#3 Tyler Seguin~ Dallas Stars

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For: Zel_Dah :)

"What the hell?!" You exclaimed, laughing at your friend as she showed you a hilarious Grumpy Cat meme on Instagram. "That's amazing!"

"I know right?!" You burst out laughing together as you sat at the table, and received a few looks from surrounding people. "Oh, and look what my boyfriend sent to me! We've only been dating for a few months, so I'm a bit scared." You looked at the screenshot momentarily, and she watched as your expression went from amused to shocked.

"Ya that's weird!" You told her worriedly. "I wouldn't do that..."

"I don't know what to say though, cause I might hurt his feelings."

"Aw, (f/n), I'm sure he'll understand." At that moment your laptop beeped, and you looked down as the Airdrop app was bouncing. "What the..." You clicked on it nervously, and a rather interesting picture popped up, with an even more interesting caption. It was a picture of a dog with sunglasses, and the words under it were: Wanna go out with me? "Oh. Okay," you said, shocked.

"What is it?" Your friend asked, peeking over your shoulder. You said nothing, just pointing the the picture, and she let out a giggle. "Omg you have a date?! That's so awesome we'll be able to go on double dates and go to clubs together and-"

"I didn't accept it, (f/n), shh!" You whispered, nervously glancing around. You looked around the library to try to find someone with a Mac, and after a few minutes you noticed some guy facing away from you. You bit your lip as your computer beeped again.

Come on babe, please? You sighed, blushing brightly.

Why? I don't even know you.

But I know you. At that you sucked in a breath, tapping your foot nervously on the ground in a rapid manner.

How? There was a cough from the other side of the room, and you turned around to see the guy staring at you. He blushed and looked away after barely a second, typing something on his computer.

Does it matter? You groaned softly. "(f/n), can you...go get me a drink from Starbucks? Please?" You gave her a pleading look, and she sighed, rolling her eyes and leaving. You replied to the stranger's message quickly, biting your lip as soon as the message was sent.

Please come here and talk to me, I'm alone now. We shouldn't be messaging each other if we're 20 feet away. There was a loud snap, and you turned around again to see the man closing his computer and putting it away. You faced forward, blushing and unsure of what to do. "Hi," a voice said from over your shoulder, and you jumped. You had been zoning out and unfocused on the real world, not noticing the footsteps approaching you.

"H-hi," you stuttered as the guy sat down next to you. You glanced over at him for a quick moment, smiling in return. "Is there anything you need, sir?"

"Naw, just wanted to go on a date with ya," was his confident answer, and you looked closer at him. Woah. Not too bad.

"But...how do you know me?"

"I have...friends." He grinned wildly, and you noticed something familiar about him. "My name's Tyler," he added, and you nodded. He shook your hand, and an excited shiver ran down your back involuntarily.

"Me too, but I don't go out stalking people. My friends aren't usually in the FBI or wherever yours are." The man laughed quietly.

"I play hockey." You asked jokingly,

"What are you doing down South? Don't you belong in Canada?" Tyler chuckled again, and you blushed, embarrassed for some reason to be in the presence of such an attractive person.

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