who is he?

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                                                                       Ranboob pov

i woke up and checked my phone, my friend tommy had messaged. 


hey bud me and will are at the

coffee shop come down

                                                                                                  yeah alright ill b down in 10 mins or so

oh and not to b a pain but can u pick jack up 

his car broke

                                                                                                 yeah no problem cya

i didnt feel like doing much that day, but its better than doing nothing. i got out of bed and went too the bathroom "fuck" i had just remembered i was ment to start work that day oh well, i had better plans. i got into the shower and completely zoned out... i snapped out of it "shit" i washed the conditioner that i still had in my hair i got out of the shower and got dressed into this

 i snapped out of it "shit" i washed the conditioner that i still had in my hair i got out of the shower and got dressed into this

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(the main outfit)

i looked out of my window and saw that someone was moving in i smiled as he looked at me he waved so as any nice person would i waved back. he looked like he was trying to find directions to somewhere asking people in different cars that drove past. i went out to talk to him "hey you looking for somwhere?" i said trying not to sound so nosey "yes! i am i dont suppose you know where #### cafe is" "oh im headded there now i can give you a lift if u want?" he agreed we got into my car and i told him i had to pick someone up he said it was fine. as i got to jacks he was stood outside "your like 20 mins late" "sorry jack i zoned out" jack gave me a weird look "whos this" "jack if im completely honest idk im just dropping him off at the cafe i think he is my new neighbour" "oh yeah sorry, i forgot to introduce myself im tubbo i just needed too know where my new workplace is" "oh cool im ranboo and thats jack" "nice to meet you" jack said in his supprisingly nice voice "and you" tubbo said in his normal voice. i had already made the assumption he was a nice person by his voice.

we got to the cafe "here we are" i said, we all got out but tubbo was walking quite slow, like he was nervous jack had walked in already not noticing "hey tubbo you ok" "yeah just abit nervous i dont know what there going to think of me" "im sure they will think your great, and do you want me to give you a lift home aswell" "if you dont mind, and thanks ranboo" we both walked in tubbo walked into the staff bit and i went to sit with jack, tom and wilbur. as soon as i sat down jack asked "what happened" "nothing tubbo was just nervous" tommmy chimed in "whos tubbo" "oh tubbos my new friend and neighbour. i gave him a lift here" as we spoke tubbo came over "oh hey tubs" "hey ranboo" "hows it going" "good i think, this is my first order im taking they asked if i knew anyone and to take there order just to see how i go" "cool okay so what does everyone want?" i said trying to make things abit eaisier for tubbo will ordered a black coffee tom ordered a fruit shoot "your such a child" i said to make a bit of humour "shut up bitch" tubbo chuckled only i noticed. jack ordered a flat white "uhh ill have a glass of water please" "ill try get your drinks done faster" tubbo smiled and waved at me i did the same back. "so this tubbo person" wilbur proceded to say "how long have you known him?" wilbur said as he smirked "not even an hour wilbur so pack it in" "your looking swag today bossman" tommy said out of the blue "thanks, now what do you want you only complement me when u want something" i said quite clearly. "fine i left my wallet at home and these two said no to paying 4 my drink can u?" "course" "thanks boob boy!"

5 mins later tubbo came back with our drinks "here you go!" "thanks tubbo" we all said "no problem. and ranboo" "mhm" "they want me on till 5 so you dont have to take me back ill just walk" "shush up its fine ill just come back and get you that walk kills you" " are you sure?" "course" i smiled he smiled back and walked away "at like 6 were all planning to go to the peir (its summer in this) you want to come?" wilbur said "yeah sure" "you can invite tubbo too if he wants to come" "alright ill ask him" we all left after we finished i saw tubbo so i waved goodbye .

                                                                               Tubbos pov

i was in the kitchen making ranboo and his friends there drinks when the boss walked in "hey toby, your really good at this is it ok if you stay on till 5" "yea no problem" i walked out to ranboo with him and his friends drinks and told ranboo not to bother taking me home he told me to b quiet and said he would pick me up anyway. 


                                                                                      (time skip to 5)

i got my stuff and walked outside. ranboo was parked outside waiting "oh i didnt think you meant it" i said suppriesed "meant what" "that you were gonna drop me home" "oh well i did" i laughed and got in the car "the boys want to know if you want to come to the peir with us in an hour, i have to pick them all up" ranboo said as he rolled his eyes i giglled as i noticed his eyeroll "yeah ill come" we sat in a peacefull silence whilst listening to the radio then a song came on that ranboo seemed to know he got out his phone and sent a snapchat video to wilbur saying 'dude ur song concrete just came on the radio' we got back he parked his car outside his house "ill come knock on ur door at 6 ill get u first" "alright, byee" i said he waved and walked in his house.


im litterally writing the second part to this rn lol im facinated by my own story anyways words: 1086

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