Turn 9: He Has A Girlfriend?

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Aichi woke up in the morning and prepares himself to go to Card Capital. While he is about to eat his breakfast, Emi teased him in front of their mother...

Emi: "So Aichi, when will you tell our mother what happened yesterday."

Aichi: (Nearly choked while drinking his tea) "Emi?!"

Shizuka: "Hm? What is it?"

Emi: "So Aichi, you can tell our mom now."

Aichi: (Blushing) "Uhm..."

Shizuka: "What is it? Just tell me..."

Then Mai called Emi's name from outside of the house. It's their first day as a senior high school student and they'll be walking to the school together...

Emi: "Oh it's Mai, I have to go now! Good luck on telling our mother, Aichi hehe."

Aichi: "Emi..." (Embarrassed)

Shizuka: "Be careful!"

Emi: "Yes!"

Aichi: "Well, she's finally a senior high school student."

Shizuka: "Don't change the topic, Aichi. I want to hear it from you. What happened yesterday?" (Teasing)

Aichi: "Uhm, it's uh..."

Shizuka: "What? Did you finally have a girlfriend?"

Aichi: "Eh?!" (Shocked)

Shizuka: "Why are you so shocked? Don't tell me..."

Aichi: "Ahehehehe..."

Shizuka: "You finally have a girlfriend?"

Aichi: "Well, it's embarrassing you know..."

Shizuka: "What do you mean? You're finally a man now. So, who's this lucky girl?"

Aichi: "You know her, I'll bring her here soon."

Shizuka: "Well, why don't you invite her this night for a dinner?"

Aichi: "Wait what?"

Shizuka: "I'll prepare all the ingredients then."

Aichi: "Wait a minute, I haven't asked her if she's available tonight so..."

Shizuka: "Well, you can tell her now. I'll go shopping now."

Aichi: "W-Wait, mom..." Ahehehehe she seems so excited....

He then went to Card Capital. But once he arrived there, Misaki is still in college but she will come home soon...

Aichi: "Good morning!"

Shin: "Good morning, my future nephew in law."

Aichi: "Eh?! Already?"

Shin: "Well, soon right?"

Naoki: "Yeah, you're right, manager."

Aichi: "Naoki, Shingo, you're here."

Naoki: "Yeah, we heard the news yesterday."

Shingo: "Congratulations, Sendou."

Aichi: "Ahehehe, thank you."

Naoki: "So, you're waiting for your girlfriend, I suppose?"

Aichi: "Yes, but it seems that she's still in college."

Shin: "That's right, but she will come soon."

Naoki: "While we wait, let's have a cardfight first!"

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