#2 Tuukka Rask~ Boston Bruins

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By request for: @bruinsgurl40

                                                      ***Tuukka's POV***

      "Another, Tuukks!" Brad exclaimed, shoving another shot into my hand. "Drink up!" I laughed, looking over to Matt and Johnny, who, despite having been traded, had been invited and showed up for our team celebration at the local bar. I was busy having a competition with Milan and French Fries to see who could take the most shots before passing out, which was a usual part of the post-game party. It was our last game before the All-Star Break, which this year happened to last a couple weeks because of some reason I couldn't remember. At the moment David had given up, me and Lucic getting $20 each as the result. 
      "How much longer can ya last, Looch?" I asked with a smirk as I downed the glass and set it rather roughly on the bar counter. He grinned and took another shot from Torey, gulping it down quickly and answering, 
      "Longer than you, I bet!"
      "Wanna raise the stakes?"
      "Why not?"
      "Alright, how bout we go and double it?"
      "$40 sounds good." We both smiled and shook on it before taking yet another drink from the guys serving them to us. 
      "You sure you wanna get that drunk with her around?" Reilly asked as I knocked back the drink. 
      "It's only been...I don't know, how many has it been, Kruger?" I asked, not really hearing the second part of his question, my words slurring a little. 
      "8," he answered, laughing a bit. "French Fries quit after 3." We all laughed as David looked down and mumbled something about wanting to drive himself. 
      "Sure, sure, the old Czech man wants to stay innocent and clean, I understand," joked Marshy, and we all cracked up again. Krejčí just sighed and motioned for me to continue, and I was about to drink another when someone cleared their throat from behind me. 
       "Excuse me, gentlemen, but I just wanted to make sure the two of you won't be driving home tonight," a female voice said, and I spun around to see a beautiful woman standing with arms crossed in some kind of fancy uniform. I tried to say something but my vocal chords wouldn't work for some reason, so I just looked her up and down, smirking. 
      "No, they're not," Soupy said confidently. The woman smiled warmly at him, nodding approvingly, and I sighed loudly. She turned to me, frowning slightly, and commented, 
      "I wouldn't let this one drive even if he wasn't drunk." I pouted at her as everyone laughed, and some guys nodded. 
      "Hey, I'm a great driver!" I said, finally finding my words and frowning sadly. "You know who I am, right?" The woman nodded, a small smile brightening her face a bit. 
      "Yeah why? Just cause y'all are famous in your own respect don't mean I won't arrest any of ya," she explained. I frowned deeper. "Nice try though." She turned to go, but I lunged out and grabbed her arm, spinning her around to face me. 
      "I just wanted to...get your, um, name," I drawled, smiling as convincingly as I could. The pretty woman shook her head and walked away.
      "Naw, I don't trust y'all yet, and it's against regulation," she remarked, walking out the door. "Sorry Tuukka." I watched as she left, and looked over at my friends and noticed they were staring at the spot where she left their sight. 
      "She knows my name," I whispered, and Brad nudged me, laughing,
      "Of course she knows your name, dude, she's part of the Boston police force!" So that's why she had those fancy clothes. "Besides, did you see what she was holding?" 
      "Um, no, why? All I noticed was that she's sexy as hell." My friends laughed at me but agreed, talking among themselves about how they were gonna get her.
      "Well," continued Marshy, "she had a Bruins hat that I guess she wasn't supposed to be wearing on the job or something." I nodded, smirking to myself. 
      "Liking hockey also explains her extreme hotness," I murmured. "Do ya think her side job is a model or something?" 
      "Naw, I think she's a stripper," Torey commented, and everyone burst into laughter, especially me. "What? She looks like it, I think." I nodded, still chuckling amusedly.
      "Yeah, I think Kruger's right," Brad said, slapping me approvingly on the back. "But unless she has like 20-something siblings that look and act exactly like her we ain't all gonna get her." I frowned, thinking to myself how I could achieve step 1- find out her name. 
                                                                     ***Your POV***
      "Sorry Tuukka," you said as you walked out the door, leaving over 20 men staring at you in your wake. Your fellow officer was waiting outside for you, and when he saw you a smile spread across his freezing face. 
      "Thank God-d you're b-b-back, (y/n)," he said, teeth slightly chattering. "I w-would've turned into a sn-snowman if you had been t-too much longer-r." 
      "Sorry, I just had to check to make sure they weren't doing anything illegal," you explained, adding, "Where's your coat, (o/n)?" 
      "Oh yeah, i-it's in the cruiser-r," he explained, and you put an arm around his shoulder. 
      "Well then, let's go get it before we finish our walkthrough so you don't get frostbite and die," you said cheerfully. 
      "That's encouraging." You laughed and leaned on (o/n)'s shoulder as you approached the cruiser, unlocking it with the key you pulled out of your coat. 
      "Have some fabric, dude," you remarked, handing him the winter coat and hat. He gratefully took them and put them on quickly, looking at your reflections in the side mirror and laughing. (o/n) commented, 
      "We look like Russians!" You nodded, realizing the same thing and laughing along with him as you locked the police car. 
      "Indeed, ve do!" You exclaimed with another chuckle. "Bring eet on, Putin, ve riwal your best-looking officers! Vatch out or ve vill take ower your nation vith our hotness!" Your fellow officer had to stop walking he was laughing so hard, hanging onto a lamppost for support. 
     "Oh God, (y/n), that's hilarious!" He exclaimed, doubling over again and nearly dying of amusement. "That's so great, oh my gosh, don't do that again or else I'll die!" You frowned mockingly and said while snickering,
      "Okey I vill not do eet again, (o/n)." He lightly smacked your arm, guffawing loudly and attracting the attention of the few people strolling the streets. "Shut it, dude, it'll ruin our reputation!" You whisper-yelled, smiling, and he shoved you gently, causing you to stumble and run into a pole.
      "That's what you get, (y/n)," (o/n) commented with a smirk as you rubbed your head and eased your way around the pole, glaring at him. 
      "I am currently planned rewenge, (o/n), so vatch your back," you muttered in your Russian accent, running a little ahead of him so he couldn't push you again and laughing. "I plan my rewenge!"
                                                              ***Tuukka's POV***
      "I wonnnnn," I dragged out as I set down yet another empty shot glass. "Fork it over, Looch." He laughed drunkenly and grudgingly handed over the $40 we had agreed to. I stood up unsteadily and waved it around, shouting, "Victory is mineeee!" Reilly widened his eyes and pushed me back down, saying, 
      "Shut up, Tuukks, people are gonna think you're crazy!"
      "I'm not?" I asked with a crooked smile and tried to stand again amid laughs from my teammates. "Smitty, you should know that!" He pushed me back down and said worriedly, 
      "You're gonna get arrested if you keep it up!" ​THAT'S IT! I screamed excitedly to myself, grinning widely and stumbling out of the bar, all my friends following suit. 
      "Hey, dude, I'd put on your coat," Torey said, zipping up his and handing me mine. 
      "Thanks Krugie boy," I replied, taking it and dong the same as we looked around at each other. "Everybody looks like...snowmen," I observed, and everyone laughed at me. Brad came over and guided me out, laughing hysterically, and I chuckled and leaned on his shoulder. "Good thing ol' Squirrely over here is short so I can lean on 'im," I called out, summoning more snickers from the team. 
      "Shut the f**k up, dude!" He laughed, pushing me into Krug. "He's shorter, use him!" Torey sighed angrily and commented loudly, 
      "Bad mouth over there's pretty mad he's the shortest one on the team, am I right?" I laughed and nodded. 
      "Yup, Kruger, he is," I answered, releasing a smile from Krug's expressionless face. "His hair only makes him look your height." Torey nodded happily, patting me on the back. 
      "Hell yeah, that's right," he agreed. As we reached the parking garage, joking about various things including height, I broke into a very wobbly run, yelling,
      "I'll drive!" Nearly everyone just stared at me like I was insane, so I grinned as I reached our cars, unlocking mine with my key and hopping inside. "Who's with me?" No one answered. "Oooookay then I guess I'm alone!" Reilly bit his lip and ran over to the window, beckoning for me to roll it down. 
       "Dude, are you insane?!" He exclaimed once I did so, a terrified look on his face. "You're gonna get arrested, idiot!" I simply smirked and nodded. 
      "That's wwwhat I'm goin' forrr, Smitty boy!" I said encouragingly. He just stared at me blankly, gaping in shock. "See where I'm going with it?" By then some other guys had gotten to my car and were crowding around it, and Johnny commented, 
      "I see what's happening." I smiled at him, nodding proudly. 
      "See boys? Chucky knows what's up!" I exclaimed happily. "Alright, now am I going alone or what?"                 
                                                             ***Your POV***
      "Oh s**t, (y/n), we gotta get them, don't we?" (o/n) growled, looking over to you. You nodded angrily and jerked the wheel over to the right, following the crazy driver down the rather empty road. You put on your lights and sirens, causing the car you were chasing to speed up dangerously. 
      "D*mn idiots," you muttered, gritting your teeth and speeding up as well. Suddenly a figure leaned out of the vehicle, brandishing something and shouting at you. 
      "What d'they got there?" (o/n) asked, a hint of nervousness showing in his voice.
      "Looks like a—oh f**k get down, get down!" As you tried to identify what the person had, they shot what you realized was a gun at your cruiser. You swerved back and forth across the road, trying to avoid the bullets when a scream erupted from the passenger seat next to you. You pulled over immediately and noticed a hole in (o/n)'s right shoulder as he held it and tried not to cry.
      "Call the station," he choked, wincing. You nodded and picked up the walkie-talkie and buzzed the station, saying, 
      "Hello? This is Sgt. (y/l/n) reporting, I have a dangerous driver to report."
      "Go on," the voice said from the other end of the line. 
      "They're heading south on Albany Street at very high speeds, just past the intersection of that and Massachusetts Avenue. The passenger has a gun, and Officer (o/l/n) was shot in the shoulder."
      "Copy that, we'll send two armored cruisers right away," the voice said. "Get Officer (o/l/n) to the hospital right away, then continue your patrol."
      "10-4, I'll do that right away sir," you responded, clipping the walkie-talkie back onto it's holder and driving onto the road again. "Got that, buddy?" You asked (o/n), glancing over at him worriedly. "I'll get you to the hospital and they'll fix ya up." He nodded, clenching his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut, doing a remarkable job of not screaming from the pain. 
      "Yup," he got out. "I'm cool with that." You smiled as you headed to the hospital, although still biting your lip anxiously.
      "Glad we have ya on the team, (o/n)," you said after a moment of silence. "You're strong. Boston strong."
                                       ***Mini Time Skip~30 minutes later***
      "Are you sh**ting me right now?!" You exclaimed furiously, noticing another crazy driver and pulling in behind them. "Everyone's either drunk or insane tonight!" You put on your lights and sirens yet again, and the swerving car pulled over and slowed to a stop. You sighed with contentment. At least this one listens. 
      You pulled over behind them and got out, sticking a gun in your belt just in case. "Excuse me, but I'm afraid I have to give you a ticket. May I see your license please, sir?" You heard male voices coming from the open window and looked inside, gaping when you saw who it was.
      "Hey babe," Tuukka Rask commented slyly, and you huffed frustratedly, although you were kinda happy to see him again. 
      "I told you not to drive!" You exclaimed between clenched teeth. "You don't listen often do you?"
      "No, he doesn't ever listen when Coach has his pre-game speech," a voice said from the backseat, and you noticed Brad Marchand sitting there and smirking. 
      "Well that explains a lot, but Tuukk, I need your license," you persisted, willing to arrest the NHL player no matter how desirable he was. Rask sighed and looked through his wallet, handing you the card. "Wait here," you said, running back to your cruiser to look up his record. "Stupid," you muttered to yourself, noticing he had already had multiple records of drunk driving. You got the instrument out and walked back to the large van-like vehicle. 
      "What's that?" Tuukka asked drunkenly, the smile dropping off his handsome Finnish face. You sighed and replied, 
      "It's a test to see how drunk you are." His eyes widened as he opened the driver-side door and stepped out shakily. "Before I do this thing," you began, waving around the instrument, "I'll need you to walk from here to that tree over there on the white line. We need to go through the full test before I arrest you." 
      "O-okay," Rask stuttered nervously, doing as you asked but completely failing to walk in a straight line. 
      "Knew it," you muttered, marking something down on a notepad and beckoning for him to come closer. He bit his lip as you put the instrument in his mouth, waiting a few seconds before it beeped. "Way over .08, dude, watch it next time." 
      "Are you gonna arrest me?" Tuukka asked nervously, and you nodded, pulling out handcuffs, motioning for him to turn around. 
      "Now, I need someone else who's NOT drunk to drive for Tuukks, alright, boys?" You asked as you clipped on the handcuffs.
      "Sure thing, ma'am," Brad replied, and Torey got out from the backseat and climbed into the driver's one. "Hey, who said you could drive?" 
      "I didn't drink anything, Shorty," Krug replied jokingly, and several laughs sounded from the rear seats. "I'm cleaner than your invisible Maserati."
      "Drive sober, guys; as you can see I'm not afraid to arrest anyone," you said as you led away the NHL star goalie by the hand, trying not to show any weakness. "You know, I didn't really wanna meet ya this way." Tuukka looked over his shoulder at you sadly, pouting a bit as his friends drove away. 
      "Whaddaya mean, Officer Sexy?" He asked, and you blushed. 
      "It's Sgt., buddy, Sgt. (y/l/n)," you answered, putting him in the back seat and shutting the door. "Not a very good way to hold your hand for the first time, huh, goalie-boy?" His head drooped, nodding as you climbed in the front seat of the cruiser and began to drive towards the police station. 
      "Well, it was all part of the plan," Tuukka remarked after a while. "I was trying to get you alone somehow." Your eyes widened surprisedly. "I thought you were a model on the side, and Torey believes you're a stripper." You pulled over the car and spun around in your seat, your eyes piercing him.
      "Krugie thought WHAT?" You questioned, and he shrunk down in his seat, terrified at the look on your face. "That's insane," you whispered dangerously, getting out and walking to the other side of the cruiser. You opened the passenger side rear door and got in, closing it and looking Tuukka in the eye. "You know, I've always wanted to meet you, but I hoped it would be at a game, not at the police station." 
      "The moment I saw you I would've died for you," he replied with a smirk, and although he had to put them under his legs in a difficult and probably painful process, clutched your face in his hands. Rask placed his lips on yours before you knew what was happening, and you almost involuntarily reacted, working your mouth against his. You felt him smile through the kiss and pushed you down so your back was to the floor, holding you down. 
      When you felt you were about to burst from a lack of oxygen, he finally let you go and sat up, letting you shakily sit up as well. "This isn't where I wanted to have our first kiss," Tuukka explained. "But you got a good mouth, girl. Mind telling me your first name?" You just sat on the floor of the cruiser, shocked beyond belief as you gaped at him.
      "I-um-ah, I'm, uh, (y/n)," you stammered, still completely surprised by his actions. "And...I think I'll just, um, sit here a bit, o-okay?" He smirked coyly and nodded, licking his lips and winking as you sat back. What a day...

I hope you liked it, if not I can do another or change this one or something. ;) 

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