Tom Dislocation

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"ARGH!" Tom cried out as he threw a punch at Willem Dafoe on the shield set. He stopped and carefully cradled his right shoulder. "Argh..."
"Tom, are you ok?" Tobey asked.
"What's happened?" Jon asked as everyone came over to Tom.
"My shoulder... it's..."
"It's dislocated," Luke said as he saw Tom's shoulder.
"How has that happened?"
"It's been a bit... sore since we..." Tom said as he was starting to cry, and he was becoming paler.
"Sit down Tom. We don't want you passing out and falling."
"No," Andrew said and everyone helped him to sit down.
"Can we get James please?"
"I'm on it," Someone said and they rushed off to find the set medic.
"Deep breaths Tom."
"Argh... it's been sore... since the last stunt."
"You must have injured it and the punch pushed it over the edge," Luke said and Tom nodded as he was starting to cry.
"James is going to come and sort you out Tom alright?"
"We're with you."
"Just keep breathing."
"Deep breaths."
"Try not to pass out."
"Yes. Don't do that."
"I am feeling light headed."
"Tom," James said as he arrived and he knelt beside Tom with his medical bag. "Do you think that you're going faint?"
"Not immediately," Tom said and James inspected his shoulder as Andrew, Tobey and Luke all had their hands on and around Tom to support him.
"Ok, it looks like a fairly straightforward posterior dislocation. I can reset it here, but it is going to hurt Tom."
"Do it."
"Ok. Tobey, can you support his back, and Andrew and Luke support him from the front, the pain might make him lose consciousness."
"Ok. I've got him."
"So do we," Andrew said and three of the spidermen supported Tom as James got ready.
"On three Tom. 1, 2, 3."
"Argh!" Tom cried out before he fell unconscious.

"Ok, it's in. Has he passed out?"
"He has."
"Ok. Don't let him fall, I need to put a sling on."
"I've got him," Andrew said and he primarily held Tom up as James and Luke secured the sling around Tom's arm and his neck.
"Hmn?" Tom moaned after a few moments.
"Tom? Are you back with us?"
"What's going on?"
"You passed out."
"James put your shoulder back into place."
"I feel sick."
"Keep coming round. The sickness should fade Tom," James said before he put a blood pressure cuff onto Tom's arm. "Tobey, can you kneel behind him so we can rest Tom onto your lap. I don't want to put his bad shoulder onto the shoulder surface."
"Of course," Tobey said and he got into position.
"Ok. Carefully now. We're just lying you down Tom, relax."
"I'm ok," Tom said as he rested back into Tobey's lap.
"There we go."
"Do we need to get him to a hospital?"
"I would like to get an x-ray to check the position and for any other damage to his shoulder."
"I'll arrange a car. Thanks James."
"Thank you," James said and Jon left. Tom meanwhile opened his eyes.
"Hey Tom."
"Hi," Tom said as he looked at the spidermen above him.
"How are you feeling?"
"Dizzy, but mostly ok."
"Are you in any pain?"
"A little."
"I've got some IV paracetamol. Small sting Tom," James said and Tom winced as he injected the needle into his arm. "There we go."
"I'm in your lap," Tom told Tobey.
"You are."
"Thank you for looking after me."
"Of course."
"It's what we do."
"I think the dislocation has caused Tom a head injury," Luke said and they all smiled.
"Just relax Tom. A dislocation heals in no time."
"Thanks man."
"They're going to take you to a doctor, just to be checked over."
"It's not the first time."
"You fell off tower bridge didn't you?"
"Accidentally. I only suffered some broken ribs and bruising."
"Not too bad."
"Not at all."
"The car's here. Are you ready to move Tom?"
"I think so."
"Your blood pressure's ok. We'll move slowly."
"Come on," Andrew said and slowly they stood Tom up.
"How are you feeling?"
"Little bit light headed."
"Do we need to sit you down?"
"No. No, I'm ok."
"Alright. Slowly," James said and Tom walked to the car with support on all sides of him.


"Hi," Tom said as he came back to his trailer and Zendaya was waiting for him. She started by giving him a hug. "I've been really worried about you."
"You didn't need to be."
"After everything that happened on Cherry, how can I not be worried?"
"It's just my shoulder. I'm ok."
"All the same. Don't scare me like that again."
"I'll try not to. I love you."
"I love you too," Zendaya said and they shared a kiss. Tom's mind turned to the ring that he was having made for Zendaya. Everything was falling into place, but there was just one question remaining: how was he going to propose to her?

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