Chapter Nine

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The dance practice room was eerily silent as the seven men sat taking it all in. It wasn't that each of them didn't want to fulfill their duty, but it was the realization that this ride they had been on was screeching to a sudden halt.

Jin spoke first, which seemed fitting. "Guys, this is not the end of BTS. I don't want that thought to get into your heads. We will all do this at some point, and we will all come back better, stronger, and ready to go. Our fans need us to be happy. We must keep this under our hats till the concert. The CEO said that he doesn't want me to say anything until the night of the concert. No need to make the fandom languish over this for a whole month, eh? Instead, let's just do what we've always done."

He smiled and brought his fists up. "Bangtan fighting!"

No one responded. Everyone had a sober look. Their company had recently pushed them into individual activities to prepare for this moment. None of them would be without work. But the thought of even one of them being absent was a lot to process.

"Come on, guys, don't be so gloomy! Up! Let's practice. I still don't have the chorus." Jin jumped up and started pulling the other members to their feet.

Jungkook walked with heavy feet to the computer, restarting the song. He half hurried to his position, and they waited for their cue. Meanwhile, Jin locked eyes with Hobi, silently begging for help lifting the mood. Hobi nodded slightly and winked at his hyung.

"Okay, my little squids! Let's get it on! Come on!" The dance started, and feet began flying across the floor. Hobi caught eyes with Taehyung in the mirror, and with a nod, Taehyung began his own antics.

Between the two of them, the group could not master any moves due to laughing so hard. It was just what they needed, though. Soon the small envelope on the far table was forgotten as BTS continued to do what they did best - dance and sing, all while having the time of their life doing it.

* * *

Jenna was pan-frying some chicken on the stove when she heard the key code on her door being entered. The front door opened and then closed a second later. A pair of heavy-sounding shoes hit the floor, and socked feet came padding through the apartment to the kitchen. A couple of arms wrapped her waist from behind, and a chin rested on her shoulder.

She smiled. "Hey, babe,"


"You're early," she said softly.

"I couldn't wait to see you any longer," he murmured. He laid a sweet kiss on Jenna's neck under her ear, making goosebumps spread rapidly across her skin.

He smirked. "I love having this effect on you."

She giggled. Turning the heat off on the stove, she removed the chicken from the pan and placed it on the two plates.

"The chicken has to rest a few minutes," she said as she turned in his arms, now facing him. She frowned. He had dark circles under his bloodshot eyes. His pesky double eyelid, which was always a telltale sign of exhaustion, was showing itself almost proudly.

"Babe," she said softly, placing her hands on his face, "is something wrong?"

"I've not been sleeping very well. I blame you. You're so amazing, and I love being with you so much that when you are not with me, I miss you too much, and so I don't sleep," Taehyung said, staring into her beautiful eyes.

He was convinced it wouldn't matter how long he and Jenna were together or how old they got, she would always be the most beautiful thing in the world to him, and that beauty would always make his heart do laps in his chest, just as it was doing now. So he pulled her hand up to his heart.

Forever - Book 3 in The Perfect Partner TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now