Zendaya Head Injury

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"I've got you Zendaya. I'm here," Luke said as he had his hand wrapped around Zendaya.
"Where am I?"
"On set. You've hit your head."
"It hurts," Zendaya said as she started to cry.
"I know it does," Luke said as he gently wiped Zendaya's tears away. They were sitting on the edge of the crash mat and Luke was holding an ice pack up to the back of her head.
"Zendaya? What's happened Luke?" Tom asked as he came over and saw that Zendaya was crying.
"She hit her head during the stunt. She's ok, but she's got a suspected concussion."
"Ok. Zendaya, hey," Tom said as he knelt in-front of her and Zendaya looked at Tom as he rested his hand gently on her face. "It's Tom. How are you feeling?"
"My head..."
"Does it hurt?"
"Yeah," Zendaya said as she nodded and she cried more.
"Oh, I've got you," Tom said before he hugged her. "Is that an ice pack?" Tom asked Luke.
"It is. She's not bleeding, but she's got a nasty bump on the back of her head."
"Ouch. How did she hit it?"
"We landed too hard. I stumbled and she hit her head on the ground."
"Where's Tom?" Zendaya asked in confusion.
"I'm right here. I'm right here," Tom said as he let Zendaya go and he kissed her.
"I want Tom," Zendaya said as she kept crying.
"Zendaya, I'm right here. I'm right in front of you. Look at me."
"No... the light's too..."
"Is it too bright?" Tom asked and Zendaya nodded. "Ok. It might be more like a migraine."
"She does seem to be getting worse."
"I'll take her back to my trailer and she can have a nap."
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."
"Zendaya. Do you want to lie down for a bit?"
"Take the ice pack with you."
"I will Luke. Thanks," Tom said before he put his hand on the ice pack and Luke took his hand away. "Can you stand up with me Zendaya?"
"Yeah. But..."
"What? Are you ok?"
"Tom... I want Tom."
"I'm right here. Look, I'm here. I love you so much and you're going to have a lie down ok?"
"Come on," Tom said before he kissed her and Luke gave him a hand to stand Zendaya up before they took her to Tom's trailer.


"There. Is that better?" Tom asked as he sat Zendaya onto the bed and she nodded.
"How are you feeling?"
"Sick. Ok," Tom said before he got up and went to find a bucket.
"Tom? Tom don't... don't leave me..."
"I'm not leaving you. I'm right here," Tom said as he found a bucket and he came back over to Zendaya. "I'm right here," He said before he rubbed her knee with his hand and he kissed her.
"Tom? ... Is that you?"
"It's me," Tom said before Zendaya started crying again.
"Oh Zendaya," Tom said before he sat beside her and hugged her.
"My head... my head hurts..."
"I know it does. Why don't you lie down for a bit?"
"And do... What will I do?"
"You'll go to sleep. Have a nap. You'll feel better after it, I promise."
"Where will you... Where will you be?"
"I'll be here. I'll stay with you."
"I promise," Tom said before he kissed her. "Let's lie you down," Tom said before he helped Zendaya to lie down on the bed and he pulled the covers over her. "How does that feel?"
"Great," Tom said before he brought the bucket over and placed it beside her, just in case she was sick. "Now just relax and go to sleep. I'll still be here. I promise."
"Yeah... I'd like... I'd like that..."
"I thought that you would," Tom said before he kissed her again.
"Stay... stay with me."
"I'm staying. I'm staying," Tom reassured Zendaya before she relaxed and Tom knelt down as he brushed his hand over her face. "I love you so much Zendaya."
"I know. You love me too," Tom said before he kissed her and Zendaya fell asleep.

Fifteen minutes later, Tom left the trailer and went back onto the set.
"Hey Tom. How's Zendaya doing? Luke told me what happened," Jacob asked Tom.
"She's doing ok, she's having a nap at the moment. She's a little confused and her head's hurting, but after some rest she should feel better."
"I hope so."
"Right Tom. Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, I'm ready."
"Great, let's get you on your mark," Jon said and Tom took his position to start the next scene.


Two hours passed before they wrapped filming for the day and everyone decided to go to the jacuzzi. Tom went to his trailer to see how Zendaya was doing and to get into his swimming trunks.
"Zendaya? Zendaya, hey," He said as he came over to the bed. "Zendaya?" He asked before he checked the bed, but Zendaya was gone. He checked the rest of the trailer, but Zendaya wasn't there. "Zendaya? Oh, I'll find her in a minute," Tom muttered to himself before he got his swimming trunks on and headed out.

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