Sam Stabbed

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"I've forgotten to get my pain medication."
"Alright Sam. Don't be too long."
"I won't," Sam said and he rushed off. The Downey family were in the airport about to go on a holiday and Sam was rushing back to the car to get pain medication for his sprained wrist.

"Sam's been gone for a while."
"The medication is probably buried in the boot of the car. I'll give him a hand," Scarlett said before she left Robert with Harry and Tom.
"Let's get booked in dad. They'll be back soon."
"Ok, come on."


Scarlett walked into the underground car park and there was a figure lying on the ground, a second figure was above them and they appeared to be applying pressure on a wound. As Scarlett neared, it became clear that the person on the ground was injured.

To get horror, she saw that the injured person was her son, Sam.
"Sam!" She shouted before she ran to him. She got out her phone and called 999. "Ambulance please. It's my son," Scarlett said as she knelt beside Sam.
"Argh... argh!"
"It's alright. It's ok."
"What happened to him?" Scarlett asked the stranger as Sam grimaced and moved in pain.
"He's been stabbed in the abdomen."
"He's been stabbed," Scarlett repeated to the operator.
"What's his name?"
"Sam. I'm his mum."
"Sam. Stay with us, you're going to be ok."
"His pulse is ok. I'm right here darling. Yes, he's still conscious."
"Argh... aargh!"
"I'm with you honey, I'm with you."
"Who stabbed him?"
"Someone wearing a grey tracksuit. I didn't see their face."
"Sam, stay with me. Stay awake. Please come quickly."
"I... mum..."
"Sam? Sam darling? Sam?" Scarlett said, but Sam had fallen unconscious. "Sam, can you hear me? He's unconscious."
"I can't keep pressure on this for much longer."
"I can take over from you..."
"Scarlett!" Robert shouted and Scarlett turned to him as he came running over.
"Sam!' Harry called before he rushed and knelt by his brother's side.
"I can take over," Tom said as he knelt down and he pressed on Sam's wound, allowing the stranger to stand up. Robert knelt beside Scarlett.
"Thank you so much," Scarlett told the stranger
"Is this your family?"
"It is. Please go, I don't want you to miss your flight."
"I hope that Sam will be alright."
'So do I. Thank you," Scarlett said and the stranger left them.
"What happened?"
"He's been stabbed. I've called for an ambulance and I'm keeping track of his pulse."
"Sam? Sam, can you hear me?"
"Sam?" Robert and Harry asked.
"He's out cold."
"He's bleeding out mum."
"Keep pressure on the wound Tom."
"Come on Sam."


There were beeping noises and bright lights. Sam started to come round as he was lying on a hospital bed. His father and brothers were asleep on a chair while his mum was awake and she was holding his hand as she was sitting beside him.
"Sam? Darling, it's mum."
"Hi," Scarlett said with a smile. "You're awake."
"What happened?"
"You were stabbed. You're in hospital and you've had surgery."
"Yeah. The police are trying to find out who it was, but they're hitting dead ends at the moment. What can you remember?"
"I was searching the car. Then I felt pain. And I was in agony on the ground."
"A stranger saved your life. He stopped you from bleeding out."
"Thank... you."
"How are you feeling?"
"Tired. Groggy and... sore."
"Any pain?"
"That's good. There is a silver lining to this Sam."
"The attacker ruptured your appendix. So nothing major was affected and the doctor's have removed it. You're never going to get appendicitis."
"That is good."
"It is," Scarlett said and she kissed Sam on his forehead.

At that moment, Tom fell forwards and woke up as his head collided with a metal bar in Sam's bed.
"Arh fuck!" He cried out.
"Are you alright?" Sam asked as Scarlett went to Tom.
"Let me see."
"I'm ok. That just bloody hurt."
"I bet it did honey."
"How's Sam?" Tom asked as he sat back onto his feet.
"He's awake."
"Yes. Come on," Scarlett said and she helped Tom to stand up.
"Hey Tom," Sam said and Tom took his hand.
"Hey. We've all been really worried about you."
"How long have I... been out for?"
"Two days. They had to do surgery on you."
"They took my... appendix out."
"They did. And they had to repair the rest of you."
"Was it serious?"
"It was. You lost a lot of blood," Scarlett told him gently.
"The doctor's thought that you were going to bleed out."
"We could have lost you Sam."
"But you didn't."
"No, we didn't," Scarlett said with a smile and she kissed his forehead.
"I'm sorry about giving you the cold shoulder Sam," Tom started to apologise. "It was Tessa's accident. I was upset and I blamed you for it. I'm really sorry."
"It's ok. I understand."
"Thank you," Tom said and he carefully hugged Sam. "I still can't believe that someone stabbed you."
"Neither can I."
"Are you feeling alright?"
"Yeah. But I need some water."
"Here you go," Scarlett said as she got a glass of water and she helped Sam to drink it.
"Slowly Sam. Easy," Tom said and both he and Scarlett looked after Sam while Robert and Harry slept against each other.

They made conversation with him and soon Harry and Robert woke up, they were were both overjoyed to see Sam awake and doing well.


Sam stopped as he came to the last step of the stairs and he raised his hand to his stomach in pain. He grimaced as pain shot through him.
"Sam? Shit."
"What? Sam, are you ok?" Tom and Harry asked and Sam looked up at them.
"It hurts..."
"Let's sit you down."
"I've got you."
"Argh..." Sam winced as Harry gave him a hand to walk to the sofa.
"Carefully Harry."
"I've got him."
"Argh!" Sam cried out as he sat down on the sofa and Harry let go of his arm.
"I'm sorry."
"How bad is it? Do we need to get you back to the hospital?" Tom asked as he knelt in front of Sam.
"No... urgh..."
"I forgot to take my... painkillers last night."
"I'll get them," Harry said and he left the room.
"Is someone in pain? Sam," Robert said as he came over to his son.
"He's alright dad. He just needs his painkillers."
"Why are you in so much pain?"
"I forgot a dose. Arh..."
"Alright. Just don't let your mum find out."
"Just breathe Sam. Harry will be back in a minute."
"Here you go Sam," Harry said as he returned and he handed Sam painkillers and a glass of water.
"Thanks," Sam replied and his family stayed with him as he had the painkillers, and the pain slowly faded.
"How are you doing?" Robert asked him after a few minutes and Sam nodded.
"Much better."
"Good. Do you want some lunch?"
"Is it ready?"
"It is. Come on," Robert said and Harry and Tom looked out for Sam as they went to the table. Sam had been discharged two days ago, after a week in the hospital.

Thankfully, Sam's wound was healing well and he was getting better with every day that passed. He continued to improve and soon nothing was left but a scar and loving family members around him.

The police found and arrested the man who had stabbed Sam. It had been part of a gang's initiation requirements, and he was sentenced to 16 years in prison for grievous bodily harm.

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