Turn 3: Confusion

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Misaki and Aichi: "Stand up... Vanguard!"

A few minutes later...

Kamui: "Alright, I won!"

Naoki: "What?! How's that possible?"

Kamui: "Because I'm strong of course..."

Naoki: "Why you..."

Shingo: "Well, another lost..."

Miwa: "Hehe... hm?" (Looking at Aichi vs Misaki)

Shingo: "Oh, Sendou against Misaki huh?"

Aichi: "Hm? You guys done fighting already?"

Miwa: "Yeah, and now we're going to watch this fight."

Misaki: "It's your turn..."

Aichi: "Oh right, stand up my avatar... ride! Blaster Blade!"

Kamui: "We're going to miss that line when big brother went to America."

Naoki: "You're right..."

Misaki: Why do they have to keep bringing it up?!

Aichi: "Attack!"

Misaki: "Damage check..."

Aichi: "Turn end!"

Misaki: But he's right... that line, we will not hear it for a very long time when he's not here... That line, feels really special now...

Aichi: "Uhm, it's your turn..."

Misaki: "Oh sorry, stand and draw!"

Shingo: (Whispering) "You see that?"

Miwa: (Whispering) "Yeah..." there she is again... what's wrong with her really?

A few minutes later...

Misaki: I can't finish him off...

Kamui: "Too bad... she was close. But, Aichi really anticipated her attacks really well."

Shingo: "Well, he knows Misaki really well. So I'm not surprised..."

Misaki: He... knows me really well huh?

Aichi: "That was a nice combo, Misaki."

Misaki: "Thank you, but... it's not enough to get through your defense."

Aichi: "Well, if it wasn't for that trigger I drew earlier, that might be the end."

Misaki: "I see... well, it's your turn now."

Aichi: "Yes, stand and draw!"

Misaki: I might not survive this turn, I don't really have enough cards to defend his attacks...

Aichi: "To be honest..."

Misaki: "Eh?"

Aichi: "I think out of all the opponents that I have face before, you're the one that make me have to use my brain a little bit and it's tough."

Misaki: "Eh? What do you mean?"

Aichi: "Everytime I face you, I must plan my tactics really well to make sure that my plan is superior than yours... and it's really tough."

Misaki: "Aichi..."

Aichi: "That's why I really respect you as a fighter and I'll really miss fighting with you once I leave..."

Misaki: He...

Miwa: (Looking at Misaki) Don't tell me that she's...

Aichi: "Here I go! Legion attack!"

Vanguard After Legion MateWhere stories live. Discover now