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This chapter is only like them being hungover and just a whole load off fluff after work ok? okkk





                                                                  Ranboos POV

i woke up to the sound of my alarm and tubbo moving around "morning darling~" is all i managed to say. Tubbo looked at me and smiled. despite the fact he had gone deep red he had changed the subgect "Ranboo where do you put your tablets" "oh the medicine cupboard in the kitchen, heres the key" i said in a groggy voice (i dunno if anywhere else in the world has this but uk normally have a medicine cupboard in the kitchen with a lock on it so that is what im like leaning towards.. yk?) "alright what abt your cups?" "if you just go down and sit on the sofa ill b down in a sec :)" (translation for you pisstake americans some of u are ok but its a sofa is cOuCh) tubbo headded downstairs whilst i brushed my hair (yk the picture of ranboos first outfit well thats what he looks like with the black and white yk ill just put the picture here 2 even the peircings. remember that bit it becomes really important.)

i walked down the stairs to see tubbo scrolling through twitter "hello boss man! ya took ur time my head hurts" he said annoyed "sorry bee" i made him a cup of coffee and gave him his tablets "hey we have work today dont we" tubbo asked "yeah but ...

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i walked down the stairs to see tubbo scrolling through twitter "hello boss man! ya took ur time my head hurts" he said annoyed "sorry bee" i made him a cup of coffee and gave him his tablets "hey we have work today dont we" tubbo asked "yeah but im only in for like 5 mins so they can see  who i am and do an interview so ill just wait around 4 you to finnish" he finished his coffee and went back to his house to get into his work clothes. seeing as though i didnt have them yet i wore this:

tubbo camme back in his work clothes:  (just say theres a bee on the bocket)

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tubbo camme back in his work clothes:  (just say theres a bee on the bocket)

we started to drive, we started talking about random things and came to the conclusion we were going to sign up for the same collage (there 16 uk law is finish education at 18 there on summer holidays)

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we started to drive, we started talking about random things and came to the conclusion we were going to sign up for the same collage (there 16 uk law is finish education at 18 there on summer holidays). we got to the work place tubbo and me walked into the staff bit "hello toby, and you must be.. ranboo if im correct" "yep thats me" "Ok ranboo follow me, Toby get started on some orders" me and the boss sat down at a table "so ranboo your here to apply for the counter job" "yep thats right" "and you start monday, correct?" "yeah" "are you in any relation to toby?" "neighbours/friends" "..thats not what the internet says.." "pardon?" (the boss is 18 lol thats how he knows) "oh on instagram, daynas story im her older brother" i quickly pull my phone and check daynas story, there was a video of me and tubbo kissing "fuck" i mumbled under my breath "sorry mate, ill get her to take it down, u should go tell toby." "yeah thanks :)" i walked to the kitchen and showed tubbo the video "dayna?" "yep" i said annoyed "its getting took down tho tubs" "okay OH YEAH the boss is daynas brotherr" "haha alright ill leave u too it" "bye boo" "bye bEe" i said and it made him laugh

                                                                                   tImE ✨SkIpPeRoOnY✨

we got back to my house and instantly tubbo got back into the clothes he wore too bed "ThErE cOmFy oK" we were both pissing ourselves with laughter but we calmed down and watched south park. i started to notice tubbo edging slightly closer to me every minuite  but i didnt say anything he ended up laying his head on my sholder and fell asleep.


yes this is short i am tired so more will b out this afternoon!!!!!!!!! word countttt: 688

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