Tom Falls Off A Bridge

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They were filming a scene for Spiderman when Tom fell off tower bridge and hit the water.
"Tom," Chris Hemsworth said, who was walking by the Thames. He saw Tom hit the water and he stopped. A few moments passed and Tom hadn't resurfaced, so Chris walked to the edge and he dived in.

Chris found Tom unconscious underwater and he brought him up to the surface. Struggling a little, he paddled to the side and lifted Tom onto the pavement. He got up beside him and coughed. Chris then turned his attention to Tom who was on the ground beside him.
"Tom? Tom, can you hear me? Tom?" Chris asked as he shook him and Tom came to. He started to cough up water, so Chris quickly turned him onto his side. "You're alright. You're alright mate, get it all out."
"That's me. I'm with you."
"What... ah...."
"Are you ok? Can you breathe?"
"I... arh..." Tom gasped, and he sat up against a stone block.
"What hurts?"
"My chest... ah..." Tom gasped and he tried to get his breath, to Chris it looked like Tom had winded himself badly. He could still breathe, talk and move, so this wasn't an immediate life-threatening injury. "Breathing's... hard," Tom said and Chris moved forwards.
"Just breathe. Deep breaths Tom," Chris said as Tom had his head bowed and he was trying to breathe. "Good. in and out, that's it."
"My chest..." Tom said as he rested his head back and put his hand onto his chest.
"I think you're just winded, your chest should start to feel better," Chris said and Tom nodded.
"Tom!" Harry shouted as he and Luke, Tom's stunt double, ran to the injured star. "Tom, are you alright?" Harry asked as he knelt beside his brother.
"I'm ok," Tom said before he nodded and Luke knelt beside them.
"You're struggling to breathe."
"I think he's just he's winded," Chris said and Harry turned to him. Chris was soaking wet and water was running off him.
"Did you get him out Chris?"
"I did. I dived into the Thames to save Tom."
"Thank you."
"Arh..." Tom said as he grimaced.
"Is the pain not getting any better Tom?"
"No," Tom replied to Chris as he shook his head.
"Let me see," Luke said and carefully took the top half of Tom's spiderman costume off.
"Ouch," Harry and Chris said as Tom's chest was exposed and in places it was purple and bruised.
"It looks like you've broken a few ribs. Given the height you've fallen from, it could have been a lot worse," Luke said as he inspected Tom's chest.
"Does anything else hurt Tom?" Harry asked and Tom shook his head.
"It's... just my chest."
"I'm going to run my hands over your body and let me know if anything hurts ok Tom?" Luke asked and Tom nodded. He checked the rest of Tom's body, but nothing else was bruised or broken. "I think you're alright. We'll get you seen by a doctor just to make sure," Luke said and Tom nodded before he rested back, finally able to start breathing normally.
"Can you breathe now Tom?"
"You must be winded. How's your chest feeling?"
"Tiny bit better."
"Tom, how are you doing?" Mark, the production's medic, asked as he came beside him.
"Let me see your chest."
"Only his chest hurts and he's starting to breathe normally. He's been winded and I suspect that he's only broken a few ribs," Luke passed onto the medic.
"It looks that way. Ok Tom, we'll get a car and take you to a hospital to confirm that you don't have any other injuries. Do you think that you'll be able to walk?"
"Yeah. I should be able to."
"Good. We'll go when you're ready."
"I can go... now."
"Are you sure?"
"Don't move too soon Tom if you're not sure."
"I'm sure."
"Alright. Come on."
"We've got you," Harry and Chris said and they gave Tom a hand to stand up. A car was quickly brought round and with his arms over both Harry and Chris Hemsworth's shoulders, Tom got into the car and was taken to a nearby hospital.


Tom had fractured four of his ribs and he had extensive bruising across his chest and legs. He was given painkillers and they continued filming spiderman three days later, in order to give Tom some time to rest.
"Hi," Tom said as Zendaya came into his flat and he smiled as she hugged him very gently.
"Are you doing ok?"
"Yeah, I'm ok."
"You scared me so much yesterday. How was it at the hospital?" Zendaya asked as she let go of him.
"It was good. I slept for most of the time that I was there, but mum came, so she was with me."
"I'm really glad to hear that," Zendaya said before she kissed him on the cheek. "How are your ribs?"
"They're still really sore, but I've got strong painkillers from the hospital."
"Shall we sit down?"
"Yeah," Tom said and they sat on his sofa.
"Have you been on your own since you came back from the hospital?"
"No, mum's asleep next door and dad called me to make sure that I was ok."
"So you're being well looked after?"
"I am."
"I'm here to look after you too. Come here," Zendaya said and Tom carefully curled into her as she turned the TV on. "How are your legs?"
"Still bruised, but not bad."
"Do you need any painkillers or are you ok?"
"I'm ok. I've got you," Tom said and Zendaya kissed him.
"What do you want to watch?"
"A James Bond film."
"Yeah, Skyfall," Tom agreed and they cuddled on the sofa as it started.

""Skyfall?""Yeah, Skyfall," Tom agreed and they cuddled on the sofa as it started

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