Turn 2: Graduation

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Aichi passed the scholarship test and he will move to America once he graduated...

Everyone is happy for him, but Misaki had a mixed feelings. On one side, she is happy for him that he achieved one of his goal, but on the other side she might not meet him again for quite some time once he graduated...

She got to admit, her feelings for her grow stronger after the Link Joker battle and she always stay calm on the outside whenever she is with him, but on the inside her heart beat so fast. It's not like her to be so nervous...

After Aichi announced that he's going to America, Misaki obviously felt down and Miwa realized it. He even asked Shin as well...

Miwa: "Manager..."

Shin: "Yes?"

Miwa: "How's Misaki?"

Shin: "She's fine but..."

Miwa: "Hm?"

Shin: "I don't know why but I feel like she's a little bit down and her mind is everywhere..."

Miwa: "Really?"

Shin: "I don't really know what happened, she's not being herself at the moment. Is something wrong at the campus?"

Miwa: "No, not as far as I know..."

Shin: "It's weird..."

Miwa: Is it because of Aichi?

Shin: "By the way Miwa, once the second shop has opened, I will move there with Kamui. Can you be the manager at this shop?"

Assistant Cat: "Meow!"

Shin: "I mean, vice manager..."

Miwa: "Hmmm I might have to think about it..."

Aichi then entered the shop...

Aichi: "Hello!"

Miwa: "Yo, Aichi!"

Aichi: "Huh? Where's Misaki?"

Shin: "She's not feeling really well so she decided to have a rest at her room."

Aichi: "I see...."

Miwa: "By the way, your graduation ceremony is tomorrow right?"

Aichi: "Yep, I can't believe that three years has gone by really fast."

Miwa: "Well, a lot of things have happened in these three years but you're right, time flies really fast."

Aichi: "I actually want to take you guys on a dinner before I go to America."

Shin: "When will you go there?"

Aichi: "September... so I have two months left in Japan."

Miwa: "I see, I'll tell the guys at Hitsue about the dinner."

Aichi: "Manager, can you please tell Misaki as well about this?"

Shin: "Sure, no worries!"

Aichi: "Thank you, I have to go now!"

Misaki saw Aichi left the shop from her window...

Misaki: I supposed to feel happy for him that he has passed his scholarship test but here I am being sad... I'm so selfish...

The next day, it's graduation day! Aichi, Naoki, and Shingo will graduate from Senior High School!

Naoki: "I can't believe that we finally graduated."

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