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"And...?" She asked nervously.

"You're a perfect match." The nurse told Ellie and she breathed a sigh of relief. The nurse nodded towards the room behind Ellie where Gibbs was. "Would you rather I told him or would you like to?"

"I-I'll do it," Ellie said, her voice still a bit shaky as she pushed herself up off of the floor. She thanked the nurse and turned to the door, pushing it open and slowly coming into the room.

"Hey Gibbs..." she said quietly.

"Hey Bishop," he said without looking up.

"I got my test results back." she told him and he immediately looked up at her.

"And?" he asked barely audibly as she walked over to stand beside him.

"I'm a match." He looked at her, almost afraid to believe it.

"You're a match...?" She nodded with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm a match." she repeated and to both of their surprise, hugged him.

"What did the doctor say...?" he asked after a couple of minutes.

"Nothing yet, the nurse who tested me told me."

"Will you stay with her while I go talk to them...?" She nodded. He kissed Jack's forehead once more before going to talk to the doctor. Once he left and closed the door, Ellie sat on the edge of Jack's bed. She was quiet for several moments before speaking.

"'s me, Ellie." she said softly. "I don't know if you know this or not, but...I'm your daughter. I haven't processed the fact that you're my mom much yet...but I just...I want you to know that I love you...and I-I really need you to get better...Gibbs needs you to get better...Faith needs you to get better...we all need you so please...Jack...please get better..." A few tears fell from her eyes as she watched Jack's breaths, steady but only because of a machine.


"So what happens next, doctor?" Gibbs asked, trying to keep the worry out of his tone.

"We'll need to perform the blood transfusion right away. The quickest way to do this is to give the blood directly from your daughter to your wife." The doctor told him. He chose to ignore the daughter part since it was far from important right now.

"And after that?" The doctor hesitated before responding.

"Your wife's got a long road ahead of her. Her health has seriously declined since she's been here. Hopefully she'll respond well to the transfusion, but even then, we can't say for sure when she'll wake up or..."

"Or if she'll wake up...?"

"Right now, all we can do is give her the transfusion and hope that any damage she's suffered can be reversed. I'm sorry."

"And the baby? What about our baby...?"

"Mr. Gibbs, I want to give you hope, I do, but your wife's condition should have been treated a lot sooner. Even if both them pull through's very possible you could be looking at some long term effects."

"What kind of effects...?"

"That's something we won't know unless it happens."

Gibbs barely nodded, not sure what else to say and went back to Jack's room. He swallowed hard when he saw Ellie, sitting on the bed next to Jack. He had to try to keep it as positive as possible for her. Besides, maybe the doctors were close to giving up on Jack, but he couldn't. He wanted to believe she would pull through this somehow. Jack was a fighter, that hadn't changed and he hoped it wasn't about to.

He entered the room and went to sit beside Ellie. "You think she can hear us?" She asked him quietly.

"Dunno. Hope so. I've been talking to her a lot. If she can, she's probably sick of me by now, though." He chuckled slightly.

"What happens now? Are they going to do the transfusion soon?" He nodded.

"They need to take the blood directly from you to her, if that's okay..." She looked at him and gently laid her hand on his arm.

"Of course it is." She assured him.

"They're going to come to bring Jack to another room and prepare the two of you soon. Once they do, I'll go tell Grace and Faith."

She nodded. "Okay."

Not long after, some nurses came to move Jack to the room for the transfusion. Gibbs kissed Jack once more and left Ellie with a kiss to her forehead and went to the waiting area.

"Gibbs," Grace said as she stood up and approached him. "How is she?"

"The same. They're moving her to a room for the transfusion."

"So Ellie's a match?" She asked and he nodded. "Gibbs, that's wonderful news!"

He nodded again but didn't seem to share her enthusiasm.

"Hey, what's wrong?" she asked gently. He walked over to a chair and sat down. "Gibbs, what is it?" she asked again as she sat beside him.

"It's bad, Grace."

"But she's going to be okay, Gibbs. They can give her the transfusion now, she's going to be fine."

"Not that simple."

"What do you mean?" she asked gently. He sighed and didn't answer. "Gibbs...?"

"Nothing." He stood up and went down the hall in the direction of Jack's room. After a couple of minutes, one of the nurses approached him.

"Mr. Gibbs?" He looked up at her. "Your wife is almost ready for the transfusion. She's in the transfusion room with Miss Bishop. It should take about two hours."

"Can I be with her?" He asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait outside of the transfusion room. You may see her as soon as we're finished when she's in recovery." She replied. He sighed and nodded, then went back to the waiting room, approaching where Grace and Faith were sitting.

"She's about to have the transfusion. The nurse said it would take a couple of hours." He told them and started to turn away.

"Agent Gibbs?" the sound of Faith's voice reached his ears and he looked back at her. "She's going to be fine." He just nodded, walking back down the hallway. I hope you're right, Faith, he thought.

He paced the hallways for a couple of minutes before deciding to go into Jack's room. He went in and sat on the edge of the bed where he had so many times since they'd been here. He took a deep breath, realizing how empty it felt without her and felt a couple of tears slide down his cheeks. He looked around the room until he found something of hers - a sweater - and he picked it up, holding it against his face and breathing it in. It smelled like her. He loved how she smelled. That made him miss her even more. He laid back on the bed and held the sweater close to him, as if it was the only thing keeping him alive. That somehow managed to keep him calm as he tried to convince himself that everything would be okay. Memories started flashing before him and it felt like he was living through all of those moments again right then...

a/n: hey guys, i know, it has been forever again and i'm so sorry. life has been busy, and sometimes i have the motivation and time to write and sometimes i don't. anyways, i know this chapter isn't as good as some, but hopefully y'all like it, and there will be better in the future. also, thank you so much nciscutieslibbs for helping me to make this chapter better. y'all should definitely go check out her writing, she's amazing!

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