My Story

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I look at both of them asking them "Camilo, Mirabel? What are you doing here?" They both look at each other not saying anything. Mirabel rolls her eyes at Camilo and asks "Are you okay, we say you get uncomfortable at the dinner table when my dad asked you something?" I quickly reply with "Yeah I'm fine, don't worry about it I just had to go to the bathroom." Camilo looks at me with worried eyes. He looks at me and asks "Can we come in please?" I move to the side and open the door wider so they can come in. Mirabel on my left and Camilo on my right sit on my bed with me, by my sides. This time Camilo gently grabs my right hand as asks me again "What's wrong?" I lower my head to gather my emotions. Trying not to cry, I can't cry. But I need to tell someone. I look up at him and he notices my tears. He looks at me with concern and says "You can tell us don't worry. I don't want to pressure you or anything but you can't hold things in Y/N, It's not healthy." Mirabel starts "You can tell us when you're ready, we will be right here with you." Tears starts rolling down my cheeks, I start getting flashbacks of that night. My parents lying there, my brother trapped, my moms scream. My bottom lip wobbles "I...umm" I clear my throat "I woke up one night and I smelled smoke. I ran out of my room looking for my family, I found my brother in his room and the door wouldn't open. I kept slamming my body against the door. Over and over and over again trying to break it but after a few tries I break the door down." I swallowed down a sob, I don't want to cry in front of anyone, It makes me feel weak, vulnerable. I look at the ceiling then scoot back in my bed to be able to look at the both of them. "He was lying there on the floor, I ran to him to check his pulse, to see if he was alive. He was, he was breathing. I wrapped him in a blanket that I found nearby and I picked him up so I could find my parents. I go back into the hallway and go to my parents room to see if they were there, they weren't. They probably didn't go to bed because I found them downstairs, in the living room." My voice cracked at the end of the sentence I just let all my tears go, I don't care anymore "They were dead. I ran to them, to check if they were breathing I checked their pulse. I gave them CPR, but nothing was working. I started coughing really badly and the big chunks of the house were falling near me. I- I was screaming at them to wake up, shaking them but they didn't move. 

I checked on my brother to see if he was still breathing and he was. I put a damp rag over his mouth so he wouldn't inhale as much smoke as I was. I looked back at my parents and a peice of the ceiling fell on them. I ran to them trying to lift up the cement but I was to weak. I had to leave them, I said goodbye to the both of them an kissed their foreheads. I picked up my brother and ran outside. There were men on horses yelling at everyone and hitting them, they were setting all the houses on fire. I ran into the woods and kept running. I didn't have shoes on which made it worse. I stopped behind a tree and checked on my brother, he wasn't breathing. I heard men screaming and the sound of footsteps and horses coming my way, I started running again trying to get away from them. I kept running until I couldn't hear them anymore. I ran up a hill and I hid behind this huge rock and started giving my brother CPR but he wouldn't wake up." I have to stop. But I want them to know "I cradled him in my arms and I just started sobbing, I couldn't hold it in anymore. I fell asleep because I was so exhausted from crying, I woke up that morning and picked up my brother, I kept walking looking for shelter or a village. II kept walking and I saw a house, I banged on her door and she led me here. Abuela answered the door and Julieta checked my brother and, told me that he was dead which is when you all came downstairs cause you heard and that was when abuela shooed you away. Julieta gave me an arepa and my feet were healed, she led me to a bathroom and gave me clothes and a towel. I took a shower and then the rest you guys already know." They both look at me with sadness, Mirabel asks "Wheres you btoyher now?" "I don't know but I think they buried him in the backyard." Camilo kneels infront of me and grabs both of my hands, I look at him and Isink down to my knees hugging him. Mirabel joins in on the hug. We all just sit there for a few minutes, I lean back and look at the both of them "Thank you, that felt really good to get out." I wipe my tears witjh my hands.Mirabel looks at me and says" If you need us just ask, we are here for you." Camilo nods along with what she's saying. Camilo looks at me and says "You should get some rest. Come on." He helps me up and says "I will let you guys change and Y/N, if you need anything you can go to my room. Okay?" I nod my head and respond "Okay, thank you so much." I hug him. I feel him smell my hair but I won't say anything. He says goodnight to Mirabel and I and heads to his room. MIrabel comes up to me and hugs me. She pulls away and keeps her hands on her shoulders "Let's go to bed alright" She says that with a smile.We both turn around so we can change. I put on Mirabel's extra pair of pijamas and lay down on my bed. We both roll over to face eachother and say goodnight. Before Mirabel can turn back around I quickly say "Thank you for being there for me Mirabel. It means a lot." Mirabel smiles at me and says "Don't worry, I am happy that I can help." We both smile and roll over. I lay on my side facing the wall slowly drifting off to sleep.

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