Chapter One

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Jenna woke up and glared at the sun streaming through the window. She glanced over at her friend, who was still sound asleep. Jenna giggled. Sara still slept the same way. Mouth wide open, arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish.

Jenna moved Sara's leg that was carelessly thrown across her body and slowly sat up. It was Christmas! Her first Christmas in Korea! She walked to her window and peered down into the street. Busy, like always. Life was definitely different here.

She rushed to the bathroom, taking care of her morning routine and getting dressed. She heard clattering in the kitchen when she came out, making her curious.
She tiptoed to the kitchen and saw her mother rifling through the cabinets and then walking over to stand staring into the refrigerator.

"Mom," Jenna said quietly. Her mother startled and spun around with a smile.

"Merry Christmas, baby girl," she whispered. "I don't want to wake your father; he's exhausted from the trip." She giggled quietly and walked over to hug Jenna.

"Merry Christmas, Mom," Jenna said warmly, loving every second of her mother's embrace. "Sara's still passed out too."

"You don't have a lot of things to cook. Too bad it's Christmas, or we could run to the store." Her mother looked around the kitchen, desperately trying to figure out something for breakfast.

"Mom, this is Korea. Someplace is open, I guarantee it. Want to go shopping?" Jenna's eyes sparkled at the chance to show her mom around her new hometown.

"Does a fish swim? Of course, I want to go shopping!" She raised her voice a bit, making Jenna giggle.

"Oops, yes, of course, I would love to go," she repeated in a whisper.

Mother and daughter quickly, yet quietly, grabbed their bags and coats. Then, slipping on their shoes, they headed out of the apartment.

"You have a nice place here," her mother said, now speaking at an acceptable volume.

"Yeah, the company takes good care of me. But, I don't know if it's how they treat all their employees or just because I'm dating Taehyung." Jenna giggled and stuffed her hands into her pockets.

"Well, whatever the reason is, I'm glad you're in a good place, baby. So tell me, what did you get Taehyung for Christmas?" Jenna's mom knew that Jenna was, indeed, the worst at picking out gifts. She was indecisive and tried so hard to find the perfect thing that she would often resort to just something off the shelf she thought the person might be happy with.

"Oh, Mom, you know me. I got him a scarf." Jenna's voice trailed off in embarrassment. "I tried to arrange a photoshoot for us, but everyone was either busy or expensive." She sighed, still disappointed about it.

"Ah, well, it's the thought that counts, right?" Jenna's mom nudged her daughter's shoulder and grinned.

The two women stepped onto the cold street, cars, and taxis zooming by. Festive Christmas decorations lined the streets, casting a colorful glow on the pedestrians. They found a supermarket open and bought things to make a good American breakfast. Jenna didn't have a lot of cookware, so her mom bought her some needed items. They had fun laughing, catching up, just being with each other without any negativity hanging over their heads.

"Taehyung was so kind to fly us here. He messaged us and expressed how regretful he was about the last visit. He told us how life for you hadn't been the best since then and how he really wanted your first Christmas in Korea to be special. By the way, his English has gotten so much better.
Good job, honey."

Jenna laughed. "He practices a lot on his own anymore. So we speak Korean mainly when we're together. And I'm happy he did this. It's so sweet and thoughtful."

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