Tessa Hurt On Set

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They were shooting Avengers: Endgame when everyone started to hear barking.
"Is that a dog?" Chris Hemsworth asked.
"It is."
"It sounds like it's in pain."
"It sounds like Tessa... Tessa!" Tom called as he recognised her bark and all the Avengers followed him as he went to the side of the set. "Tessa! Sam, where's Tessa? You were supposed to keep her on the leash," Tom asked his brother."
"I had her on the leash, but then she was gone."
"Gone where?"
"Tessa!" Tom shouted as he saw her. "No, no, no. Tessa. Tessa," Tom said. She was hanging by her paw from a metal cable and she was suspended 2 meters above the ground. She was flailing and barking furiously, and Tom walked underneath her.
"We need to get this dog down now," Chris Evans said and the stunt crew tired to find a solution to lower the cable.
"Tess. It's ok. You should have kept an eye on her Sam!"
"I was!" Sam shouted back at his brother before the cable started to lower.
"Tess. I'm here, I'm here," Tom said as he was joined by Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth, all ready to catch Tessa. She was whimpering more than barking now, but she flailed her body as soon as she met Tom's arms. "Woah Tess. Stay calm, stay calm."
"I'll hold her leg. Chris, can you untangle her?"
"Yep, I've got it," Chris Evans said before Chris Hemsworth held Tessa's leg and Chris Evans took the cable off her. Tessa barked and cried before the cable was removed and Tom gently put her onto the ground.
"Tess," Tom and Sam said as they knelt beside her and she stumbled, unable to stand on her bad paw.
"Aw Tessa, let me see," Tom said and all the Avengers crouched beside him. Tessa whimpered as Tom gently lifted her paw up, it was purple and swelling. "It looks broken," He said before Tessa yelped and she took his hand into her mouth.
"Ok Tess. It's alright Tessa," Sam said before he intervened and got Tessa to release her grip on Tom's hand.
"We need to get her to an emergency vet."
"Ok," Tom said before Tessa lay on her side and she started panting. "Oh Tessa."
"I've got her," Sam said and he picked Tessa up before walking with her out to the parking lot.
"We'll leave the Downey's to it. Come on," The Avengers said and they stayed on the set while Sam got Tessa into the car with Tom.

The atmosphere was frosty as they drove, Tom was looking after Tessa and he was annoyed with Sam for letting her get hurt.
"It wasn't my fault Tom."
"I don't want to talk about it Sam."
"We're on the way to the vet."


Tom brought Tessa in and the vet started by giving her painkillers through a syringe. Tessa soon stopped whining and Tom was stroking her.
"Did that taste good? Was it good Tess?"
"The painkillers seem to be working a treat."
"Yeah, I've never seen her so calm."
"So, was she hanging from a cable?"
"Yeah. She got her paw trapped in it and she was hauled into the air."
"How far up was she lifted?"
"2 meters."
"Wow. Well, it's definitely broken."
"Can you splint it or is she going to need surgery?"
"I can splint it as the break is not bad, and it's in alignment."
"That's good," Tom said before Tessa whined a little as the vet touched her leg. "I know. I know darling."
"The painkillers will help to take the edge off, but I am also going to give you something to lower her energetic levels, so the bone to heal faster."
"Ok. Thank you," Tom said and the vet got to work.

Half an hour later, Tessa was patched up and she was asleep, so Tom put her into her dog bed and carried her out into the waiting room.
"How's she doing?" Sam asked as Tom came out.
"Her leg's patched up and she's had painkillers."
"Good. Is she asleep?"
"She is. I've also got some medication that will keep her energy levels down to let her bones heal."
"Good. Shall I drive?"
"Yes," Tom said and Sam drove them back to Tom's house. Tom was cold towards Sam as he had caused Tessa's injury.

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