new years partayy

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basically i am  stealing someones idea for the party and i forgot who wrote it ill try make it not so simalar incase there uncomfy with people stealing there ideas

                                                                         ranboos pov

i looked outside my house to see wilbur basically banging my door down cos he thought i wasnt answering i opened the window "DICKHEAD DONT BREAK MY DOOR ILL HIT YOU WITH MY CAR!!" "SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE IGNORING ME" i parked the car and went to talk to will "hey will!!" tubbo said in his cute cheery voice you could basically see wilburs heart melt "hey tubbs !" "anyways who's throwing the new years party" "will. its christmas eve ?" i stared at him blankly "yeah and its only 6 days away" "true ill plan it but im only inviting the group and there gfs yk" "yeah thats fine oh do you want me to bring alcohol?" "sure but only like apple sours maybe some Gin and tonic for dayna and sally techno's gf dosnt drink does she?" "techno and his gf are bringing themselves some red wine" "alrighty so bring whatever you want to drink 2 bottles of gin same with the tonic apple sours for anyone who wants not much to drink and tubs what do you drink?" "vodka and lemonade but get smirnoff its cheaper" "yeah i like vodka too so we'll share" i pulled out my wallet and gave wilbur 20 quid "split it that was a long list ill get the food and non alcoholic drinks i am gonna invite 2 children lol but there teens so it should b fine" "who are the teens?" will and tubbo stared at me "tubbo your dumb im not leaving lani by herself for a whole party she can come along with a friend" "Oh okayy ill tell her" tubbo messaged her. "WHAT THE FUCK" tubbo screamed and started typing faster "What? what she told you?" "SHE HAS A GIRLFRIEND (remember this is an au) SHE'S BRINGING HER GF IM SUCH A PROUD BROTHER" "tubbo chill she's looking at you out the window" i waved "alright i gots to go sallys waiting" "oh will b4 you go" i went into my car grabbed a sack of gifts "here for you and sally" i passed them "wow thanks man" "you dont seem to have to see tommy and jack and techno on your way home do you?" "yeah i do why?" "give these to them they have labels" "alright will do byee" "addios!"

                                                                     A tImE SkIpPeROOoNy 

                                                                      (but skip it to like just b4 of the parte)

                                                                  tubbos pov 

lani was putting the final touches of makeup on herself and picking jewlery whilst we gosiped we were wearing



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