#5 Zach Parise~ Minnesota Wild

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This is what happened on most of the nights the Wild lost. A night of him in a drunken stupor yelling at you about how everything was your fault, but come morning he'd act like the sorriest person in the world. You couldn't let him go because you loved him too much, but you were beginning to feel Zach was a little too much for you.

"Are you kidding me?" He shouted as he stormed in the front door. "My own girlfriend doesn't even stay up to wait for me...God I guess I need a new one." You groaned internally as he threw down his things by the door and stomped in your shared bedroom. "Why aren't you awake?" You sat up in bed, rubbing your eyes.

"I don't have to stay up this late every time you choose to go and drink yourself silly, do I? I do have a job, and it requires me to sleep," you responded, and Zach rolled his eyes.

"I should expect you stay up at least some of the time, (y/n)," he answered.

"Well then don't go out and drink and come home at 1."

"Don't sass me, I make my own choices!" You gritted your teeth angrily, hissing,

"And if I don't like them? What happens then?"

"I don't know, what do you think? Do you think I can deal with someone who's never there for me and is practically worthless? I mean, you hardly do anything! I don't even know if you even like me anymore."

"Uh, if you hadn't noticed I have a job, and I'm not the one never there for you! What do you think I do when you go on road trips, just sit on the couch and eat?" He was about to interject but you weren't finished yet. "No, I don't! I work my *ss off even though I don't have to, and I deal with you being gone half the time! Do you think I enjoy being alone? Do you think I like you coming home drunk when your team loses? Do you think I accept decisions like these whole-heartedly? Absolutely not! But do I love you? Yes, and I am willing to stay with you as long as you can control your anger." You were breathing hard after your mini rant, and Zach just stood in the doorway for a moment, stunned.

"Well, if you don't like my decisions then I suggest you leave," he retorted after recovering from his shock, slamming the door behind him. "Why the f**k can't you understand me?!" You heard him shout, and tears began to roll down your face.

"Maybe I should leave..." You murmured quietly, slipping out of the sheets and getting your suitcase from the closet. You went through each of the drawers, putting necessary items in it and zipping it up. After this process, which took about 10 minutes, you decided to venture outside of the bedroom. You heard no noise, and padded down the hallway to the bathroom, where you gathered up your toiletries to add to your bag. Lastly, you took a piece of paper and scribbled down a note to Zach.

I'm sorry it had to end like this. I didn't want to leave you, but you leave me no choice. Call me when you're sober. I can't truly love a man who isn't in his right mind half his life. Maybe we can fix this. But for now, this is goodbye.

You put down the pen and looked at your right hand, slowly removing the ring he'd bought you for your one-year anniversary and setting it next to the note. You took a deep breath and turned to look at Zach, snoring on the couch with a half-empty beer bottle in his hand. "I guess this is goodbye," you repeated softly to yourself as you took the bag and left, locking the door quietly behind you.

You loaded the suitcase in the trunk of your car and got in the driver seat, pulling out your phone. "Hello?" Ryan Suter answered in a sleepy voice after a few rings. You sucked in a deep breath before replying.

"It's Zach," you said, wiping away the tears and trying to keep your voice steady. "He's drunk again, and I can't take it anymore. Can I stay at your place till I decide what I'm gonna do?" There wasn't any hesitation in his voice as he replied,

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