Turn 11: Dinner Before America

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Aichi and Misaki spent a lot of time together before he went to America. Especially during the weekend, Shin allowed her to spent the weekend with him since he understands that she will not spend some time with him anytime soon after he went to America...

There's Miwa as well who can help him take care of the shop. Also, the second shop will open soon so Shin will have to prepare himself because he will move to that second shop once it's opened....

It's that day... it's Aichi's last day in Japan because the next day, he will fly to America. Misaki will definitely miss him but she's proud of him on his achievement of studying abroad....

Aichi invited all of his friends, including his girlfriend to a dinner. A dinner before America let's just say...

Miwa: "Today's is his last day huh?"

Misaki: "Yes..."

Miwa: "Well, I'm sure you already had a lot of fun with him during these last few weeks."

Misaki: "Yes, thank you for taking care of the shop with Shin."

Miwa: "No problem, we understand both of your condition."

Misaki: "Still, I appreciate that."

Miwa: "Hehe, by the way..."

Misaki: "Hm?"

Miwa: "Remember when I said that Kai wanted to take me somewhere?"

Misaki: "Yes, of course I do."

Miwa: "We went to the Dragon Empire Branch who is still on a construction. I remember that the Association is planning to build all six nation braches."

Misaki: "Oh I see... yeah I heard about it as well."

Miwa: "We met the Kagero clan leader there, Mamoru Anjou."

Misaki: "Wow, so did you fight him?"

Miwa: "Nope, only Kai did. I was surprised that he invited Kai there. Not only that, he also said that Kai was the first candidate to be the Kagero clan leader. But he refused..."

Misaki: "I see, our second shop will be build near the Dragon Empire Branch."

Miwa: "Well, I'll see you at tonight's dinner."

Misaki: "Yes."

Aichi already prepared his suitcase since he will have his flight to America tomorrow. He will definitely miss Japan, his sister, his mom, his friends, and of course Misaki...

Emi: "Have you prepared everything?"

Aichi: "I have."

Emi: "I guess that's all then."

Aichi: (Sigh) "I'll definitely miss Japan once I go there."

Emi: "I can understand that, but of course it's your decision."

Aichi: "Yes."

Emi: "I'm sure Misaki will be fine as well, she will definitely wait for you."

Aichi: "Yes, I believe in her. Like I always do all this time."

Emi: "Great, I'll go downstairs now."

Aichi: "Yes..."

Aichi then looked at his memory pictures. He took a lot of pictures with Misaki as well after they're in a relationship. He decided to bring one of them to America and put in his wallet...

It's dinner time, they went to a restaurant. All of his friends are there, including his girlfriend. It's a mixed feelings dinner since they're happy that they all can gather together like this, but they're sad that he will definitely be away for some time...

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