The last evening

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When they got home from their walk and their adventure on the beach, they both didn't feel like cooking anymore. Tomorrow Alvaro should go home again, because then his wife will come home. They did not want to spend time cooking, but only time with each other. They ordered sushi, meanwhile took a shower together and decided to lie on the bang with a blanket and watch a movie. This felt like they've been together for years. They loved every moment. It got darker and Itziar lit the candles on the table. She opened a bottle of wine and they watched the end of the movie together . It was a movie where a couple was very much in love, a couple who had no problem with husbands or wifes, but could just enjoy each other in public. Despite not being able to do this themselves, they both enjoyed the film. The atmosphere was relaxed. Alvaro pulled Itziar closer and closer, pressing an occasional small kiss to her head. He put his arms around her and she took hold of his arms. She laid her head on his arms. They acted like they were an normal couple. Of course they were a couple, a couple who trusted and built on each other... Only now they both had to believe that things would really work out. But they really weren't thinking about that right now. They enjoyed each other's warmth, the fun movie and the coziness of the candlelight.

The movie was over, both were very relaxed and realized it was time for bed. It was then that they realized that tomorrow they would be separated again indefinitely. Itziar, in particular, suddenly felt that pain. A tear ran down her cheeks. Alvaro grabbed her chin with his hand, lifted her head slightly, and kissed the tear from her cheek. He said: "I know it's not fun, but we still have the night. Let's enjoy this with all that's left for now. Let me hold you, feel your warmth. We mustn't ruin this moment." She understood what he meant, she didn't want to either, but it was so damn hard. But she said, "Okay," and gave him a loving kiss. He picked her up and Itziar wrapped her legs around him. That way he walked with her to the bedroom. And he laid her softly on the bed. He snuggled close to her and they lay there talking for a while. They shared everything with each other, as they always did.

When there was silence, Itziar felt the tears welling up again and she wondered how long it would be before she would see him like this again. And then she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. Her body began to shake, which immediately set Alvaro in motion. : "Don't cry, come to me. She turned and Alvaro grabbed her head with both hands and said, "Believe me, it's going to be okay. I promise you!". He pulled her close to his bare body and they felt the warmth of their bodies rush through each other. She looked up and tried to free herself from his strong arms. She wanted to look into his eyes. Did he also feel that pain she felt, she wanted to see that. She said, "Aren't you afraid, aren't you afraid of losing everything we have now?" Alvaro looked at her and said: "Very scared, but that's why I want to do everything I can, to prevent this. Believe me, I'm going to take a step, but you have to give me time. I can and will never let you go. I love you so so very much. It just hurts to think about losing you. That's just not going to happen!" And now a tear ran down Alvaro's cheek. They kissed each other's tears, and while kissing they longed for each other so much that the comforting and hugging turned into very intense sex where they both fell into each other's arms, panting. They nodded at each other, as if they confirmed to each other that this had to be forever. And then fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day they had to get up on time, the sunlight had awakened them. Alvaro quickly decided to get bread rolls and fresh orange juice from the bakery and let Itziar lie down for a while. When he came back, they enjoyed breakfast in bed together and spent the last minutes together. Alvaro left the T-shirt he had worn the day before on the beach with her in bed. By the time he gathered his things, Itziar was sitting sadly on the couch. She knew what was going to happen now. She just had to wait and see when she would see him. But they had agreed to call each other more often. Just a fixed day of the week. Then Alvaro would call her at a time that suited him. It would be a little weird if he was playing with the kids and she called. Then his wife might answer the phone. So that was the deal they both made. He would call!

She was in thought when Alvaro stood before her: "I really have to go now". She stood up and held him for a moment.. she smelled deeply, because than she could breathe his scent. One very last kiss, a very deep one and a sigh from both. Alvaro let go, and said: See you soon... He walked away, but she stopped him at the door for a moment: "I love you!" she said! "I love you too!" He gave her a small kiss on her forehead and walked out the door. Itziar closed the door and walked slowly to her bedroom. There she took his t-shirt and lay down on her bed crying.

Alvaro drove to his sister-in-law to pick up the children. They were absolutely ecstatic when they saw their father again. They jumped and climbed on him and Alvaro immediately knew he was back in reality. The reality of his children and his wife. As he drove home all he could think about was Itziar and that he would rather have been there. And when later that afternoon his wife came home with enthusiastic stories about Barcelona, ​​he only felt worse.

To be continued

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