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My eyes snap open. Smoke, no no no, I'm back home. I hear my parents scream, I throw the sheets off my body and I run downstairs, they are standing in the middle of the living room. My parents and my brother turn around and look at me. "You could have saved us. You should have saved us." They start repeating it like it was a chant. My knees buckle and I fall to the floor. I cover my ears with my hands, I can't. I can't do this, I should have saved them. I couldn't even save my baby brother. My mom walks up to me and kneels on the floor by my side. She grabs my left hand and lowers it from my ear. She cups my hand in her hands. "Mi amor, you should feel guilty. It is all your fault that we are all dead." She said in a sickenly sweet tone. I jump up and run out the house. I go into the woods and I sit on the floor. Tears rolling down my cheeks, I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look behind me and see my brother with ash all over his face, he looks at me and says the words I never wanted to hear from him "I'm dead because of you, I never loved you." My heart shattered to peices. I crawl to his feet and hug him around his waist, bairly getting my words out "I'm sorry, I never meant for you to die." My family looks at me, all repeating the same thing "We are dead because of you."

I wake up. My body jerks up, I sit in my bed looking over at Mirabel peacefully sleeping. I don't want to bother her, I need to know that I am actually awake. I lift my sheets to the side and slowly walk towards the door, I open it and slowly walk towards Camilo's room. Should I knock, I mean everyone's asleep so? I should just knock I gently knock on the door careful not to knock to loud, he doesn't answer. I carefully turn the doorknob and open the door, I walk into his room and see him asleep in his bed. I walk around his bed to the right and I see that he is shirtless. I start blushing, I place my hand on his shoulder and gently shake him awake. He softly opens his eyes and he sees me with tears on my cheeks.

He quickly sits up rubbing his eyes and asks "Is everything okay? What happened?" I look at him in the eyes and just say "I had a nightmare." He looks at me with sad eyes. He lifts up his sheets and gently scoots to the side to make room for me to lay down. I lay down right by him on my side, him mirroring my position.

He looks at me and asks "Do you want to talk about it or do you just want to sleep?" I look up at him and start telling him my dream. "I was back home, when my house was on fire. My parents and my baby brother kept telling me that it's my fault that I didn't save them. They also said that I should feel guilty about letting them die. My-" I choke out a sob and Camilo wraps his arms around me gently placing my head at the crook of his neck. He softly shushes me. "My brother said that he never loved me and that he's dead because of me." I let go of all of my sobs and just start crying and letting all the emotions I have been holding in for a while out.

He doesn't say anything, he just hugs me. When my cries start to go down to just a few sniffles he gently puts his hand on my jaw and lifts up my head so we are face to face. He looks at me and says "It is not your fault. You did not cause the fire and you did everything you could to try and save your family." I just stare into his eyes, a few moments later I whisper "Thank you Camilo." He just looks at me and smiles saying "You are always welcome to stay the night with me hermosa." He pulls me into his chest and softly hums and then starts to sing the lullaby Duermate mi niño. He rubs his hand up and down my back helping me relax. He softly whispers to me "Goodnight hermosa." and before I completely fall asleep i whisper back "Goodnight."

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