Turn 5: The Champ Has Returned

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Kai has arrived in Japan as a Euro League Champion. Miwa went to the airport to pick him up...

Miwa: "The Euro League Champion has finally returned."

Kai: "Yeah..."

Miwa: "Well, you didn't look too happy being a champ... anyway, let's go!"

In the Car

Kai: "So Aichi is really going to America huh?"

Miwa: "Yeah, we were all surprised when he made that decision and happy for him as well when he passed the scholarship test..."

Kai: "I see..."

Miwa: "But there's someone who has... well let's just say a mixed feelings of Aichi's decision."

Kai: "Hm? What do you mean?"

Miwa: "Misaki is that person."

Kai: "Tokura?"

Miwa: "Well, it's a little bit complicated but I'll make it short. Aichi will left Japan and who knows when he will return an visit us..."

Kai: "Then?"

Miwa: "Misaki has a feeling for him. That's why on one side, she is happy for him but on the other side, she might not meet him anytime soon and that left her down..."

Kai: "I see..."

Miwa: "She always blame herself for being selfish, even though we already said that it's normal."

Kai: "Aichi and Tokura huh? Interesting... since Aichi never really understand those kind of things."

Miwa: "Now that you said it, I just realized that it's true. He's such a plain and innocent kid even right now..."

Kai: "Yeah..."

Miwa: "But if Aichi and Misaki did end up together, you'll be the only member in Q4 who doesn't have a love interest."

Kai: "I don't have time for that, didn't Katsuragi is the same as well?"

Miwa: "What are you talking about? After all these years you forgot that Kamui really likes Aichi's sister?"

Kai: "I forgot..."

Miwa: "Jeez this guy..."

Miwa then drive him back to his apartment.... It's been a year but the room is still clean because he hired a housekeeper for his room...

Miwa: "Well, it's been a while and I know you're tired but..."

Kai: "Hm?"

Miwa: "Even so, I guess that's nothing to you... so, shall we do it?" (Pulled out his deck)

Kai: (Smirked) "You're right, it's been a while... let's do it!"

Miwa: "Heh, let's go!"

Kai and Miwa: "Stand up..."

Kai: "The!"

Kai and Miwa: "Vanguard!"

The Next Day at Card Capital

Morikawa: "America?!"

Aichi: "Yes, that's right."

Izaki: "As expected Aichi, you're amazing really."

Kamui: "Leave Miss Emi to me, big brother!"

Morikawa: "Heh, you're still a brat, so how can you take care of her huh?"

Kamui: "What is that?!"

Morikawa: "Heh, seeing one of my pupil studying abroad. Looks like I'm just that great afteall."

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