pier (i learnt how to spell)

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                                                                         Ranboos pov

i knocked on tubbos door he aswered really quickly "hey!" "alright, we need to go lol" we got in my car to go get the others. on the way tubbo said something i knew i could never forget "what star sign are you" 'shit what if he dosnt want to b my friend cos he thinks im toxic' i thought to myself "oh im scorpio.." instead of regret i got happieness "OH MY GOD SCORPIOS ARE THE BEST" i laughed "whats yours?" "oh im capricorn, its not too bad" "so what your into astrology too?" "yeah every full moon i go out and look up at the moon and all the stars and i alsoo charge my crystals." tubbo has crystals "no way whats your favorite?" i said trying to start a new convo "hmm probably rose quarts, what about you" "rose quarts is like my second favorite my fav is probably snowflake obsidion i have too much of the stuff" at this point we didnt even realise that the boys had got into the car "sorry to interupt your convo but were in the car now you can go again" said tommy "yes ok" i said as i started to drive 

we made it too the pier "hey lest go sit onthe beach for a sec" sugested tommy wilbur denied "how about that daisey feild?" will asked we all agreed and went to the daisy feild "this is beautiful" tubbo said as we all sat down, tubbo pulled me over to a clear patch so he didnt damage any daiseys "what shall we do?" "OH i know" sudenly tubbo started picking daiseys and started to make something i didnt know what it was "wait hold on" he messured how big the daisey chain was around my head "hmm i need like 2 more daiseys" i saw something "what about these pink and white ones they look cool" "good idea!" he climbed over me to reach them and got to work again "Done!" he said he stood up and lowered the daisey crown onto my head really gentley. i got my phone out to look in the camera what it looked like "This looks to cool, hold on" i quickly made a daisey crown that fit tubbos head. luckily it fit, "we are so swag" tubbo got his phone out and took a picture of us "oh yeah i forgot to ask?!" he said "shoot" "whats ur number so you constantly dont have to bang on my door?" "oh is ###########" "ok hollon tubbo saved my name under 'boo <3' "hold on whats ur fav animal that rhymes with boo?" "probably bee" okay i saved tubbos number down as 'bee <3"

After that, will came over "wacha guys up too?" wilbur said whilst smirking "daisey chains" tubbo replied "oh cool were all going on the roller coaster you guys coming?" "yeah!" tubbo said we both got up tubbo took my hand to drag me to the coaster and when we got there he didnt let go me and tubbo in 1 cart will and jack in the next cart and tom met one of his friends eryn so him and eryn were in the next cart. me and tubbo were at the back and yet he still hadnt let go of my hand it started and all i could think about is the small brunnete sat next to me he wouldnt leave my mind. the next thing i heard was "ranboo" "yea?" "i have a problem" "what?" "you wont leave my mind" i chucked "dont worry tubs you wont leave mine either :)" the ride ended we got off and decided to head home i dropped everyone off exept tubbo. after a 20 min ride we were both home and before i got out of the car "ranboo, today was the best day of my life" "awh why" he waited till he got to his door and said "no reason" he winked and walked in his house.


you likiing it? im liking it anyways 2 more parts out tomorrow!!!! 445 words

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