Turn 14: Returning

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One year ago, Aichi went to America and studied English in that one year. He will now entered college. But before he do that, he is planning to return to America...

But he doesn't want to tell anyone, including Misaki and his parents just yet. He wanted to surprise all of them but then he thought that it might be impossible to do this alone...

Ratie: "You're going back to Japan?"

Aichi: "Yep, will you come with me?"

Ratie: "Sure, I'll prepare my things then."

Aichi: "Okay."

Yep, he will bring Ratie to Japan. She said to him once that she has a couple of friends in Japan so she might meet them there...

They have ordered their flight tickets, and they will go at mid August. Aichi absolutely can't wait to go back to his home country. It's been a year...

His relationship with Misaki is fine. They always did a video call when they're not busy. It's the usual long distance relationship...

Now, he absolutely can't wait to meet her again after one year. He's not going to lie that he really miss her. Misaki does miss him too...

Ratie: "I can't wait for Japan!"

Aichi: "Me too."

Ratie: "You said that you haven't tell anybody that you'll be back there?"

Aichi: "Yep, I want to surprise them."

Ratie: "I see..."

Then they boarded their plane and on their way now to Japan. It will be a long flight...

Then they arrived at Japan. They both got a taxi and Aichi told Emi that he has returned and she was shocked...

Emi: "Eh, you're in Japan?!"

Aichi: "Yes, can you please tell mom as well?"

Emi: "Why didn't you tell us? We could at least tell your friends to pick you up."

Aichi: "It's okay, I want to surprise them as well so that's why I didn't rellt them."

Emi: "Jeez, okay I'll prepare your room now."

Aichi: "Thank you, sorry for the trouble." (Ended the call)

Ratie: "Is that your sister?"

Aichi: "Yes, anyway where will you stay?"

Ratie: "I'll stay at my friend's house, and we'll go to Card Capital to see Misaki tomorrow?"

Aichi: "Yep, I have a plan for tomorrow, can you help me with that?"

Ratie: "Sure, what is it?"

At Card Capital, as usual Misaki taking care of the first shop with Miwa works as the sub manager... or sub sub manager as the assistant cat said...

Miwa: "Make sure to come here again, alright?"

Kids: "Okay!"

Miwa: "Alright, that's done! Misaki, shall we close the shop now?"

Misaki: "Yes."

Miwa: "By the way, any news when Aichi will return?"

Misaki: "No, he hasn't tell me yet."

Miwa: "Hmm he should have return this month. It's August and summer break already."

Misaki: "Let's just wait and see."

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