Turn back the time, if only

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Suddenly the feeling was gone. Alvaro also got out of bed and got dressed. He kissed Itziars forehead and said it was better if he went to his own room that night. He walked away from her, straight out the door. Itziar stood there, surprised, sad, and cried herself to sleep that night. That was the second time he hurt her feelings.

The next day Itziar woke up. She looked beside her and realized that Alvaro had really gone and left her behind. She had a strange feeling in her stomach, she didn't feel like getting up and decided to lie down a little longer. Until her phone rang. It was Jesus. He was angry. Wondered why they weren't at dinner and why she wasn't on set yet. She should have been there long ago and he couldn't reach Alvaro. He didn't answer his phone, and they couldn't find him. He wasn't in his hotel room either.

Itziar didn't understand this, but actually panicked right away. Didn't he go to his room last night? What did he do? She immediately jumped out of bed and got dressed. She had promised Jesus to go find Alvaro. She had an idea where he might be.

Running to the beach where they first kissed two days ago, she saw him. It was still quite early and he felt cold. "What are you doing here Alvaro?", she grabbed him, but he didn't respond, "Alvaro, look at me!". She grabbed his head and turned his face to her. He had cried. "Why did you cry, tell me." Alvaro started to speak slowly, he started stuttering..."I have been so stupid, so stupid"..Itziar didn't understand him and looked at him questioningly. "I should never have slept with you, I risked my marriage." This was truly a slap in the face to Itziar. Alvaro continued: "We must forget this, this must never happen again". He got up and walked away, leaving Itziar astonished and broken.

The last two days in Thailand have been terrible. Fortunately, they didn't have to shoot love scenes together anymore, so it didn't get any more painful. He didn't want to sit next to her on the plane back to Spain either. Itziar's grief increased and she actually became very angry.

And now, a few months later, at the red carpet event, she was still angry. Angry at him, but she still loved him. But she couldn't help it, all she could do was avoid him so the pain wouldn't get any worse. It's just annoying that everyone immediately notices the strange situation between them. Itziar dried her tears, got out of the toilet and walked back to the press, as if nothing had happened.

Meanwhile, she also saw Alvaro walking along with another woman. He laughed, had fun, and she didn't think he was having a hard time tonight just like she did. When they all had to have their picture taken, Itzi deliberately didn't stand next to him, but he didn't seem to care either. He was joking with that same woman, and Itziar couldn't help but give Alvaro a strong look of jealousy.

The photo was taken and everyone ran away except Pedro and Alvaro. They were talking to each other Alvaro. Itziar walked away while Alvaro stood there with his back turned towards her. Pedro said to Alvaro, "Look there goes Itziar, if you still want to talk to her, you have to go after her now". Alvaro looks over his shoulder and sees the most beautiful woman walking there, in a red dress and she walks away. He said to Pedro: "no, I shouldn't, I was just thinking, is will be better not to speak to her. I think things will be more difficult, more than they already are"...Pedro looked at Alvaro, wondering what the hell he ment with that...Alvaro said: "don't ask, please..."

A week later, these images all came online on Youtube. Alvaro doesn't watch that sort of things, but Itziar watches that a lot, when Roberto isn't around. She also noticed the part that Alvaro looked over his shoulder after Pedro has spoken to him. Why did he act like that, why did he have to look so long, why didn't he say anything? To many questions that Itzi wanted to have answers to, because she was going crazy. Crazy about the love she still feels for this man, and crazy about the fact that she's now in a relationship she's not happy in at all. This had to change.

She picked up her phone and texted him.

"How are you? I'll be in Madrid in a week for work and I'd like to talk to you. Do you want to please?"

She wasn't expecting anything, of course, but within a few minutes she had a message:

"I'm fine, I almost tried to talk with at the red carpet event, but I decided not to. And after I changed my mind you were already gone. I love to see you, I think we have a lot to discuss".

Her heart skipped a beat, he wanted to see her too.

And then that night came, Itziar was already waiting, Alvaro came in. His hair was messed up, he was wearing nice jeans and a gorgeous black sweater that only made him look even more handsome. Itziar's heart skipped a beat again. What was this man doing to her? Alvaro thought exactly the same. This woman, it's impossible to get her out of my mind.

They were both strong enough not to immediately jump into each other's arms, but to just greet each other in the normal friendly way. "Ola". That's what they both managed to get out. Then they sat down at the table, ordered some drinks, and both chose something to eat. At first it was uncomfortably quiet, until Alvaro started the conversation. "Why did you avoid me at the Red Carpet event? We could have talked for a while, right? We're just friends, aren't we?" Itziar wasn't quite sure what to say, but once she started talking, it all came out one after the other. "You also avoided me, but you really hurt me in Thailand, I thought you were in love with me too. I wanted so badly to stay with you, to keep you with me all day, to make love to you." She started to cry and Alvaro wasn't sure how to respond. He took her hand and said, "Sorry, I wish I could turn back the time, that everything was different now. I can't forget you either, you keep coming back to my mind and it hurt me that you ignored me at the red carpet event". "I'm sorry for that", said Itziar, "But I couldn't get close to you, I love you so much that it hurts. It was better for me to leave you alone, better for both of us".

Itzi laughed: "It was a good thing, because I would have loved to have jumped into your arms, run my hands through your hair and kiss you everywhere. And I think I would forget that there were cameras all over." Alvaro laughed now too, but it also triggered a feeling in him. He bit on his lip. He wanted this woman, he needed her so much. He wanted to be with her, maybe forever, but his conscience got in the way. His wife, his children. He loves them too. But now, now all he wanted was Itzis warm body against him, to feel her hair, to smell her sweet body. He called the waiter and said, "We're done eating, can we get the bill?" Itzi was surprised, they hadn't had dessert yet and her wineglass was half full What was going on? The waiter came, Alvaro paid the bill. He helped Itzi out of her chair, put her coat neatly around her, and took her out by the hand. Itziar didn't know what was going to happen, but Alvaro was in a hurry. He took her by the hand, pulled her along, she had to walk fast on her high heels. Suddenly they were in an alley and Alvaro pressed her against the wall. "I can't resist you. You are so beautiful, so delicious." He reached under her dress with his hands and pulled down her panties. His kisses were heavenly. She grabbed her hand between his legs and she felt that he was very excited. He quickly unbuttoned his pants, turned Itzi around against the wall so he could grab her from behind. And he came in to her. It was so nice, and also so exciting in that alley that it took them both little time to reach their peak. Alvaro took Itzi in his arms and said: "Te quiero". Itzi could only smile and enjoy this moment. She never wanted to leave here. But they had to. Alvaro gave her a kiss: "I have to go home now, otherwise Blanca will wonder where I am". They walked together to his car. Itzi was disappointed and she couldn't help to show him a disappointed face. He grabbed her face and asked: "What's the matter?": "I don't want you to go. It doesn't matter if you're an hour late, you said you were with friends. Just say you're having fun and that you'll stay a little longer. I have a hotel room just down the road, please come with me." Alvaro hesitated, but said: "Okay, but I really can't sleep over." Itziar laughed: "Who says we're going to sleep?".

To be continued...

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