Camilo comforts me but it's just to say when we hear someone shout "what's going on?!" we all turn around to see it's my dad?? But he is dead! Everyone was so confused "dad?!" I shout wiping my tears and I run over it him "y/n! I missed you so much!" my dad says and I cry "I thought you were dead?!" "dead?? No definitely not! Who told you that?" my dad asks and I take the letter out my pocket and give it to him "what the..." my dad said so confused then he starts walking away "dad?! Where are you going??" I ask "to that fucking hospital!!" he shouts and you could tell he was really angry so I follow him.

When we get to the hospital my dad storms in "WHY WOULD YOU SEND A NOTE TO MY DAUGHTER SAYING IM DEAD?!" he said "sir calm down what's wrong" one of the nurses say and sit him down "someone in this hospital told my daughter I was dead!!" my dad says very angry and throws the note on the table, the nurse picks it up "oh, that note was for Jeffery l/n, not Andrew l/n.." the nurse says  "you can't go around messing the letters up I just went home to a funeral for me!" my dad shouts "sir I'm very sorry for the mix-up!" she says softly "you better be sorry my daughter has been thinking I'm dead!" my dad shouts "I know sir I'm very sorry and I'm sure it won't happen again" she sighs my dad storms out as I follow and we go back to town. My dad was alive the whole time...stupid hospitals!.
Hey everyone
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I just wanna say thank you so much for 3.28k Views!! And 85 votes! It means a lot to me! And make sure to follow me!
Have a good day/night!

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