#6~ Olli Määttä (Pittsburgh Penguins)

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"Aah, no!" I groaned as the car on-screen was knocked off the cliff. "D*mn you, Määttä!" He just chuckled as his car zoomed ahead, and Flower battled to try to knock the Finn out of his position. It was no use, for Olli, Fleury, and I finished in 1st, 2nd, and 5th, respectively.
"Do you live in a video game?" The goaltender complained as he came in a half-second behind his teammate.
"I won, (y/l/n), I won!" Olli exclaimed, throwing down the controller in his excitement. You rolled your eyes as he jumped around.
"Yes, I noticed, now sit down before I make you sit down." Fleury laughed and added,
"Count me in."
"How will you do that?" He asked, stopping his jumping and looking down at you curiously.
"You don't wanna find out," you answered ominously, wiggling your fingers. Flower and Olli laughed loudly, and you crossed your arms, offended as the Finn remarked,
"But what if I do?" You just shook your head as he smirked down at you. "What happens then?" You grinned evilly as you leaped up and tackled him to the ground, giggling as he groaned in pain. Fleury just watched in amusement as Olli was taken down roughly, hitting the floor with a loud thump.
"I told you that you shouldn't test me!" You shouted, standing up and putting your foot on his chest. Olli sighed in defeat and nodded, wincing and grabbing his side.
"Ow..." He complained. You rolled your eyes again and took your foot off him, reaching out a hand to help him up. Olli smirked as he grabbed your hand, pulling you down on top of him and tickling your sides.
"Flower, help!" You shouted, but it was no use. The goalie just sat back on the coach and laughed, and you made a mental note to kill him later. You roared with laughter as you tried to smack Olli's hands away, and he finally stopped when your phone began to ring. "I'll get that," you said as he got off you awkwardly, watching as you answered the phone that was about to buzz itself off the table. You went into the kitchen and began to speak. "Hello?"
"Hi (y/n), it's Sid!" You blushed at the sound of his voice. "What's up?"
"Oh, not much," you answered, grinning. "Just hanging with Olli and Flower and playing Xbox." There was an awkward silence as he digested the information.
"Anything else you'd like to tell me?" You rolled your eyes frustratedly. This had been an ongoing problem between you two for a while.
"If I was doing anything else I'd tell you in a heartbeat, Sid, you know that!"
"Lemme talk to Flower." You sighed and yelled,
"FLOWER GET IN HERE SID WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" You handed over the phone as he came in the room and you exited it, casually eavesdropping.
"No, I didn't touch her Sid, geez calm down!" It was a one-sided conversation, for you couldn't hear what Sidney was saying on the other end. "Yes, we were just playing Xbox...no we didn't do anything else...yes we had food...chips and soda why?" You groaned and asked loudly,
"Are you guys done yet?"
"No." You sighed and tapped your foot impatiently, wanting to get back to the video game. "What is your deal today?...Oh well excuse me...no, I'm not in the mood for a beating...I'm done with this conversation." Flower looked extremely pissed off as he handed you the phone, stomping out of the kitchen, fuming.
"Oh no," you muttered as you took the phone back. "What is your problem?"
"What is my problem? I am not the one with the problem! You defend my teammates over me when I'm asking what you guys were doing?! God, (y/n), I don't think we can do this if you put my friends over me!" You huffed angrily before retorting,
"You have no right to yell like that, they did nothing wrong! All we did was play video games!"
"How the f**k do I know you're not lying?" At that your anger overflowed.
"You don't trust me?! You don't trust your teammates?! We tell you exactly what happened and what we did and you act like they f**ked me or something?! You selfish, over-protective, cocky man b**ch!" You heard Flower and Olli laughing quietly in the other room. "I can't take this 'Oh, you can't hang out with them' and the 'Don't do this, don't do that', oh, and don't you forget the 'I'm your boyfriend, so you have to listen to me' sh*t! I can't take it! Either you change your behavior right now or we're done." Sid snorted, replying coldly,
"You don't like me for who I am? Fine. We're done. There are plenty of other hot b**ches out there for me that can love me for who I am."
"Ya, then leave you the next day cause they're sluts and cause there will be some other hot man b**ch that comes along!"
"You know what?" He asked, furious, and you spat,
"Well, for one your sass is a little too much, and two, I just might--"
"WELL I DON'T GIVE A F**K WHAT YOU MIGHT DO!" You screamed into the phone, pressing 'End Call' and throwing it on the ground. "That bastard! I can't believe him, I just can't!" You shouted as you burst into the living room, scaring the sh*t out of the boys.
"I'm sorry, (y/n)," Flower whispered, and at that you completely broke down. He gathered you in his arms, rubbing your back gently as you sobbed.
"What did I do to get him like this, I don't understand!" You cried, getting his shirt wet from all your tears. He didn't respond, which you were grateful for. If he would've uttered a single word, you would've gone into hysterics and probably gone around destroying stuff. You respected him for many reasons, and his knowledge of when to speak and when to stay silent was one of them.
"Captain or not, the next time I see that man b**ch I will whip his *ss so hard he'll go crying to his mother," Marc murmured in your ear after a while. By this time you had calmed down a bit, and smiled weakly at his comments. "You're a wonderful girl, and he made a huge mistake in letting you go just like that." You nodded and buried your face deeper in his shoulder and breathed deeply to steady yourself.
"So, do either of you want a drink?" Olli's voice sounded from across the room, and the two of you jumped, having forgotten he was there. You frowned at his cold tone, asking,
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Besides, you shouldn't be the one asking that question, and that didn't answer my question." You rolled your eyes at his suddenly brisk manner, sighing and shaking your head at Flower.
"I think I'll have a Coke, but I can get it myself," you said, getting up and drying your eyes with your sleeves. You strode into the kitchen, Olli right behind you and Fleury just chilling on the couch. "Now what's your problem?" You asked accusingly, crossing your arms threateningly and staring him down.
"I-I, um, nothing," Olli stuttered, looking down as you leaning back on the fridge.
"Sure..." You licked your chapped lips as he glanced up at you, blushing and not holding your gaze for more than a second. "Why won't you look at me? What happened to our friendship during the 20 minutes I haven't talked to anyone? My argument was with Sid, not you."
"It-it's nothing you, um, should take p-personally, just let it go," Olli tried to ease you off the topic, but you weren't budging until you got a definite answer.
"I'm not taking that excuse, dude, please just tell me!" You persisted, and he sighed, fiddling with his hands and moving closer to you. You looked up as he leaned sideways on the counter, standing less than a foot away from you.
"I hope this isn't too forward, but I just have to get this out. I've loved you from the moment I saw you, but you were all for Sid, and he was all over you too. Everyone has loved you since the start, whether as a friend or crush, but I think my love was a problem." He paused for a moment to gage your reaction, but you stayed emotionless and silent, so he continued awkwardly, looking into your eyes. "We've been friends for a while, but I've always wanted more. Until now, I've never had a chance. And the reason I wouldn't look at you was because you are beautiful, and licking your lips was just a little over the edge for me, I was afraid I'd kiss you or something. I understand if this messes up our friendship I worked so hard to create and then advance, but--" You cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him forward so you were barely inches apart.
"Shut up and kiss me, lover boy," you whispered, and Olli did as he was told. He leaned down but stopped halfway, still not entirely sure you wanted it too. "You don't take hints, do you?" You grabbed the back of his neck and tugged his face down so his lips met yours for the first time. He pushed your back into the fridge, taking it slow as you tightened your grip around his neck. You didn't know how far he wanted to go, so you tested him to be sure. To be honest, you had always had a thing for him, but since Sid asked you out first you decided he'd just be a friend.
You ran your tongue over his lips, causing him to moan quietly, and you grinned proudly. This time it was Olli's turn to lick your bottom lip, but you denied access, teasing him a bit. He bit down on it lightly after you refused to open your mouth, and you groaned in pleasure. He gratefully slipped his tongue in your mouth, dancing around with your tongue. You tangled your hands in his hair as he pulled you closer to him by your hips. When Olli finally pulled away, you were light-headed and out of breath. "Uh..." You began awkwardly, your face heating up quickly, but he interjected before you could say another word.
"Wow," Olli whispered, rubbing your cheek with a thumb. "You're even better than I thought..." You felt the blush spread to your ears and neck at his compliment.
"You were jealous back there, weren't you?" You jabbed your thumb back at the living room, referring to earlier. Olli flushed and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Uh, um, that is a possibility, but I doubt--"
"Don't deny it."
"Alright, I admit, I was very very jealous. It made me mad to see you going to him for comfort instead of me. But now that I experienced that, I realize that I have nothing to worry about." You smiled warmly, nodding approvingly. "Now, where were we?" You laughed softly and closed your eyes as he leaned in again, but this time you were interrupted.
"It's taking you guys a hell of a long time to get-- oh." You both turned to see Flower standing in the doorway, his face also turning red. "I'll just come back later?" You giggled nervously, slipping under Olli's arm and walking to the living room. You plopped down on the couch, not looking at either man as Olli sat on the other side of you. "So..."
"I don't wanna talk about it," you interrupted Marc, and he shrugged.
"Never mind," he brushed it off as he gave you a hug. "I'm gonna head to bed, see you guys tomorrow morning. Don't get too loud, okay?" You rolled your eyes as Olli turned crimson, both nodding in understanding.
"Wait, this is a sleepover?" You asked, and you got nods from both boys.
"You don't want us staying over?" Olli asked, pouting, and you hugged him tightly.
"No, it's not like that, I just--"
"I think she wants me to leave you you two can have some alone time," Flower interjected, winking at you before heading upstairs.
"Well..." You started, glancing sideways at the flustered Finn. "You alright there?"
"Of course, now that I have you," he answered proudly, wrapping an arm around you. You smiled and got up, putting in a movie.
"What are you putting on?" Olli asked curiously, and you shrugged, replying,
"Fast and Furious 6 I think."
"You're not sure?"
"Never mind, just watch it." He obliged, silencing his mouth and pulling you in tighter as the movie began. 20 minutes in you got up to get popcorn and drinks, coming back and sitting between his legs as he massaged your shoulders. Olli soon moved one hand down to your thigh, rubbing it gently as you blushed. You shifted a bit and brushed his hand away when it got too high on your leg, and he asked concernedly,
"Do you not want me to do that?" You shrugged and leaned your head back on his chest.
"I don't know, if you want I guess it's fine."
"No no no, I won't do something if you don't want me to."
"I don't know," you repeated, and Olli asked nervously,
"Well, can I ask you an important question?" You nodded, wondering what it could be. "Um, I know I just, uh, admitted my, er, that I like you, uh, a lot, so...will you be my girlfriend?" You bobbed your head again, smiling widely as he breathed out a sigh of relief. "That was actually easier than I thought it would be."
"I'm just that chill." He laughed, and your focus returned to the screen, this time ignoring his wandering hands. You finally stopped Olli when you felt his cold fingers under the hem of your shirt. He sighed and pressed his cheek to your back, wrapping his arms around you and syncing his breathing with yours.
"I'm glad I have you," he said quietly after a long moment of silence. "I've always wanted to do this with you without being afraid of being caught, and finally I can do it."
"I've liked you for a while too," you admitted, and you felt him pull away.
"Really?" You nodded slightly, shifting so you were curled up in his lap. "But how?"
"What do you mean 'how'?" Olli sighed, explaining,
"Well, you dated Sid for a while, and you guys seemed so happy, and I would always feel left out. I never realized you wanted me..."
"I was looking for a deeper relationship at first, but then I realized I had to settle with plain friendship. Not that our friendship was boring..." You both thought back to previous times, like the bonfire at the beach where you had thrown a chair into the fire, or the time you had a party for the guys at your house. "Never doing that again," you murmured, remembering the damage it caused to your modest little home.
"Are you thinking about the time you invited the team over and they destroyed this place?" Olli asked, and you nodded, laughing slightly.
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I was just thinking about that too."
"Guess our minds think alike, hm?" He nodded, kissing the back of your neck and resting his chin on your shoulder.
"I still can't believe it," he whispered after a long while of just watching the movie. "I can't believe I actually have some kind of chance with you, I thought it'd never happen."
"Oh stop it, lover boy," you teased. "You knew."
"Well, now I do." Olli stated the obvious, and you chuckled. "I...I remember the first time I saw you. The coach introduced you as the replacement athletic trainer, and we all thought you were the best thing ever. I remember Sid, Geno, and Sunshine talking about how hot you were, and I got really mad but I didn't tell anyone. When it was your time to leave everyone wanted you to stay, so you got the job, and-- I speak for everyone-- we all went and partied at the bar." You laughed.
"Seriously? I'm just a trainer!"
"Just? There's no 'just' in that, you are the most wonderful person I've ever met!" You blushed at his compliment and looked down, but Olli wasn't having that. "No, don't be embarrassed, be proud of who you are!" He reassured you brightly. "I love you for you, not for who you try to be." You turned around, smiling widely and squeezing him in a tight hug.
"This is why you've been my best friend," you mumbled into his chest.
"I've always wanted more."
"Me too, but I made a promise to myself to stay loyal to Sid till he quit, and I did that. Now we can get to being more than friends." Olli grinned brightly, pulling away and looking into your shining (e/c) eyes.
"Your eyes are so beautiful," he murmured, running a finger along your jawline. You blushed and gave him a little kiss on the nose. He smirked and pulled you back, reconnecting your lips. It was what you've always wanted, but had never had the guts --or the need-- to tell anyone. You did promise to stay loyal to Sidney until the very end, but you had a feeling that the new start with Olli was sure to go much better.

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