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I slick my wet hair back. The hot water releases the tension from my shoulders, tears started to pool my eyes, I wipe my tears aggresively. I hate the fact I couldn't save my family. My parents, my brother. When my parents would work I would take care of my brother. I turn off the shower, getting out and wrapping myslef up in a towel. I look in the mirror and see how red my eyes are. I start drying my self with the towel trying to keep my mind from remembering what happened that night. After getting dressed in a blue skirt that is mid thigh and a plain white off the shoulder blouse, I dry my hair with the towel. I hang up the towel and open the door walking out closing the door behind me. I walk down the stairs and say "Hello?" A boy walks into my eye view as ask "Hi? Umm.. I'm sorry but who are you?" Abuela Alma quickly walks in at the same time as I reach the bottom of the stairs. "Camilo can you please go help you your brother with his room please?" Camilo? That's his name? I like the color of his eyes. Stop you don't even know him "Okay abuela." Camilo walks past me up the stairs, but we looked at eachother at the same time. As he leaves abuela comes up to me and quickly adds "Sorry, that is that is my nieto, Camilo." "Oh, it's ok don't worry." She gently smiled at me and said "Come with me." She leads me up the stairs and we going into a room. Abuela and I walk into a room that looks like a nursery. Abuela Alma yells out "Mirabel!!" I hear footsteps comming up to the room. A girl with green glasses and black curly hair appears she answers "Yes abuela, what do you need?" Abuela introduces us to eachother "Mirabel this is Y/N, Y/N this is Mirabel." We say our hellos and I ask "I'm sorry but why are we in this room?" Abuela looks at Mirabel and says "This will be your room. You and Mirabel will be sharing this room for now. Mirabel would you please get Luisa and ask her to bring a bed for our guest please?" Mirabel goes and gets this girl Luisa, abuela and I walk out of the room and she starts to give me a tour of the house, as well explaining the story of the Encanto and their casita. As were walking she shows me the doors, she told me each of their names and what each of their gifts are. "That's amazing, I'm still surprised that most of your family has powers." abulea responds "Dinner is going to be in a few minutes, I will introduce you to everyone that way you can get to know them." "Thank you so much abuela, thank you for letting me stay here for a while, and letting me into your home." She gently takes my hands into hers and says "Mija, it's nothing compared to what you have gone through, I am happy that I can help you. You are welcome to call this your own home, We will all help you get through this." I smile and I didn't even realize I was crying until she reached her had to my cheek and whiped a tear away. "Now let's go eat." She lets go of one of my hands and leads me to the dinner table where I see Julieta and Mirabel setting the table. Julieta walks around the table and comes up to me and asks me " ¿Te sientes mejor?" "Si gracias for darme ropa limpia." "De nada." she smiles at me and I look behind her and see Mirabel smiling too.

I hear footsteps walking into the kitchen and I see everyone walking in. Abuela quickly grabs their attention to introduce me to everyone "Todos atencion, we have a guest that will be staying with us for a while , and I am sure that Delores already knows the situation." She brings me to her side and says "This is Y/N L/N, please help her ajust to casita." Everyone goes to sit down with smiles on their faces. Pepa starts to introduce her family in order "Hola Y/N I'm Pepa, this is my husband Felix and my children Delores, Camilo, and Antonio." While introducing them she pointed to them as she said their names, Delores smiled at me and Camilo winked and smirked at me. Antonio started to move in his seat "HI! Do you want to see my tiger, I don't have a name for him but maybe you can help me?" He looks at me with pleading eyes, how could I say no to him. "Of course I can help you Antonio." I sas smiling at how happy he was that I agreed. Camilo looks at me and looks me up and down, Delores elbows him in the ribs. I'm trying to hold in my laugh. Augustin calls out my name "Y/N, how did you find the Encanto?" I visibly tense up, think think think. "Umm, would you excuse me I have to go to the bathroom." I quickly get up and run to the bathroom, I close the door behind me. I slide down the door, trying to hold in my cries. I quickly wipe my tears and stand up. I lean over the sink and turn on the faucet. I start washing my face with water. I wipe my face with a towel and walk out of trhe bathroom. I go into the dinning room and sit down "I'm sorry that I left all of the sudden. I had to go to the bathroom." Abuela lools at me with worried eyes, I nod my head to signal her that I am okay. After everyone finishes eats, I tell everyone that I am going to bed. They all say goodnight. I walk into the nursery and lay down on the bed Luisa set up for me.I hear someone knock on the door. I lift the sheets off me and walk up to the door. "Camilo, Mirabel?"

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