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My smile had fallen off my face.

So he did blame me. I always knew he did, even when he said he didn't. But hearing him admit it still hurt.

"Stop. I am blaming the Angels. That rule was stupid." He dismissed my thoughts. "I literally introduced myself and they got mad." He chuckled.

"Yeah..." I reluctantly agreed.

The night was cold, the fire only helping very little. The trees shook as the wind blew.

Emrys had fallen asleep, not afraid of his surroundings. I lay awake staring out into the sky. The sound of the leaves blowing, the fire crackling, and Emrys soft breathing is all I can hear.

I continued to stare at the sky, there were no stars, no clouds, only the small moon emitting light beside the fire. The fire was slowly dying out, Ermys was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him. So, I lay in the cold.

My body shivered as I huddled myself into a ball, Emrys sweater not thick enough to keep me warm. My eyes drooped, I wasn't sure if it was out of exhaustion or the cold.

Before I fell into a deep sleep, the last flame of the fire, blew out.


"Unholy shit." I heard Emrys pacing. "Jude's gonna kill me." The leaves crunching beneath his feet.

My eyes fluttered open, Emrys head was in his hands and he was pulling at his hair. He hadn't noticed me sitting up. My arms were still cold, the fire larger than before. "Why would Jude kill you?"

"Holy fuck! I mean unholy fuck!" Emrys jumped up at my voice, stopping his pace, and rushed over to me. "You're alive?!" He inspected me, crouching my level, holding my shoulders. "I wasn't sure if you'd wake up." He confessed.

"Why wouldn't I wake up?"

Emrys let go of my shoulders. "You died."

My eyes widen in shock, my mouth agape. "H–how?"

"It was too cold." Emrys sat down beside me. "I guess you're sensitive to the cold." He shrugged.

"Why wouldn't I have woken up?" I questioned. If I hadn't woken up, where would I have gone? I am an Angel yet in Hell. I'm technically not a living being.

"You're an angel, this is Hell. The two just don't go together." He explained shortly.

"I guess..."

"Heh..." Emrys faked a chuckle before standing up. "We should get moving, it'll help get your temperature up." He held a hand out for me to grab and I accepted it without hesitation.

"Do you even know if this is the right way?" I asked when we started walking in a random direction.

"Nope." He chuckled.

"What?" I stopped walking. "I thought you knew! What if we've been going the wrong way?!"

"First of all, I never said I knew. Second of all, all I said was that I'd help you. Third of all– there is no third of all." Emrys deadpanned.

"How would you have gone back to your house if you don't know the way?" We began walking in an unknown direction again.

"Oh, I know the way to my house." He shrugged. I stared at him with my mouth agape.

"And which way would that be?"

"That way." He pointed to his left.

"We've been going the wrong way!" I shoved a branch out of my face.

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