First Date <3

254 10 1

TW.//happiness (sorry bestie)//




                                                                Tubbos POV

we were still driving, it was now 25 mins past "how long is it going to be?" "not long now" "okay" i said and smiled, Ranboo put on some music and we carried on driving. around 10minutes later we arrived at the place, I had no clue where we were but Ranboo looked exited he grabbed my hand and started dragging me over too a field full of flowers, it was dark but i had Ranboo so I knew i was safe. He had a bag on his back full of whatever he had brought. he pulled out a large blanket and told me to sit while patting to the seat next to him, i sat down "where are we?" i asked, he soon replied "I'm not entirely sure" he said with a small giggle "i wanted to bring you somewhere nice, so i found this place and thought we could watch the stars or something" my face lit up and i slowly started going red at the fact he did this for me, i think he noticed because he started laughing, "do u like it?" "of course i do!" i blurted out, Ranboos face lit up he chuckled and said "I'm glad" he took more stuuf out the bag like food drinks and another blanket incase we got cold. i slowly started moving closer to Ranboo placing my head on his shoulder, he looked down at me and smiled then looked back up into the sky. around 20 minutes passes and we were now laid down with my head on Ranboos chest and our bodies in a right angle.

Ranboo was getting tired now and he started falling asleep but i quickly shot up because i seen a shooting star i quickly made a wish, and he woke up and groaned at my sudden movement, i apologised and laid back down, i slightly lifted my head to turn to him and said "hey boo? are you getting tired?" he replied in a croaky voice  "yes tubs I am, why? do u want to go soon?"  "not really its quiet peaceful here but its going to get cold soon and your tired so i was wandering if you wanted to go soon?" ranboo slowly sat up re adjusting my head placement to his lap and said "if you don't mind bee? but we can stay longer if u want" "no its alright we can go now" i said with a smile we both sat up and stretched before rolling the blanket up and heading back to the car. we got over to the car and i asked ranboo if he was okay to drive right now or if he wanted to wait? he said " yea ill be fine, get in the car so we can go back I'm so tired" I giggled and hopped into the passenger seat. we were about half way home and i broke the silence to ask ranboo a question "ranboo?" "yes tubbo?" "can i stay at your place tonight i have an idea but can we quickly go to the shop first?" "yea that's fine, what's the idea?" he said sounding a little confused "oh nothing much you will see" i said with a big grin on my face, ranboo just looked at me very confused and said "okay?" we got to the shop and by now it was al least 10:30pm, i told ranboo to wait in the car while i quickly run in, i asked if he needed anything he said no and i went into the shop. The first thing i grabbed was a 4pack  of coke, i grabbed some popcorn all the flavours because I didn't know what one ranboo liked, two chocolate bars and then went to pay. i payed for the stuff put everything in the bag and left the shop, i got into the car and we drove home. 

ranboos pov

we was driving home from the flower field when tubbo asked if he could stay mine because he had an idea, he then asked to stop at the shop i was a bit confused at first but went along with it. he went into the shop and i just scrolled through my phone while i waited for him. shortly after he came out the shop we were finally on our way home but i couldn't stop thinking about what tubbo might have planned, i seen through the clear plastic bag that he bought some snacks i wonder what he could be doing?

tubbos pov 

we soon got home and as ranboo got out the car is said "when we get in go get your pj's on and wait on the sofa" he agreed and i asked something again "boo also can i wear the pj's i wore the other day again tonight if you don't mind?" "yea that's fine tubs i really want to know what your up to so i'll be quick okay" "okay, don't worry its gonna be fun" he smiled and walked into his house, i grabbed my bag and followed shutting the door behind me.


SO BASICALLY CREDS TO @Takita_xo for writing this whole thing :))

word count- 866

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