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I woke because of the sunlight cascading itself on my face. I wake up and remember everything that happened. I slowly get up and I pick up my brother, keeping him wrapped in the blanket I put him in last night. As I keep walking, I see a small body of water. I heard children laughing and screaming. I'm just imaging it probably. There was such a big mountain. After walking for miles up the mountain, I found a house peaking out between the trees. I go running towards it, hoping for them to help me. Wishing that they would help my brother. I need him alive, I don't want to be alone. When i reach past the trees I finally reach a house. There was a village, the people look so happy. I ran towards the nearest house and I bang on the door screaming and begging for help. A kind and beautiful woman opens the door. Startled by the banging on her door, she had a worry look on her face. "¿Ay, estas bien mija? ¿Que paso?" With tears running down I said "Ayuda." She ushered me towards a different house that was much bigger than hers. It was colorful and a rainbow was in the sky. Knocking on the door an old woman appeared. "Is everything okay?" She asked both of us.

But before I could answer tears started to pool in my eyes again. The kind woman left me with the old woman. The kind woman said"Hola I'm Abuela Alma, here sit down please." As I sat down in a kitchen chair she sat across from me. "Please help my brother. Please." I started crying even more. She then called down someone named Julieta, she came running in and saw me and my brother. "What happened?" She asked, "There was a fire in my village. My parents didn't make it, I grabbed my brother and ran out of the house. There where guys on horses yelling and torching houses. I fled into the forest and hid behind a rock. I spent the night there. When I woke up, i started looking for a village, after going over the mountains I saw that woman's house and she led me here. My brother was breathing but now I don't know what to do. Please, help him. I have no one else." Julieta check my brother and gave me a sad look. I started shaking my head "No, no, no ,no." I started sobbing, my hearti is aching, why didn't I wake up earlier? Why didn't I smell the smoke? They both tried to comfort me, I heard people racing down to the kitchen. I heard a series of what's happening and what's going on.

Abuela quickly rushed them out of the kitchen. Julieta quickly started hugging my and I started sobbing into her shoulder. After my cries calmed down she gently pulled away and asked "Are you hurt?" I just shrug my shoulders, I don't really care anymore if I am hurt or not. She stood up and went to the counter of the kitchen. She picked up something but I couldn't tell. Wait, is that an arepa? Sniffling I said "Oh I'm not hungry but thank you." "Please eat. It will make you feel better." After I took a bit, I didn't even realize that my feet were hurting until I took a bit. That was because I didn't put on shoes when I ran out of the house. After I finished the arepa I looked up to her and said "Thank you so much, I didn't realized that I was hungry." She told me "Here" she helps he stand up "let's get you cleaned up." She took me upstairs to a bathroom and grabbed a rag and turned on the faucet. She soaked the rag with water and began to clean my face, whipping the ash from my face. She excused her self and said that she was going to grabbing me something. She came back with a towel and clothes in her hands. "Here are some fresh clothes that I borrowed from my daughter and a towel for after you shower." She is so nice "Thank you so much." She replies with "No problem, I will leave so you can have some privacy." She walks out and closes the door.

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