Chapter Fifteen

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Everyone was in the living room talking excitedly and laughing. They listened to the happy couple tell the story of Taehyung's proposal, injecting their opinions on how he should have done this or that differently, much to Taehyung's own chagrin.

Sara sat next to Namjoon on the couch. She noticed he was only participating half-heartedly and nudged him slightly.

"What's up?" she whispered, taking a bite of her cake.

"Nothing, babe," he mumbled around a bite of cake in his mouth.

"I know you're lying, but I'll assume you have a good reason for it just so I don't ruin the party." She joined back in the conversation as if nothing had been said.

Namjoon looked at the front door, expecting the doorbell to sound any moment, and he was not disappointed.

Everyone became quiet when the bell sounded, and Jenna stood to her feet. "Who could that be? Any ideas, Sara?"
She looked quizzically at her friend and walked towards the door.

Sara glanced suspiciously at Namjoon. "No, no idea at all."

Namjoon just studied his cake.

"Oh my..." Jenna said softly in surprise as she looked a the screen next to the door. She quickly opened the door and was greeted by the smiling face of BigHit's founder and CEO.

"Hello, Jenna. May I come in?"

Jenna stared at him wide-eyed and simply nodded, bowing slightly, then stepping aside.

The boys all stood to their feet, shocked to see their boss in Jenna's apartment for the first time.

"I hear congratulations are in order, Taehyungah!" He grinned and patted the boy on the back firmly.

"Y-y-yes, sir," Taehyung stuttered.

"Oh, come on, don't be all nervous, everyone. Sit down! Sit! Sit!"

Yoongi quickly moved away from the overstuffed chair and gestured for the CEO to have a seat there.

"Ah, thank you, Yoongi-ssi," he said as he sat down.

"Excuse me, sir, would you like cake?" Sara stood and moved towards the kitchen to grab another plate and fork.

"Yes! That would be lovely," he said warmly.

She nodded with a smile and quickly walked to the kitchen, returning with another plate and fork.

"Excuse me, sir, but what brings you here," asked Yoongi quietly, suddenly suspicious.

"Thank you, my dear," the CEO said, taking the cake from Sara. "What? Can't I come to congratulate the newly engaged couple?"

"Of course, you can, but I don't think I've known you ever to do this kind of thing before," said Namjoon respectfully.

"This cake is delicious! Where did it come from?" The CEO looked around the room, hoping someone would answer him.

"It's from the shop down the street. I had a coupon," Jimin muttered, staring at him, still shocked at seeing his boss.

"I like people who are thrifty," smiled the CEO. "You're right, though; I'm not just here to give my best wishes. The company has come to a decision."

You have heard a pin drop in the room. Everyone froze, and a few of them even held their breath.

Finally, Namjoon, being the leader, spoke first. "They have?"

"Yes," the CEO said matter-of-factly. Then, he stuck another bite of cake in his mouth, making everyone groan internally at the delay in his answer.

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