#4 Sidney Crosby~ Pittsburgh Penguins

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"Oh God, please don't, Sid, stop it!" You giggled, squirming around in the bed as he tickled you fiercely.
"No, (y/n)," Sidney whispered in your ear. "It's fun seeing you all helpless like this. It's soooo adorable." You shook your head as you continued to laugh uncontrollably.
"Please stop, please, I'm begging you, dude, please!" You pleaded with him, and he finally sat back on his heels, catching his breath as he laughed. "That's better," you got out before Sidney resumed the tickle-fest. "Stop it!"
"Make me," he murmured in your ear, and you ran your tongue over your lips, moistening them and grinning slyly.
"Will do," you replied as you ran your hands up his sides and kissed all along his neck. "I think I'll need your help though..."
"How can I help you make me stop when I don't wanna?" Sid asked confusedly, and you looked up to see a smirk on his face.
"I don't know, but that's cause that didn't even make sense anyway," you giggled, poking his cheek. His grin widened as he asked in a soft voice,
"But that's why you love me, right?" You were about to nod when Sidney attacked you once more, causing you to laugh hysterically yet again.
"You're making my chest ache," you groaned in between laughs. "And you're not even giving me a chance to persuade you to stop either!" He realized the sense in what you were saying and climbed off you, laying on his side and facing you. "That's better."
"Is it now?" Sidney asked, winking seductively, and you laughed yet again and nodded. "I thought you liked playing with me."
"I do, just not like that." You bit your lip as he chuckled softly, raising an eyebrow.
"How then, sweetheart?" He asked coyly. "Like this?" Sid leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on your lips, and you shivered with delight.
"That's getting there, baby," you murmured, pulling him closer by the front of his shirt. "But it's not quite up to our standards, I don't think..." With that you straddled his waist and grabbed his face in your hands, pressing your lips to his roughly. Your boyfriend immediately reacted, grabbing your waist and squeezing it, running a hand up your back.
"Oh dear God, (y/n), you're killing me!" Sidney moaned as you slid your hands down and slowly began to unbutton his shirt, flashing him a flirty smile. You nuzzled your face into his neck as you ran your hands down his bare chest, and he quickly took off his shirt, panting from excitement.
"You like it, boy?" You whispered, gently kissing his neck, and he responded by massaging your hips and sighing. "Ohhh..." You got out as he hooked two fingers in the belt loops of your jeans and pulled you down onto him. "Sidney...oh Lord...oh my..."
"I love it," Sidney muttered in your ear, tugging on the hem of your shirt suggestively. "I'd love it even more if this came off though..." You sucked in a deep breath as he helped you slip off the shirt, and locked lips with him as soon as you'd tossed the garment to the ground.
"Mmmhmmm..." You got out as he kissed up and down your neck, finding the soft spot through your squeak and sucking on it. "Ahhh..."
"Oh yeah," Sid whispered as he pushed you to the side and climbed on top of you. "I think this works a bit better..." He fingered the zipper of your pants as your lips touched his again, your hands flying to his hair and pulling on it gently. You squeezed your eyes shut as he ran his hands from your hips up to your face and back down, finally deciding to hold onto your thighs.
"I...thought I s-said...stop th--ohhh..." You groaned happily, gripping his back firmly as his fingers explored your chest.
"Nope," Sidney answered simply, grinning as you slid your hands down to the waistband of his pants and left them there. As his mouth met yours once again you wondered what he'd do if you suggested taking them off, but apparently there was no discussion on that topic. "Do it, (y/n), I dare you," he whispered, his hot breath on your neck running shivers down your spine.
"Yeah?" You unbuttoned the clasp and slowly unzipped his pants with your shaking hands, not knowing what to do next. He laughed and finished the job, releasing your waist and sliding off the clothing item with a sly smirk. You gasped involuntarily and blushed, slapping a hand over your mouth in embarrassment.
"Like what ya see, my sexy model?" Sidney murmured seductively in your ear, causing your face to heat up even more. You hesitated for a moment, nodding shyly before responding,
"I-I'm not a model."
"Well, you should be, cause you sure as hell look like one." You had the desperate urge to smack the amused grin right off his handsome face, but at the same time wanted to kiss it forever. "You know, I could fix that if you wanted..."
You had both forgotten Sidney was sharing the hotel room with someone else --Evgeni Malkin, his alternate captain-- and that Geno had said he'd try to be back around 12 am. It was 12:06, you observed on your watch, as the door unlocked and he stumbled in, unable to really comprehend what was happening. "So..." he drawled, grinning drunkenly. "You banging ze hot girl, huh, Sid?" You gasped and immediately covered your face with your hands, mortified.
"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Sidney answered defensively, looking over his shoulder and biting his lip. "Can I f**k her in peace, please?" You snickered as Malkin rolled his eyes and waved a hand at him, collapsing onto the other bed in exhaustion.
"Da, vatewer, for I vill be sleep soon," the Russian centerman answered, his face in a pillow. "I not care vat you do, just...you not make too much noise, please." Your face reddened even more under the protection of your hands, and after a moment of awkward silence where nothing happened, Sidney gently removed them. He cupped your cheeks in his hands, admiring your face with a scrutinizing eye before pressing his mouth to yours.
"Don't moan too loud, okay (y/n)?" He asked with a smirk, and you shoved his shoulder weakly, your face most definitely still on fire.
"You gotta control yourself too, Sid," you replied, and he laughed, brushing his lips over your ear. He said quietly,
"Don't worry, babe, I know exactly how to have fun and be quiet." You grinned as Sidney added, "I gotta be kinda quick this time I think cause we got practice tomorrow morning early."
"Make sure quick doesn't mean sloppy," you whispered, nibbling on your lip and placing your hands on his shoulders. "But...I guess I wouldn't wanna make you late for hockey practice with a bunch of crazy people." Sidney laughed and placed his forehead on yours, gazing into your (e/c) eyes with a cute smile on his face.
"They are crazy, yeah," he admitted sheepishly. "But they're awesome." He paused a moment before adding, "Although no one can compare in anything to you in bed." You giggled happily, glad you had someone who really loved you.
"I love you," you said. "Please don't ditch me, and...and I want you to know that even if you did, I'd still love you more than anything."
"It'd break my heart to see you with anyone else," Sidney responded seriously. "I'll never let you fall, sunshine. Never."

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