#1 Torey Krug~ Boston Bruins

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This is...mature. :p Most of them are, just warning ya.

     "Yeah, Kruger wooooo!" Bergy shouted as my blast from the point found it's way past Crawford. I smiled and pumped my fists, yelling happily as the five of us came together against the boards. 
      "F**k yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Marshy exclaimed, nearly squashing me in a hug as the fans in TD Garden cheered wildly.
      "That's what we need! More of THAT!" I called out to everyone, grinning as we skated by the bench for congratulations. "Nice pass, Zee."
      "Thanks," Chara answered, patting me on the back as I skated back to my position. He took a seat on the bench as Hamilton replaced him on D to be with me. I looked up at the game clock and smiled, noticing that I had scored a last-minute game-sealing goal (to add to my first-period one) and wondering what (y/n) thought about my skill now...
      "We got this, Torey!" Hammy shouted from the other side of the ice, and I nodded proudly. 
      "Hell yeah we do!" I said as the puck dropped, Bergy winning the draw and hitting it back to me. I licked my lips as I took the puck and weaved through the neutral zone, fooling a couple of the Blackhawks defenseman with my moves and passing it up the boards for Marshy. One of the Hawks shouted angrily at the ref for not calling offsides, and Looch, who had just come onto the ice in a change, shoved him angrily. The referee blew the whistle, and we all stopped to watch Lucic chirp Oduya. 
      "Hey hey hey, you mad bruh?" He asked Oduya tauntingly, and as he turned around, the Blackhawk player shoved him down onto the ice. 
      "Get your s**t outta my face, motherf**ker!" Oduya yelled as play stopped and the refs sped over, separating both riled up men. I groaned and rolled my eyes, looking over at Hammy and shaking my head. However, as soon as some of the other Hawks players came over to defend Oduya, I sped over and helped Looch.
      "Get the hell off him, s**t-face!" I shouted at Marian Hossa and dragged him away by the back of their jersey. "This ain't your fight!" 
      "Someone messes with David we defend him, no questions asked!" Hossa spat at me, shaking me off his jersey and brandishing gloved fists. I laughed in his face, commenting,
      "Oh, the little Johnny boy needs his f**kin' baby sitter, now does he?" The furious Blackhawk hissed furiously and ditched his gloves and stick, growling, 
      "Wanna go, shorty?" I laughed, nodding, and did the same, squaring off with him about 20 feet away from Looch and Oduya. There was less than 10 seconds left in the game, but I still accepted the fight. 
      "Sure thing, *ss-hoe," I answered, smirking smugly. 
      "What did you call me?" Hossa asked, barely able to restrain himself from punching me. "What the f**k did you just call me?"
      "*ss-hoe, it's your name backwards, f**kwad," I sneered. "Can't deal with me talking s**t to your face, huh? Am I makin' that little baby go cry in a corner with baby 'duya, hm? Maybe you guys should find a better babysitter --oh wait, I meant coach. Or are yours the same these days?"
      "Alright, clever little f**k, you're going down," Hossa spat, grabbing my jersey and swinging his fist at my face. I ducked, laughing,
      "Woah baby, do I hear the *ss-hoe getting mad?" I pulled back my fist and pounded his face a few times before he reacted. "Taking it slow, huh?" 
      "Someone's afraid this boy is gonna hurt him, oh?" Marian taunted, but I snorted, ducking his hand again and jerking him around, responding,
      "Oh I welcome the chance to get hit, but most guys are just too afraid." 
      "I'm sure they are, yes indeed, very afraid of 4 feet of s**t, look at you, f**ker! Do you ever look in the mirror and say 'Holy f**k, I hate myself so much, I'm so f**kin' ugly and stupid'? Cause I don't think I could stand seeing that f**k in the mirror every day."
      "Course I do, then I say, 'Well it's good I'm not that f**kin' b**ch *ss-hoe, or else my looks would've killed a god**mn lot of people by now.' "
      "Yeah, I'm so good-looking all the hot b**ches die from not being able to fr**kin' have me."
      "You think you're so f**kin' good at this cause you haven't fallen right? I'm surprised you know what a f**kin' fight is; thought your god**mn brain blew away in that hell-hole. F**ker." I delivered that last comment with a strong fist to the face, and finally decked the hella annoying Blackhawk, resulting in loud cheers from the passionate crowd. 
      "Now that you're up there and I'm down here--" Hossa began, but I didn't hear the rest of his insult due to the stripes coming over and separating us. 
      "You think you're so f**kin' good, ya douche," I called as the ref led me to the box. "All your fans say 'You're soooo f**kin' good, Hossa', right? You think you can f**kin' beat the god**mn s**t outta anyone, don't you, *ss-hoe, huh? Guess shorty over here just showed ya what the f**k hockey fights are! D*mn right I did!" My voice rose as I got farther away from Hossa until I was shouting so loud the entire rink could hear me. "Fight someone your own size, b**ch-*ss, you can't deal with a f**kin' All-Star like me, oh no you f**kin' can't, god**mn little f*ggot!" Stripes put me in the box with Looch, although there was no point, and I asked the ref, "Hey dude, yo, are those two s**t-bags gonna get something? Give that motherf**kin' b*stard 5 minutes and the other b**ch a minor for his f**kin' stupid cross-checking, woo!" 
      The ref rolled his eyes and skated away as the two Blackhawks were escorted to their penalty box. We put our gloves back on, laughing to each other about the fake threats we got, and gave a thumbs-up to several fans behind us. "Well, time to go," Looch joked as the game-ending buzzer sounded; we practically leaped out of the box and skated to center, congratulating Tuukka on a shutout of 4-0. 
      "Nice Tuukks, you still got it, babe!" I laughed, and he lightly smacked my shoulder with his stick. 
      "You too, honey," he returned jokingly, and I cracked up. "I think it'd be better if you didn't tell your girl about what you said."
      "F**k no!" I exclaimed. 
     "Good, cause she'll come after and kill me if she knew what we did yesterday after practice!" I laughed harder as I skated away, knowing nothing had happened in practice the day before but still thinking the Finn was hilarious. 
      "Oh Lord, that was funny," I muttered to myself, grinning as my team saluted our fans (and everybody else in the Garden). "I hope I'm not mic'd up." All I was thinking about was (y/n), and how I know she'd disapprove of me seriously chirping the *ss-hoe --I mean Hossa. But she loved when I fought, and whenever I scored, she'd let me score more when I got home too...if ya know what I mean. I'm sure gonna get it good tonight, I scored twice on the ice today. 
      Anyway, we skated off through the tunnel and to the dressing room to change, then I could celebrate the win, the goals, and the fight with (y/n) properly. I couldn't wait to get home, and Quaider asked as we walked down the tunnel, "You banging your chick tonight?" I snorted and nodded. "Now listen to me, man...f**k her so hard she'll feel like Hiroshima in WWII, alright?" 
      "Lay off on the metaphors, will ya?" I laughed.
      "Only if you lay your girl."
      "Deal." Of course I would, what else I do after a night so good?
                                                                  ***Mini Time-Skip***
      I got out my phone and saw a message there from (y/n). You ready for tonight, baby? I smirked wryly and responded, ​Can't wait to get you. You better watch out, girl; I'm getting you naked in no time. I could imagine her blushing darker than a tomato and headed out, my phone buzzing in her response. That's my cue to skedaddle. I'm taking the subway home tonight so I can prepare. I laughed at her humor and shoved it in my pocket, unlocking my car from a distance and thinking about what exactly I was gonna do that night.                                      
                                                                      ***Your POV***
      "Oh God," you whispered, flushing furiously as you read Krug's message. You used the phone's microphone typing-thing and said, "That's my cue to skedaddle. I'm taking the subway home tonight so I can prepare." You smiled proudly to yourself as you used your CharlieCard to get through the subway barriers, waiting for the next train to come by. 
      When it finally did, you quickly hopped on and grabbed a seat, tired from all the action of the night. This night is far from over though...you thought mischievously to yourself. Far from over, indeed. The train traveled from stop to stop until it reached the one closest to your house, when you jumped off it and hurried home through the bitter Boston cold. "Alright, so I gotta fix it up before Krugie gets home," you said to yourself, setting down your bag and straightening up the mantelpiece above the fire. 
      You hurried around, dimming the lights, fixing the bedsheets and such when you heard a knock on the door. "Come in," you called as it was unlocked. A loud thump came from near the door as something heavy was set down, probably his hockey bag or something. "I'm not done yet," you said, your back to the door as you desperately tried to rearrange the living room, but it was too late. Strong arms wrapped around your waist and picked you up as you were bent over, and you giggled as you felt hot breath on your neck. 
      "You don't need to fix up the house for me, baby," Torey murmured in your ear, kissing your neck gently. "I'm all set for the night." 
      "Put me down!" You squealed happily, flailing your legs around wildly. "I can't help you if I'm helpless myself!" He laughed and obliged, setting you down gently; as soon as he did you spun around and pressed your lips to his longingly. 
      "Mmmhmmm..." Torey mumbled, sliding his hands down to your waist with a small smile.
      "Should we take this somewhere else?" You asked seductively, sliding your hands down his chest then wrapping your arms around him protectively. He shook his head with a smirk and pressed you against the wall, pulling up your right leg to wrap around his waist. "Ooh, feisty," you whispered, leaning in close and brushing your lips against his ear. "Only one?" 
      "Of course not, (y/n)," Torey muttered slyly, doing the same to your left leg so the only thing holding you up was him, pushing you against the wall. "That better?" he asked as he roughly forced his mouth on yours. You nodded, unable to speak as you tightened your grip around his neck and kissed back. As you embraced him, it was brought to your notice that as he quickly let go of you he slipped the jacket off his shoulders.
      "Ooh, I like it," you whispered, breaking the kiss for a moment as you looked over Torey admiringly. You fingered the top button of his dress shirt suggestively, and he laughed.
      "Is that even a question, baby?" He murmured, and you bit your lip gleefully as you undid all the buttons. 
      "Oh God you look so sexy," you breathed out, staring at his chest and hands on his shoulders. "Holy duck, you still got it!"
      "Holy duck?" Torey asked, chuckling.
      "I didn't really wanna say the word that's every NHL player's favorite," you replied, giggling at his expression. 
      "And of course I still got it, (y/n), I ain't never gonna lose it either." You smirked and flashed an impish grin before taking off his shirt entirely, rubbing his muscles longingly. Torey moaned quietly as you did so, holding onto your hips tighter and burying his face in your shoulder. 
      "I'm not that sexy, dude," you joked, and he lifted his head and nodded vigorously. 
      "Holy fu--I mean, duck yeah, you are!" You laughed as he quickly changed the swear, and as he laughed with you tugged on the bottom of your jersey, which you had worn to the game. It just so happened that it had his name on the back of it, and he had actually worn it in a previous game before giving it to you as an anniversary present. "I know you love this, (y/n), but I'm dreadfully afraid I gotta take it off," Torey began with a grin. "After all, the one who wore it is much more attractive."
      "No he's not," you protested mockingly, and he shook his head apologetically.
      "Oh, I see how it is, you're gonna make me prove it," he remarked. "Well then, let's get to it!" You giggled and kissed his lips again as he walked over to the couch and tried to shake you off. "Get off!" You shook your head, pressing your face to his chest and holding on as tight as you could.
     "I don't wanna, I love you too much!" You objected, lightly kissing his chest a few times in an attempt of persuasion. "Please, come on, Gummy Bear!" Torey bit back another groan and sighed instead, asking,
      "I still don't get how you got that nickname for--" You cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth and undoing his belt with the other, ignoring his muffled protests. Once you had done so you clucked your tongue and waved a finger, commenting,
      "Uh uh uh, you can't just dump me like that!" With that he took your hand away and instead put your mouth in its place, pushing you down onto the couch a little forcefully.
      "I'd never dream of that," Torey whispered when you pushed him away for air. "And don't ever think I'd ever let you leave." He perched above you for a moment, breathless, as you gazed up at him in wonder. 
      "You're beautiful," you murmured. 
      "I don't think that's the right terminology, hun."
      "Fine then, you're a sexy hot-shot that makes all my dreams come true."
      "That's better." 
      "Better than me, hell yeah!" At that comment he frowned sadly, shaking his head and running the back of his hand along your jawline. 
      "No, (y/n), not quite." You just stared up at him expectantly until he suddenly jerked out of his daze. "D-did I miss something?" You laughed and shook your head.
      "Not at all, I'm just waiting for you to clear your head," you replied kindly, smiling up at Torey happily. "Just take your time, babe, I'll be here all night. It's okay to think things through sometimes." His confused expression turned to a smirk as he beamed down at you, leaning in for a few kisses.
      "I don't need to think tonight through," he whispered softly. "I know exactly what I'm gonna do to you and how I'm gonna do it." You blushed and giggled, replying,
      "You're so cute! I can't believe you chose me..." He chuckled. 
      "No you've got it all wrong, sweetheart, can't believe you chose me!" You smiled wider, remarking, 
      "You're such an angel of a bad boy, you know that? But that's why I love you, I guess." Torey smirked suggestively, sitting back so you could sit up and have a good look at him. "What are you thinking?" He said nothing, leaning in and taking off your shirt in one big flourish. 
      "Aw dang, you've got another one!" He exclaimed, pulling off the black shirt you had under it. "You ready?" Before you could answer he shoved you back down and began to shower you with kisses, starting with your stomach and working up. You squeaked when Torey got to your neck, and he nipped at it playfully before capturing your mouth once more. 
        "Just do it already, Gummy Bear!" You nearly shouted, and he winced. "Sorry about that."
      "No it's fine, your big mouth is how I noticed you in the first place, Sour Patch Kid," he answered, grinning, and you brought back your hand as if to slap him. He closed his eyes and braced for the impact that never came as you pulled him down by his arms and continued to snog your boyfriend like there was no tomorrow. Torey smiled through the kiss and slid his hands down to your waist, fumbling with the zipper of your black jeans.
      "Go ahead, big boy," you teased. He gratefully accepted your answer by taking off your pants smoothly and kissing you deeply once more. As the night wore on, you smiled upon the day you first met your dream come true.

Alright so I have no iea if this is the longest thing ever and if it is I'm sorry. :o I was inspired..

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